
MCCM and Duneglider Books presents:

Taken to Die Hard (Preview)

TAKEN to DIE HARDTaken to Die Hard 01

Mark A.J. Cristobal


Prologue: Sheerah and Kimmy World Tour

“Kimmy is taking over the planet like a storm, this former protégé of the pop icon Sheerah had swept the worldwide fandom in just less than a year. Now, with her first album hitting the charts from here to Europe and to the rest of the world, Sheerah has just announced that the two of them are gearing up for their first World Tour together this December and their fans are ecstatic about it. This is Sam Coleman reporting.”

Bryan Mills turned the television off and finished his last shot of bourbon before cleaning his table. He returned his guns and cleaning materials back on their respective cases and went to get some fresh air at the terrace of his 27th floor suite at MGM Grand Las Vegas.

“Bryan?” a voice from his speaker phone spoke.

“Yes Sam,” the retired C.I.A. operative acknowledged.

“Kimmy has just finished singing the national anthem. Are you going to watch the fight or what?” Sam asked.

“I’m coming down. Who’re you betting anyways, Pacquiao or Mayweather?” Bryan closed the terrace door and double checked his guns at his shoulder holster before going out of his room and locking it.

“Mayweather of course!” Sam chuckled.

“Good luck.” Bryan muttered and took the elevator to rejoin his former CIA colleague.

* * *

“I told you she’s awesome dad,” Lucy McClane exclaimed as the security escorted Kimmy back inside while Michael Buffer went to announce the contenders for the main event.

“I think she might have missed a note somewhere…” John started to say but his daughter elbowed him on the ribs, “Alright, alright. I still think Gloria Gaynor can do way better than that.”

“Come on dad, you’re living in the past.” Jack laughed and took a bite on his hotdog.

“That’s what Farrell always tells me.” John grunted.

“How is he anyways?” Lucy asked him but her question was drowned out by the roar of the crowd as Floyd Mayweather, Jr. came out and made his way to the ring.

“So Lucy, do you think your Manny Pacquiao can knock him off at the sixth round?” Jack challenged her.

“Make it three rounds, a hundred bucks.” Lucy offered a shake.

“Prepare to lose your money, sis.” Jack smirked.

“Shush it! He’s coming out!” John spreads out his arms pushing his son and daughter back from blocking his view.

“…Manny Pacquiao!” Michael Buffer announced.

The people in their section stood and cheered, the noise was deafening. Apparently the three of them got a seat where a large number of Filipinos are gathered.

“I should have bought the front tickets,” John McClane sighs.

“That’s the price of going cheap on us, dad.” Lucy grinned.

“I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t lose a thousand at the casino.” John retorted.

“That’s Jack’s doing,” Lucy made a face to her brother.

“Oh great, blame it on the CIA Operative,” Jack rolled his eyes.

“Let’s get ready to rumble!” the powerful and iconic voice of Michael Buffer filled the entire MGM Grand Garden Arena.

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