
MCCM and Duneglider Books presents:

The Eye of Palpatine

Mark A.J. Cristobal


The Eye of Palpatine had been wrought in secret for a secret purpose, a mission that had been thwarted. It had lain sleeping in its remote screen of spinning asteroids in the heart of the Moonflower Nebula for thirty years, while the New Order that had planned that mission, armed the ship’s guns, programmed the Will’s single-minded control, had risen to power and then cracked apart under the weight of its own callousness, monomania, and greed. The Stormtroopers stationed on half a dozen remote worlds of the Rim had grown old and died. Palpatine himself had died, at his own dark pupil’s hand…

Luke stopped, carefully balancing on his staff, and picked up the lightsaber, then straightened and gazed up into that darkness again. He understood. Someone had ascended that shaft, thirty years ago. There had been two of them who’d made it onto the ship in the battered Y-Wing he’d found. One had taken the launch and left, probably arguing that reinforcements should be sought. The other had known, or guessed, that there might not be time before the ship jump to hyperspace to start its mission: that the risk was too great, the stakes too high, to permit the luxury of getting out of there alive. And that other had remained, to attempt to disarm the Will. The deadly enclosing grid seemed to grin, like pale, waiting teeth. “I’m sorry,” said Luke, very softly, to that waiting column of shadow. “I wish I could have been here to help you.”

She would have needed help.

Excerpts from Starwars: Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly (1995)

Prologue: Tales of the Super Weapons

 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sat alone in his Senate Office in the middle of the night. A pile of flimsy documents littered his table, data cards scattered even to the floor. The Clone Wars have been spreading fast across the Galactic Republic for the past year after the Battle of Geonosis. More and more star systems were being pulled by the Separatist Movement. The Jedi Order was becoming hard pressed in facilitating the various skirmishes throughout their borders.

Palpatine should be worrying about defenses but in truth he was planning ahead. He has commanded his contacts to pull a list of the best engineers, theoreticians, programmers, weapon designers, scientists and technicians to form a special team for his upcoming New Order.

Bevel Lemelisk was one of the first names to reach his desk, followed by Stinna Draesinge Sha and Nasdra Magrody and his top students. Palpatine gave a cursory look at their impeccable records and achievements. Yes. They will do well with his plans.

The hidden holographic communicator beeped. The tone was at the lowest decibel that not even in the dead silence can anyone hear of it unless one was gifted with a heightened sense of hearing, which mostly those only attuned with the Force could hear.

Palpatine casually typed on his console a series of commands that dimmed the lights and adjust the opaqueness of the transparisteel of his window. Then he donned on his black robe and covered his head with its hood before acknowledging the call.

The image of Count Dooku materialized before him in life size proportion.

“Lord Sidious, the rogue Jedi Master Djinn Altis and his apprentice discovered our facility in Da Soocha V after I left. They have wiped out the droid battalion stationed there. General Grievous had just left without my approval and he intends to destroy the two Jedi.” Darth Tyranus reported with his usual deep rumbling voice.

“Are the data within the facility intact?” Sidious queried.

“Fortunately yes milord, it has not been discovered at all.” Dooku nodded.

“Then it was of no consequences. Just have the facility moved someplace else and make sure this time no Jedi will stumble upon it. I thought I have told you to call off Grievous, that you should send him instead to Xagobah, and have him supervise our people there. Why was he still in that wretched moon? Put a leash on that one Lord Tyranus. I’ll deal with that meddlesome Master Altis and his apprentice myself.”

“As you command, milord.” Count Dooku bowed and severed the connection.

Palpatine dropped his hood and slumped back on his chair. He absently activated the miniature holoprojection of the Death Star, his pet project with the Trade Federation, the construction was scheduled after he secured the New Order, for the meantime, he must focus on a smaller but still gargantuan weapons project, one he could have made built faster in time for his finale of this Clone Wars sham of his. He browsed on the proposals from the think-tanks he recruited. His eyes settled on a particular design under the name of Stinna Draesinge Sha and Nasdra Magrody, the Eye of Palpatine. He reached for his comm and made a remote connection to an old friend in Bakura.

Chapter One: A Narrow Escape

24979 Galactic Year.

Year one of the Clone Wars.

A KDY Spearhead Shuttle emerged within Hutt Space territory. Its two passengers regarded the notorious star system with dread. The floating world that was Nal Hutta looked grim, uninviting and rotten from the outside a total contrast to its meaning which was Glorious Jewel, Master Djinn Altis knew from past personal experience that it was far worse from the inside. He felt the mixed anxiety, excitement and repulsion from his apprentice. Padawan Callista shuddered, her eyes round and expectant but her mind stayed sharp and alert.

“Hutt Space, so this is where you intend to celebrate my eighteenth birthday?” Callista frowned.

Master Altis laughed, “In fact I do. Nowhere else in the galaxy you would find such place.”

“I hear Gamorr was better. Or Pzob, for that matter” she retorted.

“At least they both stink.” Master Altis said as he eased the ship towards its moon Nar Shaddaa, it was more commonly known as the Smuggler’s Moon.

“Naboo was an ideal spot these days.” Callista trailed off.

“Come now my young Padawan, we have a work to do. After this, I promise I’ll take you to Naboo for a full week’s vacation.” Master Altis assured her.

“Why would the Separatist choose Hutt Space in the first place?” she asked.

“It’s fairly remote from Republic jurisdiction and the Hutts can be bribed to keep it their presence unknown at the right price. Come and let us go meet the hospitable people of the Smuggler’s Moon.” Master Altis said as their ship landed on a dilapidated small spaceport in the Corellian Sector.

“I thought Master Solusar would meet us here?” Callista asked as they leave the ramp and the murky smell of the moon filled their nostrils. She almost staggered at the stench.

“Let’s get a cab.” Master Altis waved on the passing Air Taxi and the two boarded it in silence.

“Where to?” the driver asked.

“Your call Master Solusar.” Master Altis smiled.

“You?” Callista gasped. She felt ashamed for not sensing the other Jedi Master.

“How about the Slug Hole, at least the stench is less there.” Master Solusar said as he piloted the vehicle through the labyrinthine maze of Nar Shaddaa.

 * * *

 “Are you sure he’s coming?” Master Altis asked for the tenth time as he emptied his mug of Alderaanian Ale.

“He’ll come.” Master Solusar answered but his eyes were fixed on the two Devaronian silently conversing by the bar.

“What’s wrong?” Callista asked as she regarded her jukka spiced stew with uncertainty.

“Wait here, I think I just saw someone familiar.” Master Ranik Solusar stood and casually walked towards the two Devaronian.

“Mischa, Isn’t it fancy seeing you here? Bartender, give them two more rounds each, I’m buying.” Ranik said. Mischa’s eyes widened in obvious but restraint fear while the other reached for his holster and eyed the human with total distrust.

“Mischa no longer work with old boss.” the scared Devaronian cringed.

“Relax Mischa, I’m off duty.” Ranik smiled.

“Likes of you don’t go off duty.” Mischa scowled but assured his companion that Ranik is clear. Reluctantly, the other’s hand left his holster and took the mug of ale offered by the cocky human.

“Technically I’m on vacation.” Ranik shrugged and took a sip.

“This no vacation spot.” Mischa countered dryly.

“Of course not. I’m just here for repairs, ship got busted after those pirates tried to run me down.” Ranik explained.

“You came here on a public cruiser.” the other snarled.

“So you’ve been watching me huh? Alright fine, you caught me, so what?” Ranik narrowed his eyes on the second Devaronian.

“You’re here for them. We’re not helping.” the second Devaronian started to leave dragging Mischa with him.

“One more step and you’ll never know what hit you.” Jedi Master Ranik Solusar snarled his voce suddenly getting icy. The unspoken threat hung in the air as the two Devaronian froze in their track. On the table, listening to them with enhanced senses, Master Djinn Altis and Padawan Callista also tensed, their hands hovering by the lightsabers hooked on their utility belt.

“Pogga the Hutt. Let’s go Mischa.” the other finally said and left. Mischa trailed after him without looking back at Solusar. The man shrugged then took his mug and walked back to rejoin his companions.

“That was easy.” Ranik said as he took a seat beside Callista.

“What was that about?” Callista frowned.

“Three Jedi trying to blend in on the Smuggler’s Moon while the Clone Wars rages across the stars, how coincidental could that possibly be? Mischa and his brother know we’re here for the rumored Separatists secret facility somewhere in Hutt Space.” Ranik winked at her.

“And who’s Pogga the Hutt?” Callista crossed her arms.

“Pogga the Hutt runs the information hi-way here in Nar Shaddaa while his cousin Durga the Hutt competes with Jabba and Jiliac’s control for the Outer Rim worlds. Anyways, Hutt politics are way too messy even for a Jedi. So let’s go find Pogga.” Ranik started to leave. Her Master also stood up but Callista remained seated.

“Wait a minute, aren’t we supposed to meet someone here?” she reminded them.

Master Altis smiled and looked at Master Solusar.

“Mischa and his brother were that someone.” Ranik said then cocked his head beckoning her to follow them.

 * * *

 Finding Pogga the Hutt was easy, getting in his villa was another matter.

“I am sorry young Masters, but Lord Pogga is not on Nar Shaddaa at the moment.” the old rusty C-1PO droid told them again and again.

“Where can we find him then?” Master Altis asked patiently.

“I am sorry young Masters, but Lord Pogga is not on Nar…” the droid’s repeated reply was interrupted by the opening of the villa’s gate and a massive bulk of a Hutt hovered out with a retinue of bodyguards. The convoy stopped as it passes the three Jedi and the Whiphid halted the group as he whispered to the giant Hutt.

Master Altis and Callista poised for danger but Ranik remained relaxed.

Then the Hutt boomed in his deep resonating voice and spoke in Huttese.

“Jedi Ranik Solusar! What brings you here on our humble dwelling? And these must be Jedi Djinn Altis and his Padawan?” the Hutt rumbled.

“Fortune smiles to the Besadii clan, Lord Aruk. We were just hoping to get an audience with your nephew, the esteemed Lord Pogga.” Ranik bowed. Altis and Callista made a hesitant bow as well.

“Ho hoh ho! Pogga just left. Maybe I can help you, that KDY Spearhead Shuttle looks brand new, perhaps a trade?” Aruk the Hutt said.

“What did he just said?” Callista asked.

“He wants your ship in exchange for Pogga’s location.” Solusar whispered.

“I think we could find Pogga on our own.” Master Altis answered.

“How about my taxi?” Ranik asked the huge old Hutt.

“How about the taxi plus all the credits in all of your pockets, the three of you.” Aruk countered.

Ranik held out his card key for the taxi and his pouch of credits. Master Altis and Callista gave theirs as well. The rest of their credits were still in the ship.

“Da Soocha V.” Aruk the Hutt boomed with a feral smile in his wide drooling mouth. Then they resumed their march and left the three Jedi.

“Da Soocha V then.” Jedi Master Ranik Solusar grinned.

 * * *

 “Are the two of you really sure you can take it from here?” Ranik asked.

“Yes Master Solusar. We can’t thank you enough for your time. I know you have other pressing matters to take care of.” Master Altis said.

“Alright, be sure to contact me if things get rough, I’ll be in Kashyyyk in three days. May the Force be with you two.” he saluted as the ramp began to close.

“May the Force be with you too.” Master Altis returned the salute.

 * * *

 Hutt Space, Da Soocha V. Their ship landed on an unpopulated region where the canyons were deep enough to hide their ship from all angles. Then they set out on foot.

According to the data Master Solusar transmitted to them as they left Nar Shaddaa, the small planet where hardly inhabited. Occasional nomads were scattered throughout the region minding their own and most recently, Separatist troops were rumored to have been coming and going in the northern region.

The two reached a dead end. Before them a vast chasm fell into unknown depth. There were no other path, either they turn back or they follow the rim to its either left or right and hope a trail or a bridge appears.

“What now.” Callista sat by the rim, her feet dangling on the precipice. Avian creatures left their nests for their hunt. The night was slowly setting in, unless they make camp now, nocturnal predators might find them appetizing.

“Master Yoda always says, in the absence of hope, one must create.” Master Altis said to her and closed his eyes. Callista felt her master reaching out to the avian creatures and then after a few moments, the largest pair came swooping towards them.

“Let’s go.” Master Altis said as he reached for the strong thick leg of the first avian while Callista did the same.

The creature squealed and grabbed Master Altis by the waist with his beak and wrest him off of its foot. Callista started to reach for her lightsaber when the avian she was holding did the same to her.

“Callista no!” she heard Master Altis shouted.

Then to her surprise, her master was thrown to the back of the creature where Master Altis reflexively hold on to the neck. She felt herself hurled on the broad leathery back of the avian and landed squarely on it.

“We’re flying!” she yelped.

“Happy birthday Callista.” her master shouted over the strong wind.

“This is great!” Callista exclaimed.

* * *

Night fell but the bright moon illuminated the vast panorama below and what they saw staggered them. Twenty Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleships were silently nestled on the rocky desert some ten kilometers from them. Behind those massive clusters were the mountain ranges. They spotted movements on the ground as Master Altis uses his macro binoculars. He saw hundreds of battle droids, tanks and assault vehicles. The unmistakable vessels of the Techno Union and the Banking Guild hovered above the cloudless sky.

“This is no ordinary CIS facility.” Master Altis gasped.

“It’s a Separatist Base!” Callista concluded.

They landed far behind the jutting rock cliff and bid farewell to their new friends. Then they decided to take a quick meal and a short nap before going forward.

Two hours later, Master Altis and Callista were darting from one rocky shadow to another past the looming Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleships. She and her Master were on the Battle of Geonosis, she personally escaped from being crushed by one of these ships back then after the Clone troopers concentrated their cannons on a departing globe ship. The memory of it sent shivers in her spine.

They took cover on one of the storage cart as Passel Argente, Poggle the Lesser, Viceroy Nute Gunray and Count Dooku strode by. Master Altis strained to listen to their hushed conversations.

“Can you assure the safety of the technical readouts we left in there Count Dooku?” Passel Argente asked.

“Even the Jedi will never find it inside. It is safe.” Count Dooku answered with annoyance like he has been saying it too many times already.

“And this Pogga the Hutt, can we trust him?” Viceroy Gunray inquired.

“No. Not as far as I can throw him. But then again, he can be the perfect fall guy for this operation, none of our names are in the main computers, all was listed under his vile organization. It will only appear as a private enterprise with intent of black mailing the Separatists.” Dooku said as he reached his ship.

The others went on to their own ships and they all departed.

“Why didn’t we take Dooku down?” Callista asked as they gazed at the receding fleet. They watched the Lucrehulk-class battleships departed leaving only a few contingents of battle droids for security.

“We are outnumbered. Most of all, it is not what we came here for.” Master Altis explained as he took interest on the contents of the storage cart.

“What are those?” Callista frowned as she gazed at the fist sized gadgets.

“G5 Thermal Detonators with timers. One of these can destroy half a block of Coruscant.” Master Altis smiled.

“Geez!” Callista whistled.

“I have a plan.” Master Altis said to her and they began to place the TDs in various key points. Then taking as many as they could they slip inside the underground facility.

“Let’s pay Pogga the Hutt a surprise visit.” the older Jedi said.

 * * *

 She and her master separated the moment they got inside the tunnel. Master Altis went straight to the patrolling battle droids and demanded audience to Pogga the Hutt while she went to find a terminal to study the schematics of the entire underground facility.

The data showed her that she was on the first level of the twenty level facility. The upper levels like where she was in down to the fifth were mostly storage and empty chambers, these area were lightly guarded so she easily managed to place the G5 TDs in key points without encountering any guards. Then taking another look on the data pad wherein she had downloaded the entire schematics of the facility, she started towards the sixth level where the engineering and technical rooms are located.

Master Djinn Altis stood before the repugnant Pogga the Hutt, his stench was overpowering within the confines of the sterilized chamber where the vile gangster chose to use as his office. The place was a stark contrast to its occupants who were unlike the clean office, the Hutt and his retinue of slaves, guards and others were filthy with a scent that would have made a rancor gag.

“Jedi Altis, what a pleasant surprise! I presume you already met Cradossk here?” Pogga puffed on his hooka, which was impractical in this type of room.

“Cradossk. How’s the Guild these days?” Altis greeted the old Trandoshan bounty hunter.

“Booming. Thanks to your war.” the reptoid snarled.

“I thought you never like working with Hutts?” Altis prodded.

“I still do. It’s just that I have a bounty here that they possess.” Cradossk took out the sack that covers the face of his captive and Master Altis recognized the young man. Geith!

“You know him?” Cradossk growled.

“Not personally.” Altis lied.

“Master Altis don’t worry about me! You must stop them! They must not succeed here! Destroy the lab!” Geith exclaimed and was silenced by the Trandoshan by firing a stun gun point blank on his side.

“What did he do?” asked the Jedi.

“We caught him spying here so I threw him to the dungeons then Cradossk came here telling me that Dolger the Hutt had placed a bounty on his head and that he is to be delivered to Coruscant. I have arranged for Cradossk to give me twenty percent of the bounty. Nothing that would concern a Jedi of your stature.” the Hutt explained.

“What will Dolger do to him?” Altis asked the Trandoshan bounty hunter.

“I’d like to stay and chat with you Master Altis but I have a hard merchandise to deliver.” Cradossk carried the unconscious young man out of the room.

“Where were we? Oh yes, Master Jedi what brings you here on my humble abode?” Pogga asked.

“Why are the Separatist here Pogga. Give me a straight answer.” Altis said threateningly without even making it sound like it.

“This is a legal enterprise. The Besadii are starting a new corporation that would produce medicine, which I think suited perfectly with the current state of our galaxy. You may regard us Hutts as vile and criminal but we do strive to make a difference. Our medicines will greatly help your wounded soldiers. We intend to produce advance bacta fluid that would rival Thyferra and break their monopoly. This is honest work for us Hutts Master Jedi, the presence of the Separatists is just pure business, they wanted to buy our corporation before we could even open. That was all.” Pogga soothed him.

“Somehow the words honest and Hutts don’t seem to belong in one sentence. Very well, if you are telling the truth then you would not mind me studying all of your files. All of it.” the Jedi Master said.

“Of course, of course, here… help yourself in my terminal console. Would you like some refreshments?” Pogga led him to a computer console by the corner.

“No tricks Pogga.” Djinn warned him before browsing on the computer.

He accessed files mostly what the Hutt has said, he saw legal contracts from various medical facilities, dozens of sponsorship and partnership from the Corporate Sector. There were even unsigned proposals for the Senate requesting contract for supplying medicines for their Clone Army. It all seemed legal, but all the more suspicious. Then he decided to dig deeper and test the cooperativeness of the Hutt.

“Where are the confidential files, I’d like to see them, if they are clean I give you my word that I will keep the knowledge to myself. And give me the passwords.” Master Altis turn from his chair to face the Hutt.

“But of course…” Pogga told him where to find the confidential files and entered the passwords that proved accurate. Then he began to read dozens of boring files about the Besadii Clan meeting discussing the Medical Enterprise from conception to distribution. But that was all he found out.

“All right Lord Pogga, I can’t believe I’m saying this but yes, you’re clean. If you want I will personally give the senate your proposal.” Master Djinn stood up.

“Not yet, the proposal needs more polishing. But thank you for visiting nonetheless.” Pogga nodded.

Then the Jedi’s comlink beeped and he switched it to his earpiece so she wouldn’t be overheard. “Yes?”

“Master, G5 TDs in place. And one more thing, I intercepted a tight beam relay call from where you are with a message from one of Pogga’s droids hailing General Grievous to handle the Jedi. I checked the range, Grievous’ fleet is on Ylesia and he replied that the Jedi must not leave until he arrive.” Callista reported.

“Thank you.” Master Altis leaped and ignited his emerald green lightsaber as the guards of Pogga opened fire on him.

“Callista get out now!” he called to her as he made his way out, the guards and the others went after him but as he took the lift tube he rolled five of his last thermal detonators set for five seconds.

The lift tube rocketed upward as the bombs exploded beneath it.

“I’m outside!” he heard Callista from his comlink as he himself got out from the vents on the other side. Triangulating her location, he began to long looping run towards his apprentice as he detonated the rest of the bombs.

 * * *

 Master Altis and Callista crouched low from the cover of the thick shrubbery. General Grievous and his fleet had arrived and he quickly dispatched an entire army of Battle Droids to search for the two Jedi intruders.

Altis ran the events in his mind, first he has been given the mission to investigate a questionable increase of Separatist presence in the Hutt System by Master Windu when the Korun took a surprise visit on their Academy ship Chu’unthor II, upon arrival on Nar Shaddaa, he and his Padawan made inquiries and later learned about Da Soocha V.

Since then they were hot on the trail of the construction of a secret facility, of what they never managed to find out when the alarms blared and they was forced to fight their way out of the tunnel.

“Master, what should we do now?” Callista asked, her sparkling gray eyes were punctuated by the random detonations of the bombs her master left in the facility. Her master had said that if they are not going to find out what it was for then they must settle on destroying it so that the Separatists may not use it again.

“Patience my young Padawan, I’ll get us out of here.” Master Altis smiled at his eighteen year old apprentice.

“Like what you said on Kathol Sector a year ago right?” Callista smirked.

“Hey, that was a good plan then…” Master Altis protested.

“Yeah right, especially the part when we got captured by Count Dooku afterwards.” she reminded him.

“I got us out before Dooku returned to question us!” Master Altis emphasized.

“I got us out remember. I’m the one who fit into the coolant tubes…” Callista countered.

“That my young Padawan is my idea.” Master Altis rolled his eyes then looked back at the thickening array of droids around them.

Master and apprentice looked at each other in silence.

“Any ideas?” Master Altis finally asked.

“Hey, you’re the Master.” Callista crossed her arms.

“And you’re the creative one.” Master Altis smiled.

“Now you’re talking.” Callista smiled back and leaned forward to see the droid army converging on their only way out. She craned her neck and estimated the numbers of the droids and their tanks. She saw their ship being inspected by General Grievous himself. Only the droid leader’s Cruiser was nearby. The explosions rocked the ground once more and the droids scrambled towards the burning underground facility. General Grievous was left alone for the time being.

“I have an idea.” Callista hissed and cocked her head to her master beckoning him to follow.

“Oh this should better be good. This I really got to see.” her master shot back as they moved slowly to the unsuspecting droid general.

 * * *

 “What made you think that you can defy a direct order?” the small blue hologram of Count Dooku admonished the droid general.

“The Jedi must not discover our activities here Count Dooku.” General Grievous defended himself.

“The order came directly from Lord Sidious. Would you like to explain that to him?” Count Dooku emphasized his last word.

“Fine! Where would you have me go?” Grievous coughed.

“Lord Sidious wants you on Xagobah to seal their allegiance to our cause. Do not wander this time General, I have pressing matters on Cestus. Asajj Ventress requires my personal supervision.” Dooku ended the conversation.

“Jedi poodoo!” General Grievous crushed the comlink with his quantum alloy hands and threw the useless device on the shrubbery then strode cursing back to his personal shuttle.

* * *

“Ouch! That good for nothing scrap…” Callista rubbed the sore on her forehead where the crushed comlink hit her.

“Compose yourself Padawan, we must move quickly.” Master Altis gave one last quick scan around them then darted noiselessly after the receding figure of General Grievous. Callista matched the pace of her master.

Grievous paused as Master Altis was about a couple of meters behind him. Then her Jedi sense kicked in as the tall cyborg whirled around, his cape billowing in the soft breeze and his metallic pair of arms split in two and igniting four lightsabers.

“General Djinn Altis, the Jedi poltergeist!” General Grievous snarled with contempt.

“General Grievous, you know I never did like that pet name you gave me.” Master Altis ignited his own green blade, speaking casually to his opponent like he was sitting comfortably on a tap café back on Coruscant.

Callista rolled and braced herself behind General Grievous, her calm breathing barely heard over the snap-hiss of her own blue lightsaber, her golden brown hair a mess.

“…and Padawan Callista! It’s always been a pleasure to see the urchin.” Grievous stretched out his arms, each pair facing the two Jedi.

“Tell me Grievous, what brews in Da Soocha V? Another experimental dish of your Count I presume?” Master Altis circled the droid general.

“Nice try. General Kenobi would have come up with a better pick-up line than that.” Grievous lounged and Altis easily parried it while at the same time Callista attacked forcing Grievous to pivot and block her blade providing a split second opening for Master Altis who took advantage of it at once. His green blade slips past the crossed blades of Grievous and severing his upper left arm. One lightsaber fell, including half of that droid arm.

Callista swirled like a tornado throwing one blade and slicing off the other in half. In just a few seconds, General Grievous was left with only one lightsaber against two.

“Better put your credits were your mouth is.” Callista grinned, her argent blade almost touching the face of General Grievous.

“Unfortunately my young Padawan, our friend here has no mouth at all.” Master Altis used the Force to snatch the remaining lightsaber from the cornered General.

“Oh he’s a Duros then.” Callista said as she led Grievous up on the ramp of his shuttle.

“Callista, Duros have no nose not the mouth.” Master Altis reminded her mildly.

“Oh.” The younger Jedi pouted.

“As much as I enjoy your show…” Grievous began to say but in a blur of brown robe, Master Altis moved with precision and dismantled the hiding battle droids in the corridor and on the left panel. Callista reached for an ion blaster from the racks inside the panel and fired on General Grievous. The huge cyborg fell like a toppled tower on the pavement, his eyes blazing with rage, unable to speak.

“That was easy.” Master Altis shrugged.

“Uh, Master…we’d better go…” she started to say and as if to back her up, a number of blaster fire sizzled past them from the outside.

“Close the hatch!” Master Altis darted towards the cockpit as Callista raised the ramp and arduously dragged the very heavy lump of metal scrap called General Grievous.

Callista was placing the prisoner on a ray shield when the shuttle lifted and went to orbit. Dozens of droid star fighters went after them but being General Grievous’ personal shuttle it was adequately shielded and heavily armed.

An hour later, they were on hyperspace towards Coruscant with the most valuable prisoner-of-war next to Count Dooku.

“How’s your bump?” Master Altis asked as he took a sip of his hot Alzoc Tea.

“Better than General Groovy there.” Callista winced as her master touched her sore wound. “Hey cut it out! It’s doing fine without you prodding on it.” she snapped.

“I think you are ready my young Padawan.” Master Altis said seriously instead.

“Hey, what’s this all about.” she asked. “Is there anything wrong?”

“Why would you ask that? I just said you were ready.” Master Altis avoided her eyes.

“Come on Master, you can’t lie like that to me you know. Your eyes give you out.” she said, touching her master’s chin affectionately and gently moved his face to face her.

“You know attachment is forbidden. But to be honest with you, of all the Padawan I have trained, you were the most promising, and the closest to me. You’re like a daughter I never had, I will never have.” he sighed.

“And I am very grateful for that. The fact that you brought me to the Chu’unthor II despite being already five years old and with clear memories of my life back in Chad. The fact that you convinced Masters Yoda, Tyvokka and Windu from accepting me in the Order and for the fact that despite the strict regulations you were often lax and measured when it comes to me. I also love you my Master. No Padawan would have a better second-father than me.” she said with a smile.

“Thank you Callista. Once we return to Coruscant, I will request to the Council for your Knighthood. You deserved it.” he said to her.

“But I still have much to learn…”

“As all Jedi are, even Master Yoda. Yes, Callista, you are ready.” he said with finality.

* * *

General Grievous’ main circuits went down upon contact with the ion blast but his secondary back-up system instantly turned on. He was already fully operational before Callista even dragged him to the ray shield platform. After she closed the blast door, General Grievous stood up, deactivated the ray shield from his control console embedded on his right arm and activated his Nubian beacon.

Then he listened through the computer port and confirmed his suspicion that he was being brought to Coruscant. He then took out his holo comm and contacted the nearest Separatist Fleet. After an hour, an answer finally came.

“General Grievous.” a man answered.

“Lord Thodan. What a surprise.” Grievous coughed.

Lord Cai Thodan was a self proclaimed Sith Lord who kept on putting himself involved with the affairs of Darth Sidious and Count Dooku. The two Sith Lords would have dealt with him but after he insisted on listening to his offer in private the two finally accepted him and gave him his own fleet to command. For the moment, Count Dooku openly told Grievous that Thodan must not be trusted. He practically came out of nowhere with no records at all. Even Darth Sidious was suspicious of his intent and most of all his origin. But an offer was given and the two accepted it. Whatever it was, it was not for him to know, for the meantime, any help at all would suffice.

“Have a lock on my ship’s vector and bring it out of hyperspace at once.” Grievous ordered.

“Tracking, there… you are currently on the Perlemian Trade Route, we’re on the Rosche Asteroid area just ahead of your path and we are now powering the Interdictor Ship. Hold tight.” Lord Thodan answered looking down on his console.

Moments later alarms sounded, the deafening klaxons filled the entire shuttle. General Grievous dashed for his pod while Master Altis and Callista, unaware of his escape were busy trying to silence the alarms and figure out where they were and what caused the ship to pull out of hyperspace.

A new set of alarms filled the cockpit, Master Altis checked the cause. “Escape pod has jettisoned itself!” the Master hissed.

“Grievous!” Callista gritted her teeth as she checked the other alarm. What she saw shocked her at the same time her senses alerted her of danger.

“Master! Separatist Fleet!” she gasped.

Master Altis stared in horror at the converging fleet coming out of hiding from the Rosche Asteroids, ten capital ships with sixteen droid warships and far behind a single bulky cruiser whose design and purpose was new to the Jedi. Hundreds of droid star fighters emerged from the docking bays of the warships and began to close in on them in their formation. The pod continued to cruise towards the incoming enemy ships.

“We can’t fight them all!” Callista cried out.

“We can’t jump either! Something’s messing with the hyperdrive, probably that new ship at the back of the fleet!” Master Altis grimaced as he tried to use the sublight engines to flee.

“I can take the gunwale!” Callista started for the turret.

“Belay that! Contact Kashyyyk!” Master Altis said.

“Hailing!” Callista announced then the shuttled rocked violently and the lights went off and came back again, more alarms blared. “What was that?”

“Direct hit, I think they got our main thrusters.” Master Altis said then saw something tumbled at the edge of their viewport. “What was that?” he frowned.

“Our main thrusters?” Callista shrugged.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Master Altis muttered under his breath as he wrestled the secondary thrusters to obey.

“Tell me about it…” Callista was interrupted by a bleep from the comm. “Master, they are hailing us.” she called out.

“Patch it through.” Master Altis hissed as he yank the controls.

“Master Djinn Altis. Callista.” a familiar image appeared in the holoprojector.

“Master Sora Bulq.” Master Altis answered dryly.

“I believe you have a damaged ship, may I offer some assistance?” the former Jedi Master inquired casually.

“Cut the act Master Bulq. It was your fighters who attacked our shuttle, not to mention drag us out of hyperspace.” Altis sneered.

Another image appeared, this one human but unfamiliar, he was cloaked like a Sith. “Actually the dragging part was my idea.” the second one spoke.

“And you are?” Altis frowned.

“Lord Cai Thodan, former Jedi Master.” he said.

“Never heard of you.” Altis snorted then returned to regard the Dark Jedi.

“Count Dooku cannot permit you to return to Coruscant Master Jedi. Unfortunately, you have to stay with us indefinitely as our guests.” Master Bulq said.

“Indeed.” Master Altis crossed his arms and remained silent. Callista stepped behind him her eyes imploring.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Expect a boarding company in half an hour.” Master Sora Bulq’s image faded. Thodan remained, watching.

“What do you want?” Altis glowered.

“I like her.” Thodan winked at Callista.

“Maybe you’ll like this!” Callista ignited her blue lightsaber.

“Now I really like her.” Thodan gave a lopsided grin and severed the connection.

“What now.” Callista slumped back on her co-pilot’s chair.

“Patience.” Master Altis sat back also then closed his eyes to meditate.

“Somehow I knew you’re going to say that.” she cupped her hands on her jaws and stared out at the Rosche Asteroids.

* * *

“General Djinn Altis, Jedi Master.” Lord Cai Thodan ushered the two prisoners to the command bridge of the Droid Cruiser Bereavement. A group of Assassin Droids, Droidekas and Super Droids surrounded them, the entire command bridge were crewed by droids as well. As for General Grievous there was no sign of him.

“I’d like to return the greeting but I really don’t know who you are.” Master Altis said. Callista crossed her arms and regarded the host with contempt. She was most upset when their lightsabers were confiscated by the droids.

“As I’ve said earlier in the comm I am Lord Cai Thodan, former Jedi Master.” Thodan snapped, clearly annoyed. A minute smile crept at the face of Master Altis.

Master Sora Bulq stepped forward, “What brings you here in the Rosche System my old friend?”

“Former old friend Master Bulq, and don’t play with me, you know where we came from and you know why we are here.” Altis snorted.

“Lord Thodan here wishes to hold you for ransom to the Jedi Order or even to the Senate, by I personally believe that would not be wise. First, it would reveal our presence here, and second, the Jedi do not deal with such bargains.” Master Bulq said.

“Be done with it traitor.” Altis growled.

“Your fate will be decided once General Grievous returned from repairs and Count Dooku makes contact in an hour. For the meantime, have a nice stay on our guest room.” Master Bulq smiled coyly.

Four Assassin droids escorted them out of the command bridge and took them to a turbo lift down to the detention cells. Lord Thodan followed them.

“Separate the girl. Take her to my quarters.” Lord Thodan commanded.

“Don’t you even dare touch her!” Master Altis rose to his full height towering over the Sith Lord.

“What can you do?” he gave that same wicked smile that unnerve most sentient.

“Get off of me! Where are you taking me?” Callista struggled from the vise grip of the two droids. Two others were behind her aiming their blasters. Thodan strode on the lead.

“Relax young lady. You’re in good hands.” Lord Thodan laughed.

* * *

General Grievous rejoined Lord Thodan and Master Sora Bulq on the command bridge half an hour later. Callista was unconscious and heavily sedated in Lord Thodan’s personal quarters while Master Djinn Altis sat cross legged on the duracrete flooring of his cell meditating. The holographic image of two Sith Lords appeared on the bridge.

“Report.” the smaller Sith demanded.

“We have General Grievous with us now. He hailed Lord Thodan’s shadow fleet, his captors Master Altis and his Padawan were now our prisoners and awaits your orders.” Master Bulq said.

“I told you to go straight to Xagobah, General Grievous!” the taller Sith Lord snapped.

“I didn’t get that last order clearly. I thought you say to go to Xagobah after Da Soocha V.” Grievous lied.

“Enough, where is Master Altis?” Darth Sidious asked.

“Detention Block Cell 188.” Lord Thodan answered.


“Yes, milord.” Lord Thodan bowed.

“Fools! Do any of you have any idea what he’s capable of? Master Bulq?” Darth Sidious growled, not a good sign for them all. Grievous took a step back while Sora Bulq visibly flinched before answering.

“He’s good with telekinesis… but…” Master Bulq hesitated.

“He is not good with telekinesis! He’s the Master of telekinesis…” Darth Sidious snarled then a powerful explosion threw them all on the pavement. Alarms blared and the ship tilted dangerously off starboard.

“Status report!” General Grievous shouted.

“Droid Cruiser Happenstance fired at us sir!” one of the droid crew answered.

* * *

Callista, wake up.

Her eyes snapped open at once, then her head spun as dizziness took over her consciousness, at first she thought she’d blacked out again but as she tried to steady herself her internal balance reoriented itself. She tried to recall what happened to her.

She looked around her, she wasn’t in a cell block, it was a clean room with hardly a touch of décor at all. Then on the cabinet she saw a Sith robe.

Then everything came back to her. Lord Thodan took her to his private quarters using the Force to convince her to offer herself freely to him and became his mate. It took all of her strength in the Force to resist the overpowering mind control the Sith was putting her in. Then out of frustration he injected her with a sedative that rendered her unconscious.

She tampered the security lock and then looked for a terminal wherein she inquired for the location of their confiscated lightsabers. After memorizing the schematics that leads her to the evidence room, she went for it hurriedly.

The evidence room was on the lower deck and she hardly encountered anyone, even droids. Then the entire ship rocked. She felt once again the pull of her Master.

Hurry! The voice of Master Altis implied.

Yes Master. She thought wryly. Then she reached the evidence room and again sliced through the codes and entered, she instantly found the two lightsabers unceremoniously placed on the nearest table from the door. Wasting no time she scrambled out of the area towards the detention cells to save her Master.

The disorienting bombardment from the outside slowed her down as the lights and inertial compensators of the entire ships turned on and off at irregular intervals.

When she reached the cell of her Master, she used her lightsaber to cut through and by the time she managed to cut a hole big enough for a human to pass, her Master was already on his feet, but his glazed eyes were distant as if contesting with an unseen enemy light years away.

She pulled out her Master and guided the half stumbling semi-conscious man out of the detention area towards the nearest hangar bay. The first one she reached were full of inanimate droid star fighters, the moment she and her Master left another explosion sounded to close. After a few minutes she reached the second hangar bay wherein a crew shuttle equipped with hyper drive was being prepared by droids.

Igniting her blade she leaped summoning the Force to elevate her jump higher and guide her so that she landed exactly in the midst of the cluster of repair droids. The startled defenseless droids were sliced in one sweeping motion. Then Callista went for her Master and half carried him into the ship.

Inside she strapped him securely on the co-pilot’s chair while she began to start the shuttle for take-off and punched the coordinates of Coruscant on the navicomputer. A series of bleeps confirmed the shuttle’s readiness and a green light flashed above indicating that the jump has been calculated and set. Then she was piloting the shuttle out of the Droid Cruiser, the chaotic battle of the Shadow Fleet astounded her, Master Altis was doing all of it, controlling every vessel he could reach out, manipulating them into firing each other. The rest were automated, once the computers of the individual Droid Cruisers marked the other as hostile, automated defensive protocols would take over, no need for further manipulation for Master Djinn Altis. The rest will finish the job for him.

They were hailed by Bereavement but she ignored them. The stars streamed on the viewport as they entered the hyperspace towards the safety of Coruscant.

* * *

“Incoming call from Happenstance sir!” another yelled as another explosion rocked them.

“This is Captain Rego! It was not our doing! The cannons are being override remotely by an unknown source!”

“Deal with it.” Darth Sidious spat and he and Count Dooku’s hologram vanished.

“Get Altis!” Master Bulq barked.

Then another blast this time from another Droid Cruiser fired on them. Moments later the entire Shadow Fleet of Lord Thodan were firing at each other.

The comm buzzed.

“Master Bulq, the Jedi was not in his cell!” the droid reported.

“Surveillance!” General Grievous commanded.

“Sir, the two prisoners were on the hangar!” came the report.

“Seal it!” Lord Thodan shouted.

“Servos jammed!” another droid announced.

“Dispatch the star fighters!” Master Bulq ordered as another violent tremor shook them off their feet.

“Fighter bay’s been blocked by debris!” the droid said.

“Shield’s down to twenty percent!”

“To the pods!” Grievous called out as he himself darted out of the command bridge.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Lord Thodan shouted repeatedly as he followed Master Bulq and General Grievous.

“Count Dooku will not be pleased at all.” General Grievous growled at Master Bulq.

“You’d better be worried about Darth Sidious himself not being pleased at us.” the Dark Jedi retorted as the three of them entered the pod, strapped in and escaped.

As the entire Shadow fleet destroyed each other, a shuttle flew out from Bereavement and jumped into hyperspace. Callista was piloting the ship while her Master was in deep concentration. The moment they made the jump, his master broke contact and slumped back on the co-pilot’s chair in exhaustion.

“I got us out right?” he said after a while.

“I got you out.” Callista shot back with a smile.

* * *

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Senate was in a really bad mood. Such state causes the entire Senate Staff to get edgy, as if everyone was doing their best to remain small and inconspicuous. The calm demeanor of the Supreme Chancellor was such a trademark that whenever he was in this rare bad mood, people around him felt lost and do not know how to proceed with their daily tasks.

Mas Amedda, the Chagrian advisor seems to be the only one unperturbed by his boss’ tantrums, aside of course to the six Jedi Masters who just entered his office led by Master Yoda himself.

Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Quinlan Vos, Luminara Unduli, Shaak Ti, Saesee Tiin and Ranik Solusar who just arrived from Kashyyyk stood patiently by the door as the Supreme Chancellor vent his anger on someone in the holoprojector.

“What do you mean there was no facility found in Da Soocha V? That is impossible! And who gave you the authority to dismiss the Jedi assigned to oversee your raid? No, Commander Tarkin, I will not have it. Recall Master Pergrim and his apprentice back there, I want them leading the operation, not you!” the former Naboo senator seethed.

“Yes Supreme Chancellor.” Tarkin bowed, unfazed by the rage of his superior.

Palpatine made an elaborate sigh as he slumped back on his high chair. He closed his eyes while his fingers rubbed his temples. Then after another sigh he slowly opened his eyes and nodded with a weak smile on the six Jedi Masters waiting for him.

“Forgive me Master Jedi. I’m sorry if I have lost my composure.” Palpatine apologized sincerely.

“Not needed, to apologize. Hard it is indeed, to supervise a war.” Master Yoda said as he made his way to a small chair personally allotted for him, setting down his gimmer stick on his lap he turn to regard his companions.

“To what I owe this honored visit Master Yoda?” Palpatine inquired politely.

“News of Da Soocha V raid, reached our ears has. Troubling it is that nothing was found. More troubling it is that no word from Master Altis and his Padawan we’ve had.” Master Yoda said.

“Master Dol Pergrim contacted us, he said he and his apprentice came there and saw Trade Federation droids leaving the vicinity. They also found the wreckage of Master Altis’ Republic Cruiser, their entire 153rd Battalion dead. It was a clear mop-up job. We still have no word from Master Altis and his Padawan so Master Pergrim wishes to ask for your authorization to allow him to do his job without interference.” Master Windu explained.

“You may already have heard what I said to Commander Tarkin.” Palpatine said.

“But will the commander do as told? This Tarkin has a standing record in the Republic Navy for defying direct orders, especially for non-human superiors. Though you are human, Master Pergrim is a Chagrian.” Master Quinlan Vos said.

“Very well, contact Master Pergrim. I’ll speak to him myself.” Palpatine waved his hand in approval.

“There is one more matter we would like to discuss with you your Excellency.” Master Vos said looking at Master Saesee Tiin.

“What would that be?” the old man sighed.

“I attended the Senate hearing earlier, and a particular proposal caught my attention, something about a Super Dreadnaught project for remote rescuing and defense. The details of the project seemed dangerous and hazardous.” Master Tiin said.

“A Super Dreadnaught project? May I know who was the proponent of this scheme?” Palpatine glanced at Mas Amedda and the Chagrian punched some codes on his data pad and read aloud from it.

“Proposed Project codename Eye of Palpatine. Proponent is Senator Armand Lavin of Bakura.” Mas Amedda said.

“Have the details of the proposal on my console. Yes, thank you.” Palpatine leaned forward to read the details of the project. “By the Force, it’s fully automated by A.I., where on the Republic worlds does Senator Lavin think he could get the necessary A.I. technology to support such massive warship?” Palpatine gasped.

“Troubling it is.” Yoda nodded.

“More troubling was that Senator Armand Lavin is a family friend of Count Dooku. The Dooku and Lavin family have been friends since the earliest days of the Republic.” Shaak Ti added.

“Is it now? Yes, of course… Master Yoda, I cannot interfere the voting for this project without evidence substantial enough to deny its proper funding once it was approved. Can you obtain it?” Palpatine regarded the small green Jedi.

“Assign a Jedi to investigate, we will.” Yoda finally said.

“Thank you for your time Chancellor Palpatine. We will leave you now with your own duties while we discuss these on the Council.” Luminara Unduli bowed as the six Jedi Masters began to leave.

Mas Amedda ushered them out of the office, after a few final remarks he closed the door and sat near the table of the Chancellor.

“Will they suspect?” Mas Amedda asked in concern.

“They already do. Our job is to mislead them. We at least needed the project up and running before they could close it down.” Palpatine said then gave a knowing nod on his aide.

Mas Amedda stood, bowed and left. After a few moments Palpatine dowsed the lights and closed the transparisteel window and done his Sith robe.

The image of Count Dooku appeared.

“We have much to discuss Lord Tyranus.” Darth Sidious hissed.

“Yes milord.” Count Dooku replied.

“The Council have requested for the investigation of the Super Dreadnaught. Even Master Altis found nothing and Master Pergrim is likely to learn nothing, the next Jedi who will investigate the project might find out more. Make sure they get the wrong idea.” Darth Sidious said.

“Yes Master…” Dooku hesitated.

“Yes. What is it?” Darth Sidious frowned.

“Master Altis and his Padawan escaped. The entire Shadow Fleet on Rosche Asteroid Field was destroyed. Only Master Bulq, General Grievous and Lord Thodan managed to escape. They are here now with me on Contruum.” Dooku reported.

“Deal with them in your own terms, just makes sure the true nature of the project will not be revealed to the Jedi.” Darth Sidious snorted.

“As you command, milord.” Dooku’s image faded.

Palpatine rubbed his eyes then made another call.

* * *

Belsavis. Jedi Master Zin Oukyn landed his Frigate with ease and then punched in the intercom and called out to his passengers.

“Attention, we have reached and landed on our destination. Prepare for the unloading procedures.” he said then made one last look at the horizon.

I have to do this.

Jedi Master Zin Oukyn is a Gotal. It was rare among his species to become Jedi for they were genetically sensitive to the presence of the Force, their horn like protrusions in their head serves as an antenna dedicated to sense ambiance, moods and it was often dampened or messed up by the Force strength above normal life form. In short, Gotals don’t do well with Jedi, Sith or any order that is strong in the Force. His was an exception, since he was conceived the town where his parents lived experienced that typical disturbance sensed only by their horns, many of them had left to live elsewhere and those who stayed got dizzy or sick. When a local doctor tracked the source on his mother’s womb they transferred her on the Orbital Medical Facility wherein she stayed for the duration of her birthing. The Jedi Order was contacted and Master Yoda himself along with Master Dooku and his new apprentice Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn came during the birth of Zin Oukyn. The child was thoroughly tested by the Jedi and they concluded that he was a Force-adept.

His mother was too spent to decide so it was his father who spoke to Master Yoda in private, after that the Jedi left, taking the infant with them.

Padawan Zin Oukyn excelled in his studies and training. Master Yoda saw his potential and discussed his early advancement with the Council. At the age of ten, Padawan Zin Oukyn was allowed to be trained for apprenticeship. Jedi Master Sora Bulq became his Master and the great swordsman discovered a very useful talent that the young Gotal possesses. Precognition.

During the ruse between the Trade Federation and the Naboo, Padawan Oukyn predicted that the Sith was behind it. Master Bulq dismissed it stating that the Sith has been extinct for a millennia. After the debacle on Naboo and the death of Master Qui-Gon Jinn, word spread from the Council and to the Senate aides of Naboo that two Sith Lords were involved, one of which had been killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

This piqued the interest of Master Sora Bulq who was that time spends more time with Master Dooku who in part had left the Jedi Order and were openly questioning the Republic‘s integrity and revealing their corruption, a few years after that he received his Knighthood and he and his Master was contacted by Master Jorus C’baoth requesting for them to join his Outbound Flight Project. By that time, Master Bulq was already in-league with Master Dooku and refused. Oukyn felt he has more to do here than elsewhere so he also declined.

Then when Master Dooku started to establish the Confederation of Independent Systems, Master Bulq joined him.

Jedi Knight Zin Oukyn devoted his time on stopping every scheme his former master and Count Dooku tried to start. Then the Clone Wars broke, he was among the few who survived the Battle of Geonosis, his exceptional performance there and his rescue of three wounded Jedi Masters elevated him to Master.

He concentrated on hunting down every Dark Jedi like his former Master that joined the Separatists. He even fought against Asajj Ventress once and barely survives. Time and again his former Master tried to recruit him to no avail. He knew Count Dooku would greatly profit from his special ability.

One night in his sleep a profound vision came to him. The Jedi Order wiped out by the Sith thus ending the Clone Wars as well as the Republic itself. Two Sith Lord, one from the Senate itself and the other from the Jedi Council itself.

This vision bothered him greatly and he was forced to leave the Order, not knowing whom to tell and who to trust. It shook him to the core, to know but not know exactly who were the Sith within the Senate and within the Jedi Council.

He began to make his own investigation, studying every single Master in the Council from Master Yoda to the newly instated Masters. Most of them were his friends and could not for the Force imagine them going over.

Confused, he turned to the Senate and found it more difficult. But then he narrowed his list to those who were most involved in the Clone Wars, Senators Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, Armand Lavin, Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma and so on but most of them were real loyalists. Those who opposed the Republic had already left and joined the Separatists. He could not think of one.

Thinking long and hard he came to the decision to save the Order himself. He made some arrangements to acquire a massive frigate that could carry as many people as he could then he began to work within the Temple, convincing old friends to believe him and come with him and keep their activity a secret.

After a long arduous work of convincing as many Jedi Masters and Knights as he can, he finally listed enough numbers to come with him in the ship.

He named the frigate Lost Pilgrims.

Ten Masters, sixteen Knights, sixty five Padawan learners, forty three Force-adepts who were not allowed to be trained because of the age limit, they all boarded the Lost Pilgrims in secret. Destination unstated, yet.

If my vision proves correct then at least I have managed to save some from our Order and could begin anew. If I was wrong, we can always go back. Master Oukyn said to himself, trying to convince that he made the right choice.

As a Padawan, Master Bulq had often told him stories about the old adventures of the Jedi one of which was about Master Plett, a Ho’Din who saved several Masters and Knights from an enemy by taking them on a far away world. Master Qui-Gon Jinn, also a friend of his Master gave the same tale with a different version. That Master Plett had come to Belsavis and began the Terraforming of the world by introducing new breed of plant life and building his own garden there. Master Jinn had told him that according to the stories, Master Plett dug tunnels where any Jedi in need of sanctuary or help may find refuge in Belsavis. Whose version was real he may never know, but one thing is for sure, Belsavis will be their new home.

Before leaving the Lost Pilgrims, he and his people changed clothes, they discarded their Jedi robes and tunic, they all burned it on the incinerators, and they changed into ordinary garments worn by almost anyone in the galaxy. Master Oukyn spoke to the head of Belsavis whom he convinced that they were pilgrims who seek refuge and would like to occupy Plettwell, the villa of Master Plett.

A few nudge in the Force and Republic credits paved their way with ease.

They started to settle in, and they used the Force to turn away those who were curious to observe their activities. Plettwell became secluded. Locals began to whisper strange tales about the Jedi who lived in there. Master Oukyn felt good, as if he finally did something really right this time. In the course of time as the Code was remembered but faded in practice, the Jedi refugees began to have their own family. Master Oukyn finally felt at peace, not knowing that in a year or so, before the end of the Clone Wars, he will realize his fatal mistake.

* * *

Master Yoda and the Council have returned to the Temple and into the Council Chamber to discuss what to do with the questionable Eye of Palpatine project.

“I do not trust this Senator Armand Lavin. Bakura is in the edge of the Outer Rim, with no strategic and military value. They were well out of the war zone. Count Dooku is his personal friend as their own families goes back far to their ancestry. Though Serenno is halfway across the galaxy from Bakura, the two worlds have maintained an equilateral partnership in trade. I must say, whatever motive this Senator has, I doubt it is for the greater good.” Mace Windu started to say.

“Careful we must on what we say. Swallow it hard if proven wrong.” Master Yoda closed his eyes.

“Why name it the Eye of Palpatine? If the Chancellor himself denies knowing anything of its existence, why would he let his name be used?” Master Shaak Ti said.

“A good question. According to this proposal, this Super Dreadnaught will be equipped with advance Seinar Automated Programming from the monitoring of room temperatures, to remote controlling of facility and repair droids to targeting computers and navicomputer.” Master Saesee Tiin added.

“I am not aware that Seinar has already released that technology, last I heard it was still being tested to avoid the A.I. to fully taking over rendering manual override useless.” Master Luminara Unduli agreed.

“Plus such automated style sounds like a Separatist ship to me.” Master Plo Koon nodded.

“And we do not have the Shipyard with production capabilities that the Super Dreadnaught requires to be built. Either of Kuat, Sluis Van or Sullust have that technology. Only the Techno Union can build such automated monster ships.” Master Ki-Adi-Mundi reminded them.

“In the first place, why would we need such a ship at all? True, the Clone Wars are stretching both the Jedi and the Republic’s sources but we can do without it. The war is galaxy wide but even the Separatists could not cover the entire galaxy. We have fresh supplies of Clone Troopers almost weekly, our armada is at its peak production, and this project of Senator Lavin has so many holes I doubt it would even work.” Master Stass Allie said.

“Could the Chancellor be really involved? Having his name on the Project itself would raise a lot of eyebrows, and why would he deny it to us?” Master Agen Kolar frowned.

“If to distrust our Chancellor, careful we must be.” Master Yoda warned.

“Master Yoda is right. We cannot have more dissention within the Republic, nevertheless we still have to tread carefully on this one. Is Master Kenobi back from Ord Cestus?” Master Windu asked.

“No. Master Fisto had called earlier. He said they are still trying to settle the issue back there.” Master Saesee Tiin shook his head.

“How about Jedi Skywalker?” Master Shaak Ti asked.

“He’s on the Temple, we can ask him.” Master Ki-Adi-Mundi nodded.

“No. He can’t do this alone, not yet.” Mace Windu waved his hand in dismissal.

“We must decide now, in two weeks the Senate will vote for the approval of the project. Not to mention we have a war to conduct, already I received several reports of battle in various points in the Outer and Inner Rim between our army and the Separatists.” Master Ki-Adi-Mundi said glancing at his data pad. “This may be our last council meeting in the flesh for the following months.”

“And we also have a report that several Jedi Masters, Knights, Padawan learners and even some Temple employees were missing, there is also a report that Master Zin Oukyn left Coruscant yesterday…” Stass Allie started to add.

Then the door light beeped and a Jedi Knight called from the intercom.

“Masters, I am sorry to interrupt you but Master Djinn Altis and his Padawan is here and wishes to speak with you.” the Knight said.

“Let them in.” Master Windu gave the other Masters a knowing smile.

Chapter Two: The Proponent’s Plot

Bakura is a remote world of aristocrats and academics in here Senator Armand Lavin and his son Admiral Artemis Lavin were born, grew up and became the men they are now.

The father and son sat on the conference table prepared by their people as they await for the arrival of their honored guests; the brains behind the state-of-the-art, complex, automated Super Dreadnaught.

A holoprojector and a projection platform were installed at the head of the table. For the moment the shimmering blue hologram showed only an empty chair. Somewhere in the Core, a hidden observer was on stand-by behind the range of the projector.

The chime sounded and a pair of human servant opened the tall hinged metal door. The presence of human servants is a symbol of wealth in the general populace across the galaxy. Clone Troopers strode in, about ten of them. Behind trailed several odd looking collection of technocrats.

The usher introduced the guests to the two Lavins.

“Senator, Admiral, I present to you Bakuran Senior Senator Orn Belden, Commander J56-V3 or Jayvee and his 181st Battalion, and these are Nasdra Magrody, Bevel Lemelisk, Ohran Keldor, Stinna Draesinge Sha.” said the usher.

The guests took their respective seats and the holo winked out then reappeared a moment later, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was already seated there from his office in Coruscant

“Orn, surprised to see you here.” Palpatine’s image regarded and whispered to the governor, “I heard you were elected to succeed Armand’s Republic Senatorial post in two years.”

“I’m still a candidate Your Excellency. There are two other deserving would-be-successors.” Orn blushed.

“Oh you’ll get it Orn. No question about that.” Palpatine smiled then nodded at Senator Armand Lavin.

“Ladies and gentleman, the Supreme Chancellor.” the Republic Senator announced. The gathered men and women stood and bowed while the Clones simply stood erect and saluted.

“Be seated. Please proceed.” Palpatine said.

“After this meeting, I will go to the Senate for the voting of this project. The Supreme Chancellor himself assured us that this will be ratified by the Senate so I decided we begin the finalization of the project’s details. Our decoy in Da Soocha V has been recently overrun by the Separatists. Because of that our second team is now searching a new base for operations.” Senator Lavin began then nodded at his son.

“The initial designs were laid out on us by Nasdra Magrody and his students. Bevel Lemelisk’s task is to make sure that nothing goes wrong during the construction whether by internal or external means. Commander Jayvee and his 181st Battalion shall provide the necessary security measures for our project and its work force. Be advised that this is a hot price for the Separatists Movement and I assure you that attempts will be made either to sabotage us or wrest from us the project itself. We are also facing heavy oppositions from the Senate itself especially from Senators Amidala, Mothma, Organa and Bel Iblis, even the Jedi were openly dubious on our project’s true intent.” Admiral Lavin explained and halted for a few heartbeats to let his words sink in.

“The political side of this military project will not be smooth. Those Senators I’ve mentioned will insist on inspecting our every move as well as the Jedi while the Separatists will do anything to either stop us or get us. Bevel Lemelisk, I leave to you the supervision of the scientific part of this project while you Commander Jayvee I shall entrust our security within and without.” Admiral Lavin said.

“When will we begin?” Nasdra Magrody asked.

“Tomorrow.” the Senator answered.

“But the voting will just start tomorrow! What if it wasn’t ratified?” twenty-eight year old Ohran Keldor asked.

“Did I not just say the Supreme Chancellor assured us the certainty of the Senate’s approval?” Admiral Lavin snapped.

“He’s not even openly supporting us, I saw in the Holonet yesterday denying involvement about this project!” the impetuous Keldor retorted.

“I understand your concern Ohran Keldor. Your exceptional talent for this project however valuable is dispensable. If I were you I’d worry about my task and leave the politics to those who know best.” Palpatine’s voice was hushed but it gave an edge that demands total obedience.

Magrody and Lemelisk shot Keldor a reproving glance.

“Fine.” Keldor finally got the sense to keep silent.

“Here are your assignments, the scope of your work and the limits of your clearance within the project site. Have it studied and meet us back on Coruscant in two days. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, now if you please, we have to speak in private.” Admiral Lavin stood speaking to each of their guests.

“Orn, kindly accompany our guests to the recreation area.” Senator Lavin said to his would-be-successor.

“Do not forget that our primary concern is for Bakura my old friend. This scheme you are dealing with bothers me. It has trouble written all over it, and we are at the center.” Orn warned him.

“Be at ease Orn, the Supreme Chancellor has the interest of Bakura in his heart.” Lavin stated firmly.

After the typical farewell bows for the Supreme Chancellor, the group left and even the slaves were dismissed. “See you in the Senate hearing tomorrow Senator Lavin.” Palpatine said as his holo faded.

Another hologram appeared replaced the Supreme Chancellor. “Count Dooku.” Senator Lavin acknowledged the Separatist Leader.

“What happened to Da Soocha V?” Senator Lavin asked.

“It was just a minor setback. That fool Pogga the Hutt thought he could run the facility in his own terms, it ended up blown to cinders by Master Djinn Altis.” Dooku snorted.

“The Jedi knew about the facility?” Admiral Lavin gasped.

“Yes. But as my Master has said to me, it was of no consequences since they did not found anything of real value, just the cover story of a Medical Enterprise being set up by the Besadii clan, typical war profiteering that is remotely related to the real project itself.” Count Dooku explained.

The hologram on the head of the table opened and it was a hooded figure of Darth Sidious.

“The Council will be sending their Jedi to observe the vote and then inspect the project in its construction. Thread carefully, secure your end, I have a strong feeling that we would be seeing more of Master Djinn Altis and his apprentice for the duration of our project.” Darth Sidious warned.

“Seinar had just signed the contract. We have also acquired the necessary subcontract from Kuat Drive Yards. Do we have a site now?” Senator Lavin asked.

“The construction of the project will be done in public view on Sluis Van but security will be high and no outsider will be permitted within five kilometers of the Docks. It has to be public to assure the Senate and the Jedi that the Senator’s Eye of Palpatine is exactly what it was intended to be, a Super Dreadnaught to aid the Outer Rim Republic Worlds, no more, no less.” Darth Sidious said.

“Everything is in order then.” Senator Lavin sighed with relief.

“No I’m afraid not. With Master Altis nosing around, everything is never in order.” Count Dooku said.

“We’ll deal with them accordingly.” Darth Sidious said and his image faded.

Dooku cut off his connection as well.

“Can we trust them father?” Admiral Lavin asked.

“In dealing with the Sith, trust goes only too far.” Senator Lavin said.

 * * *

 Nasdra Magrody stared at the image of his wife Elizie and his newborn daughter Shenna, in his hope for a better future for his family, the offer of a huge sum of credits from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor instantly drew him to sign an exclusive top secret contract for the Republic. He even offered jobs for his top students knowing that they too needed the credits for their families and their studies.

Patriotism is not the thing that has driven Magrody to such endeavors but his natural thirst for knowledge. As a Scholar in Obroa-skai and now as the founder of the Magrody Institute, his allegiance only lies on science.

He was itching to touch the holocomm so he could see his little baby and his loving wife, but the confidentiality of his contract had specifically said that no contact outside the project will be permitted. Violation of it would result to cancellation of the entire contract and a lifetime imprisonment on Kessel under the charge of high treason.

He was snared in a trap of his own doing.

The only consolation now was that the knowledge that what he would do here would benefit the entire galaxy. In producing a Super Dreadnaught that can respond swiftly without having to need its own fleet or escort on any point in the galaxy where a Republic world is in danger is a great help on the ongoing Clone Wars.

Survival is his only concern. If indeed the Republic falls, his vast knowledge will be his greatest asset that even Count Dooku would find valuable to his cause. Whoever wins, Magrody must ensure of his family’s survival.

He smiled, recalling his last conversations with Senator Mon Mothma, his old friend and colleague…

 * * *

 “This war is taking too long and too many worlds are already giving in. Billions of lives are being risked and taken, how long must we stand idle as Chancellor Palpatine continues to collect power from the Senate and Count Dooku continues to sow dissent among our Republic worlds?” Senator Mon Mothma from Chandrila stressed.

“I agree but we cannot openly say this very words in public lest the Senate questions our loyalty.” Senator Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia shook his head.

“Loyalty? Our loyalty is to the Republic, not to a single man who has overstayed his position.” Senator Padme Amidala grunted.

“We know Padme. But our hands are tied. We could only hope that Master Yoda and his Jedi could end this war as soon as possible before Chancellor Palpatine became too engross with his power to let it go.” Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan agreed.

“Our only chance is to go with the tide.” Nasdra Magrody said, he was the only non-political person in the room.

“Look, it may be nothing but I just received a private call from Mas Amedda, he’s requesting for my intellectual expertise on a secret project. Something concocted by Senator Armand Lavin of Bakura. Do you have any idea what it possibly is about?” Magrody asked.

“No idea. But if Lavin wanted you why go through Mas Amedda? Those two were not connected on each other, not even personally or politically. If Amedda called you then it was Palpatine’s scheme.” Garm Bel Iblis said.

“He said he was an old friend of Senator Lavin and the Bakuran was only asking for my help and since he doesn’t know how to contact me, he asked Amedda instead.” Magrody said, recalling what Mas Amedda had explained to him.

“It still sounded lame. So what do you intend to do with it?” Mon Mothma asked in concern.

“I’ll take a look on it. If it’s something fishy then maybe I can easily learn more by being part of it right?” he said.

“Spying on Senators is treason. Accusing the Supreme Chancellor is high treason. You must be careful Nasdra, or your own curiosity will choke you to your doom.” Senator Garm Bel Iblis warned him.

That was a few hours before he spoke once again to Mas Amedda and Senator Lavin in private and received an offer of millions of credits, before he stupidly signed the contract, reading it but not entirely absorbing the details of its conditions and scopes.

Perhaps the Corellian Senator was right all along.

He could almost feel the invisible hand trying to choke him to death.

Moments later, Nasdra Magrody fell in a deep dreamless sleep.

 * * *

 Ohran Keldor tossed and turns in his sleep, faceless monsters haunted his black dream. Tendrils of slithering slimy tentacles splashing out from the thick dark oily bog reached out ceaselessly groping for him, its mindless instinct intent on dragging him down on the poisonous muck of the grim nameless swamp. He tried to run but the slick and damp spongy surface slowed him, the coalescing mist making the place to zero visibility, arms outstretched in front of him like a helpless pathetic blind man hopelessly trying to find a way out of his nightmarish state.

Then he felt his entire body went rigid with complete fear as the ice cold tentacles wound its way from his ankle up to his thighs, pulling him face down and dragging him back to the deep unknown. He desperately clawed on the surface but the semi-solid ground gave way from his grip. He tried to scream but his dry throat manages only to let out a stupid croak. The mist seemed to go down with him, he felt it turning into smoke until hot fumes burned his eyes and skin, again the struggled but the tentacles have now engulfed his entire body leaving only his face to suffer the intense heat while the muscled scintilla constricted, pressing his flesh and bone to breaking point short of killing him.

Then he heard laughter. Thousands of them joining in strength by the second, then a blaze of green light shone from afar, like an elongated glowtorch. Then another was lit, a blue hue and another until all the horizon around him glowed in various colors like multifaceted fence, then before he was sucked down in the muck he realized there were silhouettes behind each vertical beams, there were people of various species, from humans to sentient species he has not encountered yet. They were the once laughing and as the blackness of the swamp covered his face the realization slapped him to awareness.

The beams were lightsabers.

They were Jedi, all of them.

And then there was darkness.

Ohran Keldor bolted up from his restless sleep with a scream that faded within the confines of his own room. Sweat trickle almost every part of his body, his breathing heavy and labored, his sinews shaking from raw fear.

He never had so vivid a nightmare like this before. It was so clear it almost seemed like a vision but he was a man of science and believes none of those superstitious nonsense.

Nevertheless it felt so real.

The Jedi are after him, but why?

 * * *

  Stinna Draesinge Sha could not sleep at all. She went out on the porch of the apartment she was staying for the night on Reecee after being secretly shipped out of Bakura the other day. Tomorrow she would be on the next public flight to Sluis Van, it would be a long jump, she can sleep then, but now, she just couldn’t.

The sleeping capital city of Reecee spread out before her like a lit mantle. It felt so peaceful here but something in her subconscious was constantly preventing her from feeling the serenity of the place. She couldn’t point it out.

She shifted her mind on her new job, under her mentor and along with her fellow top students. They are on a secret project for the benefit of the Republic and for the advancement of science. The challenge in designing and creating a gargantuan warship with full automaton pressed hard on their team. Never in the long history of the Republic has anyone manage to achieve what they were about to attempt.

It was like building a moon sized intelligent droid in the shape of the Super Dreadnaught.

Secret Project. But everybody in the Senate from the Supreme Chancellor down to the lowest aide, everyone in the Jedi Order from the esteemed Master Yoda to the least Force-sensitive Jedi Archivists knew of it. Some secret.

Perhaps the real secret was the true purpose for creating the so called moonship. Though she have no idea about the politics behind it, she could read the body language of their employer Senator Lavin and his son, the way their eyes avoid theirs, the way they dismiss prodding questions and the way they whispered about something they do not want them to hear revealed a lot of things to her.

As a very observant scholar, Magrody often compliment her of it, stating that such detailed observance is vital for her sharp analytical mind. It would help her spot the smallest error that even the greatest mind could overlook. Her precision will great help in perfecting the Eye of Palpatine.

Now that her line of thought touched that line of reasoning about the true intent of the Lavins, she did wondered. Recalling everything, she tried to read between the lines. Out of nowhere, a Senator from a remotely safe world far from the heat of the Clone Wars and a family friend of Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems suddenly comes out with a proposal to create a warship so huge and completely automated whose purpose was to defend the Outer Rim Republic worlds, serving as a one-ship-fleet. At the surface it does sound reasonable but if one would study it carefully, thousands of questions would come out of it.

Why named it the Eye of Palpatine? Why does Chancellor Palpatine himself denies involvement when in fact he was in their meeting earlier in Bakura assuring them that the proposal will be ratified by the Senate.

Most of all, why should it be fully automated in the first place? To keep it secret? To prevent leaks? What for if Count Dooku already knew of the project before it was even approved?

Stinna Draesinge Sha sighed and rubbed her fingers on her forehead as the headache began to settle in her deep thinking.

I hate politics! It was so indirect, so devious for her. She preferred the directness of science where facts are sought, confirmed, stated and accepted. No lies.

But then again, she and her team are paid handsomely, and science for the sake of science is science nevertheless. Regardless of what the powers-that-be chose to use their creation, they were out of it.

Another question came after her thought.

Why are the Jedi strongly against it? Why do they act as if threatened?

Stinna Draesinge Sha yawned and suddenly her mind recognized her fatigue, she cleared her mind and went to her room and fell asleep.

* * *

Bevel Lemelisk was on his console. He could not sleep, not yet, not until he has completed his initial design for the basic programming of the complex artificial intelligence that will be the core of the project.

Senator Lavin had strictly told him to make sure that the programming could not be tampered or sliced upon. It has to be perfect, a full self conscious program.

The challenge itself is a strong pull to his intellect and he was dead set to surpass the expectations of their employers.

He first studied the layout of the moonship, its decks, hangars, quarters, engine rooms and such. Then the lighting and the communications followed by the rest of its basic functions. He was told that it would house several battalions of Clone Troopers and carry a substantial flight of fighter squadrons. Amenities such as sleeping cells, refreshers, cantina and life support would obviously be required.

The challenge is to connect everything to the core programming wherein the A.I. could monitor, control, and repair and secure every aspect of the moonship. It would also require hundreds of service droids from power, repair, medical, maintenance, cleaning, security, pantry and such.

Bevel Lemelisk rubbed his palms and set to work.

* * *

Admiral Artemis Lavin went to the shower after a long rigorous and exhausting private moment with his lovely and stunningly gorgeous and beautiful wife.

The excitement in him was overwhelming.

The Eye of Palpatine under his command.

Though it was fully automated, his father assured him that they will secretly install a manual override accessible only by its designated commander. Count Dooku was his foster parent. He practically matured in Serenno, went to college with his adopted cousins from the Dooku clan.

Once the Eye is in his full control, the Republic will shatter, the Jedi will fall and the Separatist will rise to establish a New Order under one Emperor, one rule. It is the only answer, the only cure to the decaying Galactic Republic and its non-human populace who for him, were the initiators of corruption, crime and immorality. Like the arrogant belief of his father and of Count Dooku and of Chancellor Palpatine (whom no one else knew of), that the non-human sentient beings in the galaxy were better off as slaves to the entire human race.

By the awesome power and threat that the Super Dreadnaught posses, every world would bow to submission, true order shall be executed.

The possibilities almost left him breathless.

Bakura as his father intends shall expand within the Outer Rim and would rival that of the other powerful Sectors and Clusters, even those of the Core Worlds with him as the rightful sole heir of House Lavin.

Giving the finishing touches of gel on his hair, he checked his spotless uniform and stared at himself on the life-size mirror.

The perfect commander for the perfect warship. Yes indeed.

 * * *

 Republic Senator Armand Lavin sat on his office, unable to sleep. He was supposed to be elated, primed and alert but all he could feel was the sagging weight of unspoken dread, unseen fear and uncertain doom. Governor Orn Belden’s words had stung him and were slowly eating his resolve on this scheme he has agreed upon with the Chancellor and Dooku.

Do not forget that our primary concern is for Bakura my old friend. This scheme you are dealing with bothers me. It has trouble written all over it, and we are at the center. Bakuran Senior Senator Orn Belden had admonished him.

I am not doing this for Bakura, or for the Republic or even the Separatists for the matter, not even for the Jedi Order. This I am doing for my family, for my son and my grandchildren. Armand assured himself.

The Clone Wars is by far the most devastating galaxy wide war in the long standing history of the Galactic Republic and with the Sith involved there is no telling what would happen in the end of it.

Doom is inevitable. He could taste it lurking in the stale air in the cold nights of Bakura and everywhere else he goes, even on Coruscant itself. He has no Force-sensitivity but it was the closest explanation that he could think of about his unspoken gift. Since childhood he has this certain knack for being able to feel if the outcome of anything is of no consequence, good, bad or fatal.

The Eye of Palpatine is bad vibe.

This Clone Wars is fatal.

Having that thought hanging on the back of his mind led him to deal with the Sith for survival, for his grandchildren’s sake and future, not for himself.

I am old and my term in the Senate is at an end as my career in politics. Soon I will be one of those old people, though respected and honored by all, remains practically useless, obsolete. Even their knowledge in experience in life would eventually prove inapplicable to the changing tide.

I will die with only my family beside me. No one else would give a womprat’s care about me. So with that I have to ensure my family’s continuity. The Sith are ruthless tyrants, there will be no room for mistakes and rebellion, not even competition. Just dominance from them and submission from us.

But there will always be those who are in good standing with the Sith, those who serves their purpose well, Armand Lavin intends that the House Lavin would remain indispensable in the eyes of Darth Sidious and Count Dooku.

He took out the last contract to be signed regarding the project. This one was personal, the terms and conditions were about the security and stability of his family, and this was his proposal in exchange for everything he could contribute. The flimsy was already stamped signed both by Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Separatists Leader Count Dooku.

He signed it with his name and knew he sealed his fate with his blood. He winced and bit back a bitter cry of remorse. It is too late for that now. He looked down at his shot of Corellian Whiskey and swallowed it with one gulp.

The shot glass fell and broke on the pavement of his office. Senator Armand Lavin has finally completed his own end of the bargain.

 * * *

 Asajj Ventress has just arrived five hours earlier on Bakura from Ord Cestus and was due in two days to be back on Ord Cestus at again. Obi-Wan were still there.

She stood motionless, undetected not even by the motion sensors in the Senator’s office. When the old man finally signed the last contract and consumed the liquid, his body slumped on the swivel chair as if shot at point-blank by a stun bolt, the glass breaking noisily on the floor by his feet.

The Dark Jedi gave a feral grin of satisfaction and left the office without a sound, not a sign was left that she was even there at all.

She arrived on the spaceport where the Separatist Droid Ship awaited her and the Republic Admiral Artemis Lavin.

The latter came from his limo speeder. He strode with the arrogant confidence of his type, wearing the spotless clean white uniform of the Republic Navy Admiral.

“Lady Ventress.” Artemis nodded at her and waited for her to lead the way up the ramp.

Ventress didn’t budge. She just gave a cold predatory glare at him.

“Very well.” Artemis frowned and moved on up while the rest of the 181st trailed after him giving a distasteful glance at the Separatist representative.

Ventress gave a slow sweeping glance around the spaceport and settled her sharp eyes on the lone man standing by the speederlimo. Then she dismissed his presence with a smirk and went up last as the ramp closed up and the lift off sequence began.

“Are we going now to Sluis Van?” the Admiral asked her once they were seated on the passenger lounge.

“We have to make a short stop on Corvis Minor first to meet with Sate Pestage.” Ventress said.

“The Chancellor’s Grand Vizier?” Admiral Lavin gasped in surprise.

“Yes, be advised that your meeting him there is of highest confidentiality.” Ventress hissed.

“Funny for you to say that Lady Ventress, a top secret meeting with a fellow Republic Official conducted by a Separatist representative.” Lavin grunted.

“You’ll find the searing pair ends of my blades far more amusing.” she snarled at him.

Artemis glanced involuntarily at the pair of curved lightsaber hilts on both sides of her very slim waist and looked the other way in silence.

That’s right Admiral, know your place, Ventress thought with satisfaction.

 * * *

 Senior Senator Orn Belden watched the Separatist Droid Ship lifted off the spaceport and receded into a dot and then to nothingness as it flew out of the atmosphere and jumped into hyperspace upon clearing the gravity well of Bakura.

Why do I feel that everything is wrong here? Orn mused then hopped in on the speederlimo and told the driver to take him to the estate of House Captison.

“Activate holovid, dial Junior Senator Yeorg Captison.” Orn commanded on the pick-up. A whirl of tones followed then a green light blinked on the upper central frame of the projector and the holographic projection of Senator Yeorg Captison’s head appeared.

“Orn my friend! What made you call me in the middle of the night? Has there been a problem with the Separatist representative?” he asked at once as if expecting his call for a while now.

“We’d better discuss this in your house Yeorg, which is if it’s alright with you?” Orn hesitated.

“But of course my friend, my house is always open for you.”

“This will be a long talk my friend.” Orn warned him.

“Then I guess I must open my precious Yevethan Fizz Wine Vintage!” he smiled.

“Ah you knew my taste all too well my friend, I shall hurry then.” Orn managed a small grin.

Moments later, Orn Belden and Yeorg Captison sat in private on the foyer overlooking the well tended garden, the bright unobstructed moon lighting up the view dramatically eliciting a calm and hypnotic ambience in direct contrast to the grim and disturbing issue that the two Bakuran Senators were currently discussing over a pair of glasses of Yevethan Fizz Wine Vintage and a plate of well-done nerf fillet.

“Count Dooku has his points, you have to admit that.” Yeorg said between bites.

“That the Republic is decaying from the inside? True. But to wage war and destroy the Republic itself, no.” Orn shook his head.

“Dooku is a Jedi and a Serenno, his stance reflects ours by default. Senator Lavin himself knew how deep corruption has eaten throughout the bureaucracy and Admiral Lavin’s revelations about the defection of several key weapons manufacturers like Adumar, Ord Cestus, Cato Neimodia, Xagobah…confirmed how far members of the Republic were unsatisfied with what the Senate is turning into.” Yeorg added.

“I do not doubt the integrity of the Lavins but what of their sources? Was it first hand at all?” the older Belden shrugged.

“The defections is all over the Holonet for two years now, most of them are currently allied on the Separatists already.” Yeorg said.

“As for the corruption, I know it was there but definitely not on all. Why don’t just Senator Lavin bring them out in the open, as do Dooku, why not bring them to court?” Belden argued.

“You know as well as I do that as simple as it may sound it is far more complicated than that.” Yeorg chuckled.

“True, in a sense, why don’t the Jedi do something about it?” Orn countered.

“They are, but not in the way you were thinking they should, they are a separate body serving equally with the Senate, the Jedi Order is not answerable to the Republic but to the Force. They are guardians of the galaxy through the Force not politics. Revealing the corruption and bringing the corrupt to justice is the job of the Senate, the Jedi only keeps the peace.” Yeorg retorted.

“Point taken. If that were so then why Dooku did left the Order in the first place? Could the Jedi Order itself have deteriorated as well?” Orn mused.

“Oh that was simple enough to explain. The Senate was too ensconced in their own web of twisted allegiance, favors and debts that the fall of one can result to the demise of the other and so on, while the Jedi on the other hand do not burden their kind in fixing the mess of internal politicking. They just ensure the balance of the Force. Dooku was aiming for a political change in a method that the Order could not possibly support.” the younger Senator explained easily.

“That Force again.” Orn shook his head, “Wouldn’t letting the corrupt have their way affects the condition and safety of the public? Wouldn’t that enough cause for dissent, distrust and crime, as what is happening right now…a war? Then the balance of the Force is tilted, had the Jedi acted before the war escalated, when dissension was just in words and debates, then the Clone Wars wouldn’t even have to happen.”

“That is why Dooku left the Order and the Republic. The Jedi’s inaction and the Senate’s refusal to do so prompted him to propose the changing of the government into something more firm and polished. Sometimes when all talks of compromise are null, coercion is acceptable.” Yeorg opened another bottle.

“War, my friend, is never an acceptable option.” Orn crossed his arms on his chest and sat back with a grin.

“That I agree with you wholeheartedly. But you have to take consideration that the Republic consists of not just humans but a variety of non-humans with complex and often conflicting genetic, cultural, intellectual, religious and emotional beliefs. This is the often cause of arguments and conflicts.”

“Politics and military matters.” Orn nodded.

“Most of the Separatists were non-humans, the Neimodians, the Trandoshans, the Rodians, Anzati, Duros, Whiphids, Aqualish, etc. and the Republic is headed by a human.” Yeorg reminded him.

“But the Jedi are not, they are a mixture of civilized and honorable persons. And despite what you say about the Separatists, their leader Count Dooku is human. So I doubt it was about species at all.” Orn frowned.

“But it is. The first trouble before the Clone Wars came to be was from Rattatak, several Jedi Masters were killed in that conflict, more followed after it, the most that made the stirring was when the Neimodians blockaded Naboo that led to the death of our old friend Master Jinn, former apprentice of Count Dooku. It is also there that the Sith was discovered to have a hand in. Not to mention from our sources that the Council suspects that another Sith was lurking within the Senate itself.”

“Then the Sith is the propagator.” Orn said in finality.

“Part of the propagators. Remember that Dooku leads the Separatists and not the Sith, these dark side wielders were just using the Separatists and the Senate as a tool to scheme their way against the Jedi.” Yeorg explained.

“You mean that the Sith is only after the Jedi’s demise? That the Clone Wars is a separate problem?” Orn asked.

“Partly, but if the Republic and the Separatists destroys each other, there will be no one left to oppose the Sith once they move in for total dominance.”

“Ah, the plot thickens!” Orn gasped in realization.

“The question my friend is where do we stand in this at all?” Yeorg said.

“Definitely not with those Sith!” Orn growled.

“Perhaps, but what can we do against such powerful beings?”

“The Jedi could surely…”

“The Jedi are widely and thinly stretched far out wide across the galaxy because of the war alone. I heard that even mere Padawans were already being shipped into battlefronts. Can’t you see the advantage the Sith has over this situation?” Yeorg said.

“By the Maker! You are right, if the Jedi Order is destroyed by the war, the Separatist would only have Dooku and his few followers as their protectors against the Sith. The Sith could easily overrun the Separatists and take over the galaxy.” Orn shuddered.

“My thoughts exactly.” Yeorg nodded.

“Should we warn Senator Lavin and Count Dooku?” Orn thought frantically.

“That is the last thing you’d want to do my friend.” Yeorg shook his head.

“What do you mean?” Orn was confused.

“What would the Senate say to our theory? However plausible, I doubt if they would believe us. Their hands are full in this war, so is the Jedi. As for Dooku, the Sith would be the last of his worries. This Super Dreadnaught project is both a threat and an asset for the Separatists. I have no doubt that the presence of Asajj Ventress here means that Senator Lavin his pitting himself between two sides. If we intervene, we might as well sign our death warrants. That Ventress lady is a cold blooded killer, as does General Grievous and Master Sora Bulq. No Orn, we let them worry about the galaxy, what we must do is secure our people, our survival, whichever side wins this war.” Yeorg said.

“Yes, you have a point. Such grand matters are beyond two simple local politicians. Regardless, it still doesn’t feel right.” Orn sighed in resignation.

“That my friend, is an understatement.” Yeorg raised his glass and Orn did the same.

“To Bakura.” Orn said.

“To us.” Yeorg nodded.

 * * *

 Commander Wilhuff Tarkin stood in crisp alertness as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Admiral Artemis Lavin strode down the shuttle ramp towards him across the line of Clone Troopers. Beside the Commander stood Jedi Masters Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura and the holoprojection of Jedi Master Shaak Ti.

“Master Vos! Master Secura! Master Ti! What brings your esteemed presence here?” Palpatine greeted.

“Your Excellency, there is an irregularity in the shipyards of Sluis Van.” Vos started.

“We have discovered that the Super Dreadnaught is already on its starting stage of construction.” Secura scowled.

“It hasn’t even been approved yet, the vote is still due in a week.” the hologram of Master Ti added.

“Is this true?” Palpatine frowned, this time looking directly at Commander Tarkin.

“Yes Your Excellency. Senator Lavin and his son Admiral Lavin had just obtained the contract from Sluis Van Yards, Seinar and KDY and had begun the preparation for the space dock facility in orbit.” the skull-faced officer stated.

“Why wasn’t I aware of this? Who authorized this?” Palpatine’s voice rose.

“It appears that it was under a private contract, the Lavins are using a dummy company, and the initial source of funds is also unknown.” Vos added.

“Admiral Lavin, what do you have to say of this?” Palpatine whirled around to face the startled Admiral.

“I… ah… it was my father’s initiative to secure the preparation for the construction of the Super Dreadnaught. He only obtained partial contract with the three shipyard company for the docks only, the ship itself hasn’t began construction pending for Senate approval. If the proposal was rejected, the dock would be sold to the Navy. I assure you milord that the Super Dreadnaught is not in any form being constructed. It currently exists on schematics only.” Admiral explained.

“Either that or your covering Senator Lavin. Where is he anyways?” Palpatine eyed the Admiral for a few heartbeats before returning his attention to Commander Tarkin.

“He is still not answering our calls.” Tarkin said.

“Then go to him Commander.” Palpatine hissed.

“Yes sir!” Tarkin stomped his feet and saluted then left the hangar.

“I believe this matter will take longer to discuss, shall we do it on my office?” Palpatine said to the Jedi Masters.

“By all means Your Excellency.” Vos nodded. He and Aayla flanked the Chancellor as they strode towards the turbolift that would take them to Palpatine’s pristine office. Admiral Lavin trailed behind followed by three Clone Troopers while the hologram of Master Shaak Ti blinked out.

 * * *

 “Be seated.” Palpatine said as he return to sit comfortably on his high chair.

Admiral Lavin took the leftmost cushion while the two Jedi Masters took the seat facing the Supreme Chancellor directly, behind them by the door stood in silence the three Clone Troopers.

“May I inquire as to who was responsible for discovering this little irregularity so I may extend my appreciation for that matter?” Palpatine asked the two Jedi.

“Master Djinn Altis and his padawan Callista.” Aayla Secura supplied.

“Ah Master Djinn! No wonder results are swift. Give them my regards.” the former Naboo Senator smiled. “Now, about the rumored Separatists presence in Bakura, as reported to me by Master Ash Reva, do you have an explanation for that Admiral?” Palpatine now turn his icy glare on the Admiral.

“I do not deny that a Separatist envoy came to Bakura seeking to acquire our proposed project to the Senate. But I assure everyone in this room that my father and the entire Bakuran Senate have rejected their request.” Admiral Lavin explained.

“Envoy is hardly the word I’ll use to describe the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress.” Vos countered.

“Ventress!?” Palpatine gasped in shock.

“Count Dooku would not send Ventress for mere requests. Her presence alone indicates that it has already been granted.” Aayla added.

“No Master Jedi! There is no such grant given. You may well be aware that Bakura and Serenno have close ties with each other as their reigning Houses. It is a request and sending the Count’s apprentice is just his sign of high respect to the Bakurans. Sending a low ranking envoy is an insult so he had the Lady Ventress makes the request in person.” Admiral cleared.

“The Jedi will take your word at face value but we will still continue the investigation both on the docks and on Bakura. Masters Djinn and Reva will stay on their assignments and would continue to monitor both issues at hand.” Vos stated.

“Admiral?” Palpatine gazed at Artemis Lavin.

“The Bakurans have nothing to hide Master Jedi. Nor do I.” he said.

“Very well, having that matter settled, Major A53-J7.” Palpatine called at the Clone Trooper and the one in the middle strode forward and stood on attention three meters from the Chancellor, just to the left behind the Admiral.

“Yes sir!” the radio enhanced voice snapped.

“Do you know the reason for your presence here?” Palpatine asked.

“Sir yes sir! We are of here to ensure that the proper procedures regarding the Super Dreadnaught project is being observed and executed accordingly without violating the rules and regulations stated under Order 35. We of the 181st Command are solely assigned to monitor the proponents and their project from start to finish. We are to document in detail everything and report straight and only to the Supreme Chancellor.” A53-J7 ranted.

“Admiral Lavin, be advised that both the Senate and the Jedi are keeping a very close watch on your every move. Do not disappoint us.” Palpatine pointed a bony finger at the Bakuran.

“Disappointing us would be the least of your worries, dismissed.” Palpatine added in their parting.

 * * *

 The Supreme Chancellor changed his robes while Mas Amedda locked his office after the Admiral, the two Jedi and the Clone Troopers left.

“Call Lord Tyranus.” he ordered the Chagrin.

“Yes milord.” Mas Amedda bowed and keyed in the private code for Lord Tyranus. It took a while for the incoming holo to beep a reply and the life-size projection of Count Dooku appeared before them. Palpatine nodded to the Chagrin and the latter went out on the adjoining room.

“Report.” Darth Sidious said flatly.

“The Senator is dead.” Dooku stated.

“And his clone?”

“The clone will be ready in a week in time for the vote.”

“Is the clone cleared?”

“Our best cloners are working on its accelerated phase. We have the best facility in the galaxy that even the Kaminoans would envy.” Dooku puffed his chest proudly.

“So the Spaarti are performing well indeed.” Darth Sidious mused.

“Perfectly so milord.” the former Jedi nodded.

“Have you located a suitable site for the Spaarti facility?”

“We have three topping the list, Honoghr, Wayland and Csilla.” Dooku read from his datapad.

“Csilla is too far. The Ascendancy would use it for their own ends once they found out about it in their world. No, remove Csilla on the list.”

“Done, so which one milord? Would it be Honoghr or Wayland?” Dooku inquired.

“Honoghr seemed fine, how about its locals?”

“There is a small but deadly inhabitants there called the Noghri. They are a primitive species and lack any technology at all. They have scattered mountains and jungles, we could easily find a spot for the facility there.”

“How about Wayland?”

“The same, a few primitive locals, thick jungles and one distinctive mountain called Tantiss.” Dooku checked his datapad.

“Have both planets files sent to me.”

“Done milord.” Dooku bowed.

“Very well. Any other reports?”

“General Grievous has secured Xagobah but the G.A. is already scouting it. The General requests a fleet be sent there.” Dooku said.

“Xagobah will be fine. We cannot afford to spare him a fleet, not yet.” Sidious shook his head.

“Master Kenobi and Fisto seemed to be making progress in Ord Cestus. I already sent back Ventress to finish them off and seal the membership of the Cestians.”

“Anything else?” Darth Sidious prodded.

“The Battle of Jabiim is taking its toll on the Jedi. Casualties are being piled high giving a painful blow to the morale of the G.A. and of the Order. I suggest we unleash Ventress there after her mission in Ord Cestus to secure our hold. I have already dispatched Sora Bulq to seal the allegiance of the Yevetha.” Dooku reported.

“And one thing milord, I suggest you begin your plan for creating a secret weapons facility, I believe I have already found several suitable place to hide it where no one could easily find it.” Dooku suggested.

“Yes, yes…can it be done?” Darth Sidious contemplated the possibility.

“Yes milord. Here are my list, Anoth, a Cluster near Ebaq, the Maw near Kessel, Belkadan, Endor and Lehon.” Dooku enumerated.

“Lehon!” Darth Sidious gasped.

“Yes milord. Is there something wrong in Lehon?” Dooku frowned.

“Do you know the other name for Lehon?”

“Yes milord, it is called the Unknown World.” he said.

“And it’s significance?” Sidious continued.

“It is where the Starforge was hidden and later on destroyed. Sometime during the reign of Darth Reva and Malak.” he answered.

“Correct. But no Lord Tyranus, leave that place alone. Like Korriban it must be left untouched. What about Anoth?”

“The planet is deteriorating. Its gravity is pulling its moon towards it causing regular earthquakes and polar shifting resulting to a unstable but still manageable atmospheric conditions…”

“No, Anoth is too unstable for a sensitive facility.” Darth Sidious shook his head.

“The Star Clusters near Ebaq, at its center lays a clear space fit to hide even our largest shipyards.” Dooku supplied.

“Possibly. How about Belkadan, what of it?”

“It is a jungle planet in the remote part of the Dalonbian Sector near the Tingle Arm. There is also Helska, an ice world in that sector.” Dooku replied.

“Considerable. Next?”

“The Maw Cluster in the Kessel Sector. The most dangerous of all, instead of a cluster of stars, it houses a cluster of black holes that ruins hyperdrive computations in the area making the Kessel Run the toughest route.” Dooku read the data.

“Most interesting. Yes, I would also like to review these places. We could use all of them in the future.” Darth Sidious gave a toothy grin.

“Yes milord.”

“Lord Tyranus, one more thing, who can you, send to dispose of Master Djinn Altis and his equally meddlesome apprentice?” Darth Sidious asked, “…And also Master Reva.” he also added.

“I’ll send Ventress right after her mission on Ord Cestus before she proceeds to Jabiim.” Dooku assured him.

“Very well. Return to your duties.” Darth Sidious dismissed him.

 * * *

 Masters Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura stood on the Council with Masters Yoda, Luminara Unduli and the holo of Shaak Ti.

“Admiral Lavin is lying.” Vos stated.

“Master Reva reported that he saw several scientists coming in the Lavin estate followed by their local senators the night Ventress departed aboard a Separatist ship with Admiral Lavin. Reva followed them to Corvis Minor and confirmed that the two spoke with a certain Sate Pestage.” Aayla elaborated.

“So the Admiral is working for the Separatists, and what of this report that Senator Lavin is incommunicado?” Luminara Unduli frowned.

“Commander Tarkin mentioned earlier that he could not reach the Senator.” Vos nodded.

“Corvis Minor, Bakura, Xagobah, Ord Cestus, Sluis Van, Jabiim, Kuat…” Shaak Ti said the significant worlds one by one.

“They all point to the Separatists. Something is going on here… something else.” Aayla pondered.

“Trust your feeling you can, but trust the evidence you still must.” Yoda pointed out.

“What do you mean Master Yoda?” Aayla frowned.

“Connect the lines first you have, find the center you will.” the diminutive but great Jedi Master explained which elicited nods from everyone in the room.

“Master Solusar is hailing for me on Kashyyyk. I must go now.” the image of Shaak Ti said and faded.

“This reminds me that I have a ship waiting for me in thirty minutes, I have a meeting with Master Neeja Halcyon on Corellia.” Luminara Unduli stood and bowed at them then strode out of the Council Chamber.

“A question you still have.” Yoda blinked slowly as he regarded Master Vos.

“Yes Master, if you may, it just occurred to me that perhaps whatever is going on here, it may have something to do about that botched mission on Da Soocha V.” Vos wondered.

“The one Master Altis reported to have found no relevant vital data?” Secura asked.

“Yes, the Separatists are heavily guarding that place, General Grievous was there remember? So was Poggle the Lesser and several other Separatists leaders. Why would such high ranking Separatists be there with a compliment of warships if it was just an ordinary Hutt scheme?” Vos explained.

“A point you have, continue.” Yoda nodded, listening to him intently.

“They are hiding something there and Master Altis failed to find it.” Aayla nodded.

“Not just that, according to the report of Master Altis, he and his apprentice were captured by an ambushing fleet of Separatist in the Rosche Asteroid, by Master Sora Bulq and another unfamiliar name who claims to be a former Jedi, a certain Cai Thodan.” Vos recalled.

“Somewhat familiar, this Cai Thodan is.” Yoda closed his eyes trying to recall where he has heard of that name.

Silence followed in almost a full five minutes before Master Yoda opened his eyes again.

“Strange it is, familiar with his name I am, but recall why, I am unable.” Yoda shook his head in regret.

“Do not worry Master Yoda, I’ll look into it.” Aayla Secura said.

“Recalling him worries me not. Thodan’s purpose, I am worried.” Yoda sighed.

“We’ll go where the first clue can be found.” Master Vos stood up and nodded at his former apprentice.

“We’re going to visit the Verpines.” Aayla Secura stood as well and bowed to Master Yoda.

“And I know just the one to talk to.” Vos grinned deviously.

“May the Force be with you.” Yoda waved at them solemnly.

 * * *

 “General Storm, the fifth wave is starting to penetrate our outer lines.” a young Republic Navy officer reported to him and handed him the macrobinoculars.

“Have the 305th Battalion activate the sonic cannons and send forward our Walkers.” the grim Jedi Master hissed as he examines the losses on their outer line of defenses.

“Yes sir!” the man snapped and was about to leave when the Jedi called out for him again.

“Major Dodonna, contact intelligence, I need a complete topographic holo of this region as soon as possible.”

“As ordered sir!” Major Jan Dodonna raced down to the communications console and relayed the orders to the comm officer.

The hologram of Master Ki-Adi-Mundi appeared beside Master Zylver Storm. “I have sent for reinforcements, they’ll be arriving in the night side of Vanux any minute now. They came straight from a successful campaign in Bpfassh.” Ki-Adi-Mundi said to him.

“We’re already winning my friend. What’s the hurry?” Storm frowned.

“Urgent orders from Master Yoda, he wants the two of us to guard Sluis Van as soon as you have secured Vanux. I am already here and have just spoken to Master Altis and his apprentice, they are on a covert mission in conjunction with the one they had on Da Soocha V.” the Cerean explained.

“Sluis Van? I know it’s one of our major shipyards but why three Masters? Aren’t we stretched already to be crowded in one system, let alone in a single planet?” the human Jedi asked.

“The Separatists’ presence in Bpfassh and Vanux is a staging point for their siege of Sluis Van, apparently there is a controversial project on stand-by on one of their orbital dry docks that Count Dooku himself is itching to get his hands on.” the image answered.

“If Dooku wants it so bad, then we should definitely make sure he doesn’t get it.” Storm finally understood, though not that clearly, he still doesn’t know what that project is all about. But since Ki-Adi-Mundi mentioned it was on stand-by on the orbital dry docks it could only mean that it was a special kind of warship.

“Commander Teradoc is leading your reinforcements. I’ll patch him up to you.” Ki-Adi-Mundi said and winked out. Moments later the image of a no-nonsense military officer appeared before him. Storm had heard of Teradoc, he was one of those Republic Officers that shares the same defiance like that of Commander Tarkin, Pestage, Derricote, Disra, and Zsinj and so on.

“General Storm, Commander Teradoc reporting and requesting to assist you in your campaign here.” he saluted.

“Request accepted Commander. Tactical Display is being transmitted to you right now…there…since you are landing on the night side, you have the element of surprise and the elevation, if you head here…straight on you will ran into their last standing base from behind while we advance on the front. I’ll have some of my forces flank the left while you take your squadrons on the right.” he pointed on the holo.

“Permission to speak sir!” Teradoc said.

“Granted. Be brief.” Storm nodded.

“We have three Republic Defenders and five Dreadnaughts. I believe it would save the time if we bomb their base from orbit.” Teradoc revealed his plan.

“Too dangerous, you could hit my men down there.” Storm shook his head.

“We have pinpoint accuracy and holds the first rank in precision in both space and ground assault. We are highly trained to execute this.” he insisted.

“Negative Commander…”

“Galleon Warships attacking from the east! General Storm, you are breaking up!….Comm…reconne…contact wi….the Gene….” Teradoc’s image was filled with static and his holo faded abruptly.

“Comm! Raise him!” Storm barked.

“On it General!” then after a few heartbeats, “General, comm is being jammed!”

“Keep trying until you get through.” Storm growled then snatched the nearest Clone Trooper.

“Soldier, take me to the ground commanders, comm’s down, I need to regroup our forces!” Storm shouted above the noise of explosions.

“This way sir!” The Clone Trooper led the Jedi Master to an AT-ST.

“What orders should I relay sir?” the Trooper asked.

“Fall back all units! Return to Base Prime!” he said.

“Yes sir!” the Trooper used the short range radio frequency that wasn’t covered by the jamming from orbit and started relaying the order.

Their AT-ST has reached the line of already falling back Mobile Sonic Cannons.

The Droid Army saw their retreat and decided to push their luck and marched forward with their lasers, blasters, tanks, missiles blasting at the Clone Troopers.

“General! Base Prime is hailing for you!” the Trooper with Storm shouted.

“Patch it in!” he nodded.

Major Jan Dodonna’s voice rattled in breaking static on the Jedi Master’s earpiece. “Fall ba…turbolas…are on ground ze…”

“Front line’s starting to retreat General!” the Trooper announced.

“It’s too late for that soldier…” Storm gasped and stared in horror on the sky above them.

The Trooper never had the chance to react as massive turbolasers rained down from the sky where Commander Teradoc’s warships are firing their deadly beams.

* * *

 “Commander Teradoc, you have deliberately disobeyed a direct order from your commanding officer that led to the death of almost the entire G.A.R. forces on Vanux and Jedi General Zylver Storm. I hereby relieving you of your command and stripping you of your rank. You will be placed on Court Marshal and be detained on Coruscant pending for trial. Major Jan Dodonna, I am advancing you to his position and command.” General Ki-Adi-Mundi announced before the seething Teradoc, the stunned Dodonna and the approving nods of high ranking officers stationed in Sluis Van. The holo of Commander Tarkin and Master Mace Windu watched the proceedings in grim silence and said nothing even after Teradoc was escorted out to the shuttle by the Clone Troopers.

Colonel Evir Derricote broke the silence.

“Teradoc may have thought that he has prevented the loss of his own men, but at what cost? An entire contingent?” he shook his head in disgust.

“Colonel another snide remark just like that and you are one step closer to follow Teradoc to the cube.” Commander Tarkin snapped like a nekk dog.

“I apologize, Commander.” Derricote bowed and left the room.

“Friendly fire?” Mace Windu raised an eyebrow.

“Massacre, more likely.” Tarkin matched the raised eyebrow of the Korun.

“It’s out of our hands now. The Military Court will be the judge of that.” Ki-Adi-Mundi sighed and slumped down on his chair.

“Very well General,” Tarkin shrugged then his holo turn to face the young Commander, “Commander Dodonna, the Lavin Dry Dock is a private enterprise under contract with the Republic. A ship will be built there and you are in charge of its security throughout its completion. A special session is currently being held in the Senate for the approval of this project. I received assurances that it will be ratified enough to commence its construction. The public has a different opinion regarding this project and there is a high possibility that radical groups or even bold foolish individuals would try to sabotage this project in any form imaginable. I have orders to relay to you that details are entirely confidential and must not be shared with people without clearance from me personally, the Chancellor himself or from the Jedi Order. Under the state of war we are in, violators must be dealt swiftly and efficiently. Unauthorized person or persons within the boundaries of the facility is automatically devoid of rights and instantly labeled as hostile. Information to be passed to the media will only, and I mean ONLY, come from General Ki-Adi-Mundi and no one else, not even me or the Chancellor can make a public statement about the project with the approval of the General here. The list of officials, officers, staff, crew, engineers, employers, scientists, soldiers and other personnel, even droids will be sent to your station immediately after this conversation. Strict compliance is a rule here. Your fleet around the system is tasked to protect Sluis Van and this dock primarily from Separatists attempt to intervene, take-over or steal the project or any related data and personnel. Do I make myself clear Commander?” Tarkin ranted on.

“Sir yes sir!” Commander Jan Dodonna saluted.

“Dismissed.” Tarkin nodded.

Dodonna and the other officers left the room and closed the door.

“Well said Commander.” Master Windu commented before Tarkin winked out as well, leaving the two Council members to themselves.

“We have a problem.” Mace Windu said at once.

The Korun’s tone made the Cerean to sit up straight in full attention, “What is it?” he asked in alarm, confusion and concern.

“Master Djinn Altis and Callista are not included in the list of clearance.” Windu said as he held the datapad and search for their names.

“Then have it appended.” Ki-Adi-Mundi said, his right hand rubbing his beard.

“I can’t. This list is final and irrevocable. It’s part of their so called security system.” Windu explained, then added, “You must inform Master Altis and Callista, if they are caught snooping in the facility our own people will have no choice but to shoot them dead.” he said in alarm.

“They are already down on Sluis Van in deep cover. I will have no way of contacting them. Let’s just hope they can take care of themselves. They’re on their own now.” Ki-Adi-Mundi paused and remembered what he wanted to ask early on, “Who wrote the list?”

“Senator Armand Lavin of Bakura.” the Korun answered.

“The proponent’s plot unravels.” Ki-Adi-Mundi sighed once more.

Chapter Three: The Swing Vote

 “Fear. Fear is a constant companion of our people nowadays. The violent tides of war between the dissatisfied Separatists under the cold precise and some say ruthless leadership of former Jedi Master Count Dooku and the relentless and determined Grand Army of the Republic led by no other than our most esteemed Supreme Chancellor himself and assisted by life and blood by our most respected Jedi Order under the Council spearheaded by no other than the great Master Yoda.”

“For the first time in almost twenty-five thousand years since the formation of the Galactic Republic, a galaxy wide war has taken over the normal chores of our trillions of civilians. Economic mayhem threatens to topple unstable and delicately secured governments. Countless panic buying and crimes suddenly comes out of hand further stretching the already full hands of our local and galactic authorities. Civilians trained and equipped to aid the warfare are being contracted by the republic to serve the G.A.R. by manufacturing weapons, ammunitions, warships, starfighters, ground assault vehicles and other weapons of mass destruction throughout the borders from the Outer Rim to the Core Worlds.”

“The Jedi itself, known throughout our long standing history as the most effective enforcer of order, justice and equality are now being stretched far too thin just to accommodate the relentless scattered and terrible invasions and destructions caused by the rebellious disgruntled Confederacy of Independent Systems. What seemed to be a heated debacle among factions in the Senate has suddenly turned into a bloody war across the stars. Innocent bystanders of the war, most of them do not even fully comprehend what causes this chaotic atrocities are suddenly uprooted from their ancestral home, from their once peaceful homeworlds and was forcefully separated indefinitely or permanently and fatally, to their families, loved ones and friends. Rich or poor none was spared in the sweeping arms of violence that rattled the stability of our galactic government.”

“Patrol Officers became Planetary Governors, commercial pilots became fighter pilots, clerks became security personnel, bureaucrats became tyrants, Senators became advocates and the Chancellor became a symbol of hope. Changes swept on all of us, whether by choice of by coercion we all found ourselves living dangerously close to the edge of insanity, uncertainty and even death. Tireless attempts to penetrate the Capital World that is Coruscant left whole city blocks burning because of fallen ships, be it defenders or attackers. Internal backstabbing from enemy insertions and traitors kept our noble leaders looking not only in front for enemies but on their side and behind them. Poverty, hunger, abuse, discrimination and chaos gnawed on all inhabited civilized worlds. Old feuds and conflicts awakened, the war itself used to rationalize their chance to get even or engage long time rivals and enemies.”

“Amidst all of this unspeakable evil that has befallen our time, one brave Senator from a remote but noble world called Bakura dared to make a stand where no one else dared, not even the Chancellor, not even the Jedi. Despite left and right protestations by unconvinced fellow citizens, Senator Armand Lavin openly proposed the creation of a massive Super Dreadnaught warship armed to the teeth with enough firepower for five Republic Defenders, housing more than a thousand personnel rivaling that of the great Golan Battle Stations, and most of all a complex single minded artificial intelligence that could control the ship from the faucet’s water drops to the gravity well detection. A single powerful superweapon conceived, designed, to be created and to be used for one purpose only, to obliterate the Confederacy of Independent Systems no matter where they are and how many there is. Capable of ultra-high speed hyperdrive faster than any other ship has ever retrofitted in history. This ship can jump from here to the Corporate Sector five times faster than any record holder ships across the galaxy. Today, at this very moment, His Excellency the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine will hold a very special session that would ratify the approval of the entire Senate for the construction of this malevolent symbol of the Galactic Republic’s stability and resolve to maintain peace and order in our galaxy, our home. Aptly named by its proponent, the Super Dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine’s fate would be decided. In honor of our beloved Chancellor, may the eye of Palpatine watch over us always. This is Conney Colwick of Holonet Broadcasting Network reporting.”

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine leaned back on his chair with a deep resounding sigh as his aide Mas Amedda shuts off the wall monitor. Lined in his office is the entire Jedi Council, most in holographic representation. Seated in person were Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin and Plo Koon. On the projections were Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

“A fine speaker she is.” Master Yoda chuckled uncharacteristically to lighten the mood that thickens in the Force within the Chancellor’s office.

“Well put Master Jedi. Now is my turn to listen to what is undoubtedly more compelling speech prepared to us by our dear proponent, shall we?” Palpatine stood and nodded to the Jedi Council to walk with him.

“Back now Senator Lavin is? Out of reach we thought he was.” Master Yoda asked as he strode beside the Supreme Chancellor and was escorted by red clad Chancellor’s Guards.

Behind, the other Jedi including the seven droid projectors followed in silence and at the rear walks the Chagrin Mas Amedda.

“Master Kenobi, I heard you and Master Fisto is successful in your mission on Ord Cestus.” Palpatine paused as they waited for the lift to arrive.

Kenobi’s holo flickered a little before his image answered, “Yes Chancellor, Master Fisto and our troopers have contributed greatly to its success. I am already entering Coruscant, I‘ll be there in a few minutes.” he said distractedly.

“Did you encounter Count Dooku there?” the Chancellor inquired.

Before Kenobi could answer, Kit Fisto interjected, “No Your Excellency but we did encounter his power hungry student.”

“Ah, the Ventress woman, I heard she was as ruthless as a Sith.” Palpatine commented.

Yoda, along with the rest of the Council slightly stiffened at the mention of the Sith. If the Chancellor noticed it, he never showed it. The uncomfortable silence was saved when the lift pinged and the doors slid open admitting the Jedi Council.

Palpatine and Mas Amedda and their escorts were left outside the hallway.

“May the Force be with you.” Mace Windu said to the Supreme Chancellor as the door closes to take them to the viewing area of the great vast Senate Hall.

“Enjoy the show.” Palpatine smiled as the door closes but his smiled turned into a predatorily grin.

“Let’s get this done with.” he scoffed and strode back to his office where his podium awaits him.

* * *

“Last year, the entire Galactic Republic was shocked upon the Jedi discovering the existence of a massive droid foundry situated within the bowels of Geonosis under the supervision of Poggle the Lesser and no other than Count Dooku, leader of the Separatists Movement that has been sowing dissent within this august body, the Senate, for almost a decade now.” Palpatine began.

“Prior to that discovery, the Jedi has also discovered a mysterious contract that placed the Galactic Republic to a mass order of Clone Troopers. Aside from these clones, are the weaponry, armament and vehicular warfare from speeders to warships that was included in the contract and  since the only link we have to this agreement was long deceased, it’s all-too-coincidental urgency led to my accepting the Clone Army that has now become the Grand Army of the Republic.”

“The Battle of Geonosis became the spark that ignited the Clone Wars. For a full year now, the Senate, the Grand Army and the Jedi and our people have been fighting for our stability and order against the warmonger Separatists.”

“Unfortunately for both sides, the galaxy is too vast for either of our forces to protect or attack. It is because of this dilemma that one brave and bold Senator decided to step up and propose a solution that although generated a lot more questions and fear than answers and reassurance, offers a viable and acceptable argument of its use and importance.”

“The technology required for this proposal can only come from our enemy. That in itself was the core problem on the political and moral side of this issue. But our proponent strongly argues that such options were absolutely vital and necessary.”

“I know that all of us are already too occupied in taking care of our own sectors to worry about a radical, complicated, overly expensive and dangerous project. I have heard both sides, now listen to them and decide on your own.”

“The Supreme Chancellor is now giving the floor to Senator Armand Lavin of Bakura, proponent of the Project Super Dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine.” the Supreme Chancellor nodded on the approaching hover platform carrying the banner of Bakura, its Senator, aides and security guards.

Palpatine sat back and listened along with the rest of the Senate and the Jedi Council for the introductory speech of the Bakuran Senator.

“The Super Dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine is conceived under one purpose only, to serve the Galactic Republic, and through it by protecting its people and destroying its aggressors. Negotiations are null and void in this time of war and our noble Jedi Order however mighty remains shorthanded in dealing the continuous threat that the Separatists were ceaselessly throwing at us.” Senator Armand Lavin stated and paused to let his message sink in.

“Prior to this special session, the Senate Council had met to prepare a set of questions that may shed light regarding the proposal in order for the entire Senate body to make a wise vote.” Mas Amedda stood up and took over the floor for the moment.

“Ten questions, one for each of the Senate Council. The first question will be from the Corellian Senator Garm Bel Iblis.” Mas Amedda continued.

“The floor now recognizes the Senator from Corellia.” the Chagrin nodded at the approaching hover podium.

“Senator Lavin, you are well aware that I am a military strategist, so my question would be about the Super Dreadnaught’s fighting/defending/protecting capabilities. May you enumerate all of its weapons and defense systems?” Bel Iblis’ voice boomed on the silent antechamber.

“Under normal circumstances such inquiry cannot be answered openly but the Supreme Chancellor requires me to answer all questions with all honesty and detail. First the space combat capabilities, it is in the initial design of my team to include a complete regiment of turbolasers, ion cannon and torpedo/missile launch bays. That would amount to 50-30-100-100. This will also include 50 tractor beams and 200 laser cannons for starfighter defenses. Shields would be quad-enforced and a primary hyperdrive engine with three hyperdrive engine reserve. Primary defense control would be from the A.I. and a secondary system for manual operation as per clearance of the A.I. so that no sabotage can occur.” Lavin read through his datapad.

“Internal security defenses includes one thousand five hundred surveillance cameras, emergency lockdown algorithms, anti-combustion sprays, viral vacuum exhaust, heat sensitivity sensors, climate control, biological monitoring sensors, pass code randomizers…” the Bakuran senator droned on with the long list.

* * *

“The Separatists have all the reason to want this warship on their side.” Mace Windu shook his head worriedly.

“No question about that.” Quinlan Vos agreed.

“The ship is practically overflowing with firepower enough to sterile an entire world.” Shaak Ti muttered.

“It’s the A.I. I am most worried about.” Obi-Wan Kenobi stated.

“I believe Senator Amidala would be asking about the details of this so called Overmind of the Super Dreadnaught.” Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

“Not to mention they are using Bio-Droid programs bought by Seinar and Kuat to the Techno Union.” Saesee Tiin reminded them.

“Senator Mothma would be questioning that part, the acquirement of technologies from Separatists members.” Kit Fisto crosses his arms.

“Not just the Bio-Droid programs, most of the droid crew and defenses force listed for this ship were products of the Trade Federation.” Aayla Secura added.

“Look at this,” Agen Kolar pointed on the Intelligence report of Lavin’s schematic and lists, “Overmind programming came from Tefo Brothers’ Galactic Automatons Industry.”

“The Tefo Brothers are from and on Byss!” Plo Koon gasped.

“Byss is one of the primary A.I. suppliers of the Separatists.” Luminara Unduli grunted.

“Questionable indeed this is.” Master Yoda nodded solemnly.

“That and aside from the fact that everyone knows that Bakura and Serenno are allies for the past thousands of years and that the Dooku Clan and House Lavin were practically political and personal friends. A Separatists ship headed by Asajj Ventress herself was reported to have come and gone on Bakura a few days ago.” Mace Windu stated.

“More to this, in the naked eyes are seen. Cautious we must be in dealing this.” Yoda said and all of the Council nodded in silent agreement.

* * *

“Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila will now ask the second question.” Mas Amedda announced.

“Senator Lavin, the lists of armaments and defense capabilities you have provided is very informative which leads me to this question, most of the defense systems and programs you mentioned require technology available only to companies and worlds under the Separatists. I have here valid contracts between your private company to the Seinar and Kuat Drive Yards as well as to the Bio-Droid and Techno Union services. This is a clear evidence for treason, we are on a state of war, any existing contracts between enemy forces are considered treason and you know that.” Mon Mothma said.

“If using the enemy’s technology and weapon will help us defeat them then I am willing to be charged of treason. My team originally designed the ship without such technology but every time we check for its efficiency it just wasn’t enough. We ran all simulations and scenarios and we end up needing those systems. As a Bakuran and a Republic Senator, I have privileges that I decided to take advantage. Using my connection with Serenno I managed to win contracts from the Bio-Droid Foundry and the Techno Union Systems, bought them and sold them to both Seinar and Kuat which were Republic worlds, so from these two allied companies, I intend to buy their services to apply it for the project. Open your eyes, we need this.” Lavin addressed the entire senate.

“Thank you Senator Lavin.” Mon Mothma nodded.

Mas Amedda called for Senator Bail Organa for the next question.

“You’re proposed budget is justifiable, but the preliminary funding prior for our approval opens a question that I would like to address. The largest contribution for your private budget for buying and building the space dock on Sluis Van came from Serenno, then from your world and third from Nal Hutta. Why the Hutts? Alderaan, Chandrila, Commenor and Naboo had all offered their share for your initial funding but you refused to accept it. Why refuse to an ally and take from the enemy?” the Alderaanian Prince asked.

“Quite cunning isn’t it my friend?” Lavin smiled, “Serenno gave a huge amount of credits during the conception of this project without asking for anything in return. I could not refuse it. Bakura believes in this project so our people took the effort of contributing, every single citizen out of their own pockets however small, they gave voluntarily. Now the Hutts were the tricky part. Marggo the Hutt is a political prisoner in Bakura. He attempted to put a blockade on our world ten years ago hiring the Trade Federation, probably trying to divert our attention to him and let the Neimodians receive our blame. My agents uncovered his plot and got him arrested, tried and convicted. Since then Jiliac the Hutt has been trying for a decade now to settle an agreement that would lead to the release of his brother. When my project was conceived, the Bakuran Senate decided to finally use Marggo the Hutt as a trade for a substantial amount of credits that almost crippled Jiliac’s funds. The after effects of this scheme forced him to cancel most of their contracts with the Separatists due to lack of budgets. In a way, we crippled the Separatists.”

“So it is. Thank you Senator Lavin.” Bail bowed and returned his hover platform on it’s place.

“Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo.” the Chagrin said through the speakers.

“Senator Armand Lavin, this may sound irregular but can I ask you two questions?” Padme gave her sweetest and most charming voice and smile.

“But of course my dear Senator, it is the least that I can do for you for all the heroism you have contributed to the Republic.” the charismatic Bakuran nodded.

“First is my official question. We are all wondering what is this so called Overmind is for? I believe this is the A.I. that will have absolute control of the Super Dreadnaught right?” she said.

“Yes of course. The A.I. is called Tefo Prime Cerebral Nuclei or TePCeN. It is the latest most advance artificial intelligence in the galaxy, it isn’t even out in the market yet or any governmental contract. It was a combined experiment of the Bio-Droid and Techno Union created in an ultra-secret facility deep in the Corporate Sector a year before the conflict in Naboo occurred. The A.I. was perfected just a couple of years before the Clone Wars began. Count Dooku took a personal interest on that technology and was hoping to buy it and use it for the Separatists but fortunately I have outbid him in the auction at the Corporate Sector six months ago. This A.I. can interact with personnel either through typed commands or via audio pick-ups. It basically functions as a droid itself, but far more superior for it cannot be fooled by trickery or wordplay. No amount of restraining bolt can override it and its intelligence can outmatch any living being in the galaxy. It nearly bankrupt Bakura just to obtain this, half of the payment will be reimbursed to the Republic once it was approve.” Lavin explained.

“Only the combined retinal scan of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Master Yoda can override this A.I. Each of them alone cannot access this, it is part of my security measures and now, for that special question of yours?” Armand asked Padme.

“Yes thank you. You just mentioned that the Bio-Droid and the Techno Union created this A.I. at the Corporate Sector but Republic Intelligence discovered otherwise. It was created by the Tefo Brothers Galactic Automaton in Byss, the largest supplier of Artificial Intelligence for the Trade Federation, Bio-Droid and Techno Union. The actual auction did not occur at the Corporate Sector but on Byss and you didn’t outbid Count Dooku, he provided you with the credits to outbid the other bidders like Aruk the Hutt, Queen Mother Ta’Chume and Viceroy Nute Gunray a month before the Battle of Geonosis.” Amidala gave her most mocking sneer.

“That has to hurt.” Kit Fisto whispered on Obi-Wan.

“I deny that accusation Senator Amidala. I have here legal contracts and documents to prove my statement and disprove yours.” Lavin’s composer never wavered as Amidala returned to her slot and Mas Amedda called the next Senator.

* * *

“Senator Amidala has filed a block petition for the Super Dreadnaught Project pending for further investigation.” Mace Windu said to the Council as they return to the Council Chamber. The Senate session has taken a one hour break and would resume finishing the last five questions which would take two more hours to conduct and possibly three to four more hours of open debate between pros and antis. After that the Chancellor will most likely adjourn the session and reschedule for voting for another week.

“Her move will further delay the voting. Mon Mothma must have counseled her to do so.” Ki-Adi-Mundi mused.

“A cunning Senator she is, this Mon Mothma.” Yoda nodded.

“Is the Jedi responsible for the discovery of the Byss connection?” Quinlan Vos asked.

“Yes. Anakin and I went there for a quick reconnaissance prior to my departure for Ord Cestus. He accidentally stumbled on that file. I found it very intriguing so I had him file it to the Council and in turn to the Intelligence. General Crix Madine agreed to cover the Jedi involvement in acquiring that Intel.” Obi-Wan answered.

“Regardless of the delay, Senator Amidala’s last question will sure shift the balance of votes. Byss is one of the Republic’s most ruthless enemies.” Aayla Secura said.

“I’m planet bound Master Windu, just finished the Anzat raid.” Master Vos said.

“See you shortly with Kenobi.” Mace Windu nodded.

“I’m afraid we can no longer attend in full force after this break, the Separatists have renewed their attacks on our assigned sectors.” Luminara Unduli interjected.

“Go on then, we’ll take it from here.” Mace Windu nodded on all the Masters in the holo.

* * *

“The final deliberation would begin with Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan.” Supreme Chancellor Palpatine announced.

“The proposed project has been presented in full detail to us by Senator Armand Lavin. He has answered our questions as best as he could, he has explained to us the importance and the capabilities of his bill and we in turn have openly informed him our optimistic view regarding the subject at hand. To begin the final deliberation I shall discuss the primary concern of my colleagues.” the Alderaanian Prince began.

“The Byss connection.” Bail stated and paused for effect as the three words penetrated the attention of the entire assembly.

“Here it goes.” Obi-Wan whispered to no one in particular. The others nodded in silence.

“The proof presented earlier by Senator Padme Amidala has been verified by various Intelligence divisions from Alderaan to Corellia. The reports filed by Major Crix Madine and Captain Airen Cracken confirmed its validity. This is a disturbing confirmation for it directly contradicts your repeated sworn statement that explains it otherwise. Can you disprove such a compelling fact?” Bail Organa said the last sentence staring straight on the orbs of the Bakuran senator.

Tension filled the room.

Pros and anti-Super Dreadnaught groups waited in tensed silence for the answer, or outburst, of the cool noble senator of Bakura.

“No. I cannot disprove something that is already believed for a fact. Here is another fact; the Confederacy of Independent Systems produces battle droids faster than we could breed clones, the Separatists produces warships and weapons faster than we could and the Separatists can afford losses to gain their ends. They can raze worlds and commit genocide without second thought just to conquer and win, that we can never do. They have no moral boundaries, we do. I do not say that we break our own morality to match them but we can be cunning if we have to in order to save trillions of lives and believe me…WE… HAVE… TO!” Lavin emphasized the last three words.

“Senator Shai Neera of Kuat.” Palpatine acknowledged the next senator.

“Your Excellency, Jedi Masters, my esteemed Senators and the people of the Republic, I will not speak in the defense of Senator Lavin for some would see it as a bias support due to our world’s current contract with his enterprise. Instead I will be addressing everyone in this body to forget the arguments for a second. There is a war going on around us, we all know that right? The Clone Wars is our problem, specifically the Separatist Movement. Each battlefront we gain, another falls somewhere. The galaxy is too big for us to have it under total control. Our clones however efficient could not match the spreading of the enemies. Our Jedi fighting honorably and heroically are being stretched to their limits to the point that Padawans, mere children, were being sent into battles that may yet end their barely beginning lives. We need every help we could get, regardless of their origin or intent, we have to use all that we could to end this war. If we remain passive and closed to innovations and deceptions, our very own hesitation will cost us everything we hold dear. No one has offered a better solution or aid than Senator Lavin. We need this.” she said to the assemblage.

“Thank you Senator Neera. Senator Honi Reva of the Heremen Sector.” Palpatine nodded at the senator and brother of Jedi Master Ash Reva.

“The balance of the Force has shifted. Dark forces unknown and unseen manipulates these past events. The dark side of the Force grows strong as never before. Evil lurks beneath the edges of our vision and its palpable truth tastes stale in the howling winds. Thos are the words of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas before he disappeared and was reported dead. He was my brother’s master more than a decade ago and he was also my friend, like a second father. I may not have the same midi-Chlorian count as my brother Jedi Master Ash Reva but even Master Yoda himself said that I am strong in Force as well.” he began in a tone like one actor would address an audience.

“The Force allowed me to serve it by serving my people here in the Senate as my brother serves the galaxy through the Jedi Order. As a renowned mediator in our Sector, such issues as the one we are facing now, the one in which we are being offered a path of treading dangerously close to the standards of our enemy for a promise of victory and liberation is not new to me.” he stated.

“History alone has taught us that sometimes equal aggression is necessary to attain peace. Peace! Such an elusive word and almost to the point of non-existence, but it isn’t, it’s real, it’s there out for the taking. We only need to sacrifice a part of us for the good of the many. We can deal with the repercussions later, better to kill the rancor first and deal with the nekk dog later. I say we finish the Separatists first, let’s worry about Byss after the Clone Wars.” he raised his voice and the senate was filled with a thundering applause and cheers.

“Senator Mon Mothma will be closing the final deliberation.” Supreme Chancellor Palpatine announced, “After that the voting shall commence immediately.” he added.

Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila waited for the noise to die down before she dislodged her hover platform and moved to the center in front and below that of the Supreme Chancellor. Then her head of security moved the hover platform on a slow cruising curve around the central spire platform so as she addresses the senate, everyone will see her looking at their eyes.

“Senator Lavin has presented to us a gift that we could use against our enemies. Senator Organa has reminded us that we are the Republic, and the Republic never deals with the enemy.” she softly began and her calm demeanor automatically compelled everyone to pay attention. Even the Jedi Council was all focused on her words and the meaning behind each syllable.

“Count Dooku was once one of us. His lineage in Serenno held the highest respect to democracy and justice. His being a Jedi Master has given us stability and peace. But what would turn such a man of impeccable honor to turn his back to everything he believes in? No, I say, he did not turn his back on what he believes in. He turned his back on us. For he believes that this Senate is rotting from within.” a host of protest interrupted her.

“Silence!” Mas Amedda snapped.

“That in itself is true. He is fighting for the right cause, with the wrong method. That made him our enemy. Allies don’t just join a group out of a common goal, but also of their own agendas. As politicians we all understand that game, the bureaucracy and its system. We negotiate, we compromise and that is what the Senate does. But fighting and bringing war to a grand scale could not cure that disease. Dooku should have worked his way from within because that is where the problem is. This war escalated and grew in gross proportions not just because they wanted the corruption to end. This war is growing because planetary governments and leaders use it as a cover to further their own goals. The Trade Federation for monopoly, the Techno Union for production costs, the Commerce Guild and the Banking Clan for profits. Others from old rivalries and feuds. This is now a compounded war with numerous cause and single effect…chaos.” she explained.

“Our economy is suffering, our stability is waning, our freedom is slipping and most importantly our people are dying. And more will die until this war is ended. The Super Dreadnaught offers us a quick and easy way to end this war once and for all but as Senators we must be responsible for our decisions and must weigh and examine all considerations before supporting or opposing anything.”

“Senator Armand Lavin’s proposal is also a double edged knife, while it could give a fatal wound to the enemy, it would also present an equal repercussion on our Republic. The rancor may be huge and deadly but the nekk dog is as deadly as well. I do not disprove either side’s argument but what I do insist is that we base our vote not on emotion but on the balance of cool logic.”

“This is war. The rules of negotiations do not apply. Only engagement and aggression. But that does not prevent cunning and creativity. Look around you, look at our people, whatever we decide here today, they are the first to benefit…or pay for it.” Mon Mothma ended her speech with a curt bow on the Supreme Chancellor.

“The Voting will commence in one hour.” Supreme Chancellor Palpatine struck the gavel and the senate piled out as the senators and their retinue of aides and security personnel moved towards their own offices to make the final review and convince as many as possible to side with their vote.

* * *

“You called for me?” Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker asked the Supreme Chancellor as Mas Amedda open the door for him on his main office.

“Anakin my friend, please seat down.” Palpatine said as he continues to review some reports on his datapad. Anakin took a seat facing the head table while Mas Amedda exited.

“What do you know about the Byss Contract with Senator Lavin?” Palpatine asked.

“I only saw the preliminary report during our mission there with Master Kenobi. Some A.I. program sold by the Separatists to the Bakuran Senator I think.” Anakin frowned in recollection.

“Do you know what the Senate is about to do in a few minutes?” the old man asked him.

“They will vote for the rejection of the proposed project of Senator Lavin due to conflict of interest in regards with this Byss Contract. An A.I. created by the Separatists will compromise the security of the Republic if it will be used on a grand project such as the Super Dreadnaught. For all we know, there could be an embedded override there that would turn that warship against us.” Anakin supplied.

“A possibility but not likely.” Palpatine shook his head.

“Why?” Skywalker creased his forehead in confusion.

“Tefo Brothers’ Galactic Automatons Industry was the chief contractor of the Republic Navy during the Mandalorian crisis under the direct supervision of Jedi Master…”

“Ky Narec, I know. But Dooku led the massacre at Galidran using the Tefo technology.” Anakin shook his head.

“The massacre was his idea. He pursued that goal despite the protests of Master Narec but in the end of the Mandalorian crisis, he and Narec were declared heroes.” Palpatine explained.

“I don’t see its connection with the Super Dreadnaught.” Anakin said.

“Gale Tefo and his brother Joe Tefo were not the biological sons of Duke Eldin Tefo. The real name of Gall and Jee is Arkin and Andre Lavin, they were orphans from Bakura sent to Serenno and from there was adopted by Duke Eldin from House Dooku.” Palpatine revealed.

“What?” Anakin gasped.

“The Lady Algoid Lavin and her husband Senator Rance Lavin were killed by the Mandalorians on Bilbringi. Dooku was escorting them that time and felt responsible for their children. With no next of kin, the infants Arkin and Andre was taken by Master Dooku to his homeworld to be cared for. Ten years after that, Count Dooku discovered that Senator Rance Lavin had an illegitimate son on Bakura that no one know of. Master Dooku did everything he could to restore this child’s lineage and reclaim the House Lavin. That child was Armand Lavin.” Palpatine said.

“So Senator Lavin owed his fortunes to Dooku, the more reason not to trust this project!” Anakin said.

“You’re jumping to conclusions my Jedi friend, let me finish my tale.” Palpatine said and resumed once Anakin was listening to him again.

“The rightful heirs were the Tefo brothers but Duke Eldin has already given his entire properties to his adopted sons so Dooku gave the Bakuran title to Armand Lavin. When the Tefo brothers took over the family company, Dooku introduced them to Armand and told them the truth. The Tefo brothers and Armand began cementing their ties, albeit secretly. You see, the Bakuran honor lives strong in their blood, regardless of what they owe to Count Dooku, these three Lavin brothers were loyal to Bakura, and Bakura is loyal to the Republic.” Palpatine elaborated.

“Does the senate know of this?” Anakin frowned.

“No. The revelation of this would only delay the vote longer and further cripple our hope of ending this war. Only a swing vote can make this happen. I need your help Anakin, I cannot interfere here.” Palpatine said.

“Why me, what can I do? I hold no influence in the Senate like Masters Yoda and Windu.” Anakin stated.

“The opposition block is powerful, turn one of them to voice out in agreement then more will follow the lead. The biggest oppositions were from Corellia, Alderaan, Chandrila, Naboo, Kashyyyk, Belsavis, Ord Mantell, Ithor and Bothawui. You can convince one of them.” Palpatine said.

“Padme.” Anakin nodded in realization.

“I believe you can tell her what I told you and keep it within yourselves. Convince her Anakin. Please my friend, the Super Dreadnaught will turn the tide for us. We might even win the war before the year ends once this was operational.” Palpatine’s voice was pleading.

Anakin flushed and was overwhelmed by the trust Palpatine was giving to his judgment and abilities. He could see his point and looking at the big picture, the existence of the Super Dreadnaught on their side will definitely place them on a greater advantage and possible victory.

“Yes Your Excellency. I will do as you ask.” Anakin finally said and stood up.

Palpatine gave a visible sigh of relief. “I know I can rely on you my friend.” he smiled at him and gave him a fatherly pat on the shoulder.

“I will.” with that Anakin Skywalker left the room and went straight to the Naboo office.

* * *

Senator Padme was not alone, with her were Captain Typho, Jar-Jar Binks, her usual handmaidens and the holoprojection of Jedi Master Djinn Altis and his padawan Callista when Anakin Skywalker was admitted to the office by See Threepio.

“Annie! We we’re just discussing the latest report from Sluis Van, apparently there is a very tight security measures decreed and Master Altis is requesting for assistance in obtaining an access card.” Padme stood up and walk to give Anakin a brief embrace and led him to sit facing her table.

“Master Djinn, Callista.” Anakin greeted the two Jedi.

“Jedi Skywalker, is Master Kenobi with you? We can’t raise him on his comlink.” Master Altis said.

“He is on the Council Chamber right now, but I don’t think they’ll be accepting any calls for the moment, they are on a closed door meeting.” Anakin explained.

“I see. Very well, give General Kenobi my regards. Senator, I thank you for your time.” Altis bowed and their image faded.

“Excuse us Senator, we have to prepare the ship.” Typho stood and nodded at Anakin, the Gungan gave him a hug and followed after him, with a gesture the rest of the handmaidens filed out of the office with See Threepio leaving them alone for the moment.

“Is there something wrong?” Padme move around her desk towards Anakin and gave him a long passionate kiss on the lips.

It took a full minute before the two disengage and Anakin told her about the Tefo Brother’s connection with Senator Lavin and made her promise not to reveal it, at least not after the vote was made and the count was completed and the result legalized.

“I don’t know about Bakuran blood honor and I sure can’t vouch for their loyalty to the Republic, but from what you have told me, these are three people, brothers in fact, with every reason in the galaxy to support Count Dooku. How could I believe that they are loyal to the Republic?” Padme gasps, shocked by the revelation Anakin had told her.

“We can have our top slicers to decode the A.I. and clear it before applying it to the Dreadnaught just for precaution. Tefo could not aide the Republic because of the state of war and no outside company can sign contracts with us, but Senator Lavin did everything he could to obtain that technology. If he wanted Dooku to have it he should have let him get it on Byss by himself, the Tefo will not say no because their company is tied tightly to the will of the Separatists. Instead, Dooku was buying it from Lavin in which case he was rejected. The A.I. is intended for our use and ours alone.” Anakin explained.

“I’ll see what I can do but I can’t promise anything Anakin. This is bigger than any of us, we have to make the right choice.” she said.

“I know. You’re taking time to listen is enough help for me.” Anakin said.

Anakin left her office moments later and Padme opened a mini-conference. Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and Bail Organa came to her in person while the Senators from Kashyyyk, Ithor, Belsavis, Ord Mantell and Bothawui attended via holoprojection.

For the next tight twenty minutes they deliberated, debated and discussed what to do with what they have discovered.

After that they all returned to the Senate Hall for the vote.

* * *

“Anakin was summoned to the Chancellor’s office.” Kenobi said as the Jedi Masters return to their seats and Saesee Tiin closes the door behind them. Obi-Wan had just arrived on the Jedi Temple to see Anakin when their meeting was interrupted by an urgent call from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor calling for Anakin’s presence as soon as possible.

“Master Tholme mentioned a week ago that if a politician keeps on speaking to a padawan or a knight in private whenever opportunity arrive means that insurance is being secured in advance for the execution of an agenda.” Quinlan Vos commented.

“Tholme has always been the suspicious one.” Mace Windu smiled inwardly as if remembering an old memory.

“The Chancellor is fond of Anakin because of what he did for his homeworld eleven years ago. Since then they have cultivated this fatherly bond.” Kenobi explained.

“Jealous?” Agen Kolar raised an eyebrow.

“Anakin needs all the perspective and guidance he could get.” Obi-Wan countered.

“Let’s get to business. We only have forty five minutes to discuss this proposal one more time before the senate decides whether to approve this or not.” Mace Windu sat beside Master Yoda.

“Tilted the senate’s opinion, Senator Organa’s revelation has.” Yoda said.

“Anakin and I uncovered that report. There is no way he could deny its existence.” Kenobi said rubbing the stubble on his chin.

“But he has clearly prepared a counter argument about it, making his proposal purely necessary.” Agen Kolar supplied.

“Therefore it means he was already expecting the Byss Contract to come out in the deliberation.” Kenobi muttered.

“He knew you and Skywalker extracted that data on Byss.” Saesee Tiin suggested.

“Or someone tipped him prior to the deliberation.” Quinlan Vos offered.

“Either way something is not right here.” Plo Koon surmised.

“A third person, involved in this. Find him we must.” Yoda mused.

“How? Where to start, the voting will begin in thirty minutes.” Kenobi crossed his arms in mild frustration.

“Can’t worry about that now.” the Korun shook his head.

“Alright, worst case scenario, the bill is approved, the project undergoes and the Separatists reveals their hand in it upon completion and they uses the warship against us, what now?” Quinlan Vos leaned forward.

“You’re jumping to conclusions.” Saesee Tiin disagreed.

“We can’t stop the voting now, but we can cancel it later.” Vos countered.

“A point you have. Elaborate it, you must.” Yoda addressed the Kiffex.

“If there is anyone who could figure out the real story behind this proposal, that would be Master Djinn Altis and his apprentice Callista, they are on the site right now.” Vos explained.

“We’re listening.” Windu urged him to continue.

“Master Reva reported that a Separatist ship came and left at Bakura a few days before today. Records show that Senator Lavin and Admiral Lavin was there that night. Asajj Ventress was spotted, as well as several scientists, one was Nasdra Magrody.” Quinlan Vos enumerated.

“So a meeting was held there. Is Count Dooku present?” Windu inquired.

“No one can confirm nor deny. Only Ventress, but Intelligence double checked the comm and holo traffic over Bakura that time and guess where the two transmissions originated.” Vos smiled, reading a stream of data being sent to him by Master Reva from Bakura.

“Dooku?” Saesee Tiin guessed.

“It doesn’t tell who, just where. There are two transmission of holo. One came from Xagobah, a few light-years from Sluis Van, and Coruscant.” Vos read aloud the report.

“Here? Any specifics I should know?” Windu gasped in alarm.

“Senate District, further trace was blocked, that part was our security working.” Vos shrugged.

“Dooku mentioned to me that the Senate was being controlled by the Sith.” Kenobi recalled.

“So far we haven’t found or even sense one we could not confirm that statement.” Windu sighed.

“Disproved it, we also hasn’t.” Yoda quipped.

“Master Yoda is right. The war is covering the Sith presence from us, so much negative energy emanating even from our own people. This war is already taking its toll on most of us. Hope is slipping away.” Plo Koon commented.

“Then suddenly Senator Lavin came offering hope.” Vos continued.

“People in the verge of despair will cling to any semblance of hope.” Obi-Wan added.

“Despite the contradictions and the possible repercussions, chances are the proposal will be approved.” Mace Windu predicted.

“Then the Jedi will just have to keep an eye on the Eye of Palpatine.” Quinlan Vos smiled but somehow the humor was lost in it between the Jedi Masters inside the chamber.

* * *

“Yesterday a total media blackout was imposed by the Supreme Chancellor from the beginning to the conclusion of the entire special session. As the Senators leaves the great hall, none of managed to elicit a response from any of them leaving us to continue on speculating from one thought to another.”

“But this morning, all media networks received an official statement from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. The statement reads:

The Republic Bill 78R-593B-000A titled as Project Super Dreadnaught or most commonly referred as the Eye of Palpatine from proponent Senator Armand Lavin of Bakura has been thoroughly reviewed and discussed by all committees concern. After a careful deliberation and weighing the possible effects of the said project to the ongoing state of war the Republic is currently suffering, the largest percentage of the Galactic Senate hereby approves the construction and completion and use of the Super Dreadnaught to the extent of its purposes in this time of war.

Security decided that the private shipyard in orbit of Sluis Van will be under strict quarantine during the entire completion of the Super Dreadnaught to protect the ship and its workers from tampering and sabotage.

A sizable fleet will also be station within the Sluis Van system under the esteemed command of Commander Tarkin in anticipation for Separatists attempt to either destroy or commandeer the said project.

Senator Armand Lavin, proponent of the said project has also announced that he would retire once his project succeeds in ending the Clone Wars and will resign if it fails to do so.

Admiral Lavin was given the command of the Super Dreadnaught and would have the honor of handpicking his entire crew.

Details of the Super Dreadnaught will be restricted to public record for the duration of the war and would only be allowed high level clearance after the war for security reasons.

“The Jedi Council offered no statement regarding the approval of the project aside from Master Mace Windu’s personal statement:

“I will personally keep an eye on this thing.”

“A statement that generated a wave of laugh and mild humor from the Senate inquiry and the media network personnel. This is Conney Colwick of HBN reporting.”

* * *

“Lord Sidious.” came the deep resonating voice.

“Lord Tyranus.” answered the old rasping tone.

“I heard the project was approved.” Count Dooku said.

“As I have assured you, now how about our dear Senator?” the gaunt Sith asked.

“I have sent Ventress for him, again.” he said.

“Killing the clone wouldn’t be as hard as killing the original.” Darth Sidious smirked.

“Either way, she will be enjoying every single second of it.” Dooku smiled.

“And the Jedi?” the older Sith inquired.

“Master Djinn and Callista, as well as Master Reva will no longer be our problem soon enough once she‘s done with the clone Senator.” Dooku assured his master.

“Very well, proceed as planned.” Darth Sidious nodded.

“To the letter.” Dooku bowed and his image disappeared.

“To the letter.” Darth Sidious echoed on the empty air.

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    Comment by markajcristobal | January 28, 2012 | Reply

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