
MCCM and Duneglider Books presents:

Knights of Gotham: Nightwing (Preview)

Knights of Gotham: Nightwing

 KG1 Nightwing Cover 01 BMark A.J. Cristobal



 Rain pours hard over Gotham City. It always does on this time of the year. They say Gotham never sleeps, and they were right, specially the criminals. They prowl in the dark for prey as long as I can remember and this night was no exception.

For ten years I have taken up the mantle as Gotham’s Dark Knight. But I honor Bruce Wayne too much to take on his suit and his Batman persona. I had to be a new symbol, a new face but not too detached from the shadow of the caped crusader. People must know that even in Batman’s death he watches over them through me.

Gotham finally saw its time of peace but in only a couple of years the troubles started once more. First as random incidents until things worked in the underground too efficient and organized to appear unrelated.

As the late Knight of Gotham left the people to his heir, it seems the criminals have found a leader of their own to bring them back to their former glory.

The type of glory I can never allow to return.

A woman’s scream pierced through the curtain of raindrops hitting the rooftops. That would be my cue to move out of my perch.

With three bounds I was airborne, falling. Years of practice finally allowed me to control my landing with a tuck and roll. My suit is being hammered by the rain and the path ahead is a constant blur of shifting images. But it doesn’t stop me from making my way to the owner of that scream.

The rooftop ends in a few meters so I increased my speed and tensed my muscles for another leap. The scream echoed again and this time it has moved southeast. Interlocking metal beams of an empty billboard frame came fast before me as I began my descent. Making myself small, my body passed through the opening and before I hit the wall I reached out for the thick coils of wires and use it to swing myself to the left and land on another rooftop.

A gunshot boomed close by. My blood pounded in my veins at the sound of it. It urges me to make great haste and within seconds I finally got a glimpse of my quarry.

A woman lay bleeding at the alley below, unconscious from the shock. I went down to move her out of the rain and kicked open a backdoor eliciting enraged shouts followed by startled screams from the people working on a busy kitchen.

I was out and up jumping off from fire exit ladders before any of that crew could get a good look at me.

There, two of them, running aimlessly. Great, non-locals, this should be easy.

I spotted a crane above and fired my grappling gun on it. Felt the wire go taught so I made the swing and landed ahead of the slower low life. He just threw off his ski mask as he made his left turn to where I await him. Stupid amateur.

I took out another set of thin tensile grappling hook and aimed at the collar of his jacket and fired. He gave a startled yelp as I yank him down and retract the cable lifting him fast off the ground.

The leading one saw his companion as I pulled him up. He also took out his mask to squint through the rain and darkness. They both look a lot alike, but this one is older.

I grabbed the younger one from his leg and tied the cable on the railing so that he would be facing me eye to eye upside down.

“The bag.” I growled at him and he handed his victim’s purse to me. I took it from him and placed it on top of an air con jutting out from the wall behind me before I jump down to finish off the older one.

The lead thief made a wrong turn on a dead end. I casually walked towards him, steps partly out of the shadows, enough for my silhouette to be seen and recognized.

He aimed the gun at me in terror and fired. He threw the gun away and fell on his knees when he saw the bullet hit my armor and I didn’t budge.

“Please, don’t kill me!” he begged at me crying, it was very pathetic and disgusting.

“Who’s pulling the strings on the streets now? Give me a name.” I roared at him through the noise of the rain.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! Me and my brother, we’re just nobody! You… you’re him right? You’re the Nightwing!” he cried.

“Do you want to see your brother again?” I asked him.

“Yes, yes, please don’t kill us! Please spare us and we will leave Gotham for good!” he clasped his hands as if praying.

“Give me a name then we make a deal!” I countered.

“Alright, alright, I’ll talk but if they find out we did, they will kill us!” he said, and I suddenly realized that his terror was not aimed at me at all but for that someone, their boss.

“Give me a name and I will guarantee your safety!” he and his brother would be safe enough in jail, but he doesn’t need to know that yet.

“Scarecrow,” he finally said and I almost gasped visibly in disbelief.

Chapter 1: Queen of Hearts

 She’s feisty and funny but not one to mess with

She’s smart and pretty but don’t ever make her angry

She’ll endure all your rant as long as she gets what she wants

She has a killer body but don’t even think of getting into her pants

Beware, beware the Queen of Hearts

Beware, beware the Queen of Hearts…


“That was an interesting song, the tune is familiar but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of your lyrics before,” his doctor smiled as she enters his cell and adjusted her eyeglasses while checking on her clipboard.

“Ah my favorite doctor has come once again for a pretty little chat,” the patient leaned back on the wall and stretches out his arms and legs, yawning.

“I’m your only doctor, Lewis.”

“What kind of institution makes up names for their patients? I am as always baffled by this mystery,” the man she called Lewis sat cross legged on his bed and spreads his arms indicating the entire building.

“What’s wrong with Lewis? I think that’s a nice name,” the doctor frowned.

“That’s a matter of opinion, hardly debatable,” he muttered then regarded the nurse behind her, “He must be Lewis.”

The doctor glances at her nurse who just stood there as if he did not heard what the patient has just said, “His name is Jerry, but we’re not here to talk about him, right Lewis?”

“STOP… calling… me… Lewis…” the patient suddenly lunges and grabs the doctor by the collar of her white coat, growling like an angered beast.

“Then we’d better start this session by telling me your real name.” the doctor countered, unfazed by his outburst.

The patient stared at her long and hard and laughed. He adjusted her collar and returned to his previous position, still chuckling, “Gotham burns outside because a mad man called Bane threatens to trigger a nuclear explosion and you are here asking an insufferable nutcase like me for my real name… You’re good, I give you that. We should switch places one of these days.”

“You’re evading my question. Alright, let’s do this your way. Why do you think we should switch places?” she nodded at Jerry who went to set up a video camera on a tripod to record their session.

“For starters, I’ve been cooped up here for years now and the walls and the mattresses are getting… boring,” the patient answered.

“How about our daily sessions, do they bore you too?” she made sure she sounded hurt but he seems to missed that inflection, or doesn’t care.

“Oh I look forward in all of our chitty-chat. But, woman, let’s face it… you,” he pointed at her chest then on his, “…and me, it just won’t work. I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me…” he theatrically tries to hold back his tears.

“You are funny sometimes.” the doctor laughed.

“Duh?” the patient rolled his eyes.

“So, back to our topic, what are you going to do if you were me?”

“I’ll get out of this box and buy myself an ice cream uptown. Probably pay a courtesy call to Bane, you know, talk some sense into Lord Vader, tell him his doing it all wrong.” he said, the doctor noted the subtle spike of his excitement.

“Why? Will Bane’s plan won’t work?” she inquired.

“I don’t personally know asthma boy, we’re not that close yet for me to say much. But from what I see in your hippie old picture box, he doesn’t have it in him to destroy Gotham, not at least while he’s still in it.”

“So Bane is bluffing?” the doctor leaned forward.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no… no! People like him that was spitted out of the Pit never bluffs. But they lie. They are the perfect liars, even better than me.” the patient shook his head animatedly.

“The Pit?” this somehow made the doctor more curious.

“That hellhole he came from. Anyways, stop distracting me, I’m not finished,” the man raised his left index finger signaling her to stop talking.

“Sorry, please continue,” the doctor let him resume.

“Bane maybe smart and cunning and all, but he’s not the one running this elaborate show, doc. How do you think Bane knew where the fusion reactor is?” he said.

The doctor gasped and stood up, took a few steps backward, “How on Earth could you have known these things? Even I don’t know half of what you are saying. These details, if true, never came out from the media.”

“You think you’re the only visitor I get here? Huh?” the patient giggled, “You should see the look on your face, doc. Classic!” he laughed harder and louder.

Jerry steps forward with his stun baton but the doctor shook her head, “No. It’s alright, just step out and lock the door.”

“Doc?” Jerry protested.

“I’ll be fine.” She turns to gaze at him and the nurse complied, albeit hesitantly.

“Talk.” She crosses her arms the moment she heard the click of the lock.

“Woman, are you dumb or something? What do you think I’ve been doing since you came in my room today?” he slumped on his bed.

“I’m serious, start talking. Who’s giving you this information?” she said in a flat tone.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” he pointed at his face then seems to reconsider, “Never mind.”

“Tell me the truth.” She snapped.

“The truth?” he raised an eyebrow at her.

“The truth.” She nodded.

He got up from bed and sat to face her, “The truth, are you sure?”

“Stop wasting my time.” The doctor hissed.

“I got time to kill.” He smiled.

“Was it someone from our staff? An intruder in the night?” she ignored his remarks.

“What’s in it for me… doc?” he cocked his head indicating the camera.

“If I shut it off will you give me the truth?” she asked in all seriousness.

The patient gave an almost imperceptible nod. The doctor stood and went to close the recorder and put it aside, lens trained on the wall. But she opened it again; making sure the power light was out of view. If she could not get this on video, at least she will have an audio copy.

“There is a little bird that comes in the night asking the same questions as you do. She…”

“A woman? Who?”

The patient paused as if interrupted by a stupid kid and regarded her as exactly like that, “A little bird.”

“Fine, go on,” her mouth pursed.

“She said she came from a flock that is nesting in the shadows of Gotham,” he explained.

“The mob,” she nodded in understanding.

“Woman, that’s your assumption, I don’t care,” he grinned.

“So it’s not the mob? Something else?”

“I… don’t… care. Now let me fucking finish,” he narrowed his eyes at her.

“The flock gathers and they shall migrate here, one by one, slowly, arduously. They will feast on the crops and ruin the harvest. They will take all the worms and leave the soil infertile  And when the field dried and the crops withered the heat will bake the land and set it on fire,” he gave a low chuckle.

“How? The bat will…”

“The bat… is of no consequence. We’re talking about a migration of ravens, hundreds… thousands even. What can one bat do to such numbers?” he growled.

“You react as if you approve, like you are a part of it,” the doctor held her ground.

“Woman, I am no bird.”

“When will the migration begin?” she queried.

“If Bane succeeds then it shall follow very shortly. If not, gradually.”

“Let’s say I believe everything you just said. Why are you saying this to me? I haven’t offered anything to you in exchange yet,” she stood up and leaned her back on the left wall.

“All I ask is a little touch of cooperation from you,” he said.

“You want me to cooperate with the birds?” she gave him a quizzical look.

“You know what? For a very smart person like you, you can be such a total moron. Let me spell it out for you, I want you to clear me so I may get the hell out of his stink box,” he scowled at her.

“If I clear your mental state, GCPD will move you to Blackgate Penitentiary,” she countered.

“Better there than here,” he stood up as well and matched her position on the opposite wall.

“So far all you’ve told me are tales about birds. I want facts. Names,” she stopped as Jerry opened the door.

“Doc, we just received word that the trapped cops have gotten out… and the Batman is back.” Jerry relayed.

“Thank you. Please lock the door again; I’ll be joining you in a few minutes.”

“I have a question for you,” the patient said once Jerry closed the door.

“Go ahead,” the doctor nodded.

“If I give you facts and names will you break me out of here?” he asked.

“That would be impossible, you, set loose could be far worse than what Bane is doing out there right now,” she crossed her arms.

“She calls herself the Queen of Hearts, Heart to be exact. She works with three other women; Spade, Diamond and Club. They call themselves the Queens. They claim to be the follower of the Joker’s ideals. They paint their faces just like he did. Heart was their leader, Spade their liaison to the migrating birds, Diamond works on a goldmine and also has links to the birds, Club plays God and could be very eccentric. They have a contact on the field, one that was supposed to keep the birds away from the crops but in truth arranges everything for their migration,” he finally revealed.

“The Scarecrow!” the doctor gasped in realization.

“One down, all you need to figure out are the rest of the Queens. They are all out there, living their double lives. Sweet, innocent, lovely ladies that could take any man they want. But they are all as deadly as the black widow.”

“Dr, Crane is out there playing judge for Bane’s revolution. Oh my God… the ravens are the League of Shadows, right?”

“Not from my lips, doc,” the patient made a motion of zipping his mouth shut.

“Very well, thank you for your cooperation. This, by far, is our most interesting session,” she went to pack the camera and the tripod.

She was about to step out of the room when the patient called out to her, “Doc, next time just bring a fucking tape recorder on your pocket.”


Night fell over the institute and the usual moans, screams, grumblings, shouts and cries of a number of patients within their area alone was enough for anyone to keep up all night.

The patient saw on his bed facing the only door of his room.

“Three, two, one, and…” he counted down and the knob moved and the door slowly opened.

A lithe figure stepped in, a woman; she was wearing an all black leotard and leggings. Her face was a mess of smudged make-up, a chaotic attempt to imitate the face of the Joker.

“I see you have told Dr. Quinzel about my visits. I hope you didn’t tell her everything,” the visitor purred, almost flirtingly.

“Only what she needed to hear to keep everything in motion, Heart.” the patient said gruffly.

“Is she up to it?” she asked.

He gave her an exasperated look, “Bitch, please.”

“Fine, anyways, have you heard the news? Or where you too busy counting the molecules of your stinking cube?” she said.

“Bane failed,” he nodded.

“So you we’re out watching television with the other patients huh?”

“Stupid. If Bane has succeeded, the bomb would have exploded and we would all be dead by now,” he snapped angrily at her.

“Well, then you don’t know that Bane and Talia are both dead, the League of Shadows captured or scattered and the best of all… the Batman is dead,” she giggled.

“WHAT?” he grabbed her shoulders and slammed her hard on the wall.

“Why are you taking this on me? I didn’t kill the bat, no one did. He flew that jet of his taking the bomb to the sea.” Heart cried.

“Sshh ssh sshh… don’t cry my sweet bleeding Heart. You know I never wanted the Batman dead,” he touched her cheeks and cooed at her as if she was an infant.

“If you don’t want the Batman dead then you should have talked to Bane and Talia directly, instead of using me to pass your messages to Spade and from her to Talia.” Heart said.

“Talia will not listen to me either way. Bane won’t even bother. Which reminds me, where is Crane? Has he been captured?” he grew more serious.

“Spade spotted Crane taking the body of Talia on his car. He drove off. Should Spade have followed him?” Heart placed her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her lips.

“He’ll be around, he knows better than to ditch us. Wait a minute; what would he need Talia’s corpse for?” he suddenly remembered that part of Heart’s statement and pulled away.

“Maybe he’s necrophilia?” she tried to smile and lighten the mood.

“ Doesn’t matter; get Spade to round up the ravens and the freed prisoners of Blackgate then have them get in touch with Diamond’s people. Once they’re gathered, go get Crane and bring him to me.”

“What should we tell them?” Heart leaned forward to kiss him and for a few seconds he allowed her before gently pushing her off of him.

“Tell them Gotham has gotten too serious for my taste. I’ve been cooped up here for almost nine years now, and I’ll be damned if I am to stay for another decade,” he stepped away and opened the door, looked out and returned inside but left it open.

“Is that all?” she walked towards him.

“With the Batman gone, matters have just been simplified for us. The Dent Act is no longer a problem, thanks to old Gordon’s love letter.”

“What if the ravens refuse to follow us? We’re not exactly one of them.”

“Kill those who oppose. Tell them I said their pitiful boy scouts are leaderless now. All they got is me and the Queens. Crane is no leader, either they bow to our authority or they follow their masters to the grave,” he clenches his fist before her.

“Spade said she could use our benefactor…”

“No! Not yet. Not until I’m out of Arkham,” he shook his head vehemently and added, “Besides, I never met him yet and if I am to see him, I don’t want it here.”

“Alright, I’ll tell Spade. So what are we going to do, now that Bane and Talia’s revolution has failed? Bane said the fire will rise but it didn’t.” Heart cried again.

“Bane may have failed in his actions but not his purpose. The fire has risen and it will spread. It shall eat everything in its path, GCPD shall fall and the corporate world will crumble like dominoes with Wayne Enterprises as the last piece,” he started to laugh mockingly at first until he felt the mirth in him coming out and he laughed loudly… hysterically. Hearth joined him.

“Everything burns!” the Joker growled.

Heart kissed him once more and left before the night intern came to tell him to keep quiet and lock his door.


  1. Galing naman!

    Comment by jahnez | December 5, 2012 | Reply

  2. Very cool and interesting so far. 😀 Lets see what you have planned. Keep up the good work, Mark! 🙂 Nice to see the Jokerin this story hehehe

    Comment by Yvonne | December 5, 2012 | Reply

  3. I’m inspired by your works, keep em up!

    Comment by Zero MD | January 27, 2013 | Reply

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