
MCCM and Duneglider Books presents:

Fall of the Order: The Final Arrest

Mark A.J. Cristobal


Prologue: A Hard Rescue

 Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former apprentice Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker crash landed their Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors or commonly called Jedi Interceptors on the central hangar bay of the modified Providence-class carrier/destroyer Invisible Hand, the flagship of General Grievous; cyborg leader of the Confederacy of Independent System’s droid army.

Artoo Detoo ejected himself from Anakin’s ship and rolled after the two who went slicing their way through heaps of now pieces of battle droids.

“Artoo see if you can find the Chancellor.” Anakin ordered as he and Obi-Wan re-ignited their lightsabers as more Commando Droids came forward.

Artoo beeped and jacked his scomp link to the nearest console terminal while the pair busied themselves in deflecting laser fires from a dozen Commando droids, another dozen droidekas rolled in to join the fray and from behind them comes streaming hundreds of Super and B2 Battle Droids.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Anakin gritted his teeth as more firepower began to converge on them.

Artoo gave out another excited shrill.

“What’s a Wizard’s Tower?” Anakin frowned then winced as a stray shot almost singed his arm.

“I believe it’s the topmost spire of this ship.” Obi-Wan grunted as he started to feel the ferocity of the numerous laser bolts coming at them.

“This is delaying us.” Anakin slowly backs out and keeping Artoo behind him so as not to be hit by enemy fire.

“I agree.” Obi-Wan leaped several meters high and landed behind the rows of enemy droids and starting cutting down Super droids and battle droids. The commotion led the droid army to split their focus on two separate targets, by the time they have re-oriented themselves, Anakin and Obi-Wan were spinning like horaccan whirlwind-devils. Every droid they passed fell in several pieces.

After a few more seconds there was not a single enemy droid left functional. “Stay here Artoo, try not to get caught or destroyed.” Anakin said to his faithful droid as he followed Obi-Wan to the nearest turbolift that would take them to the Wizard’s Tower.

Obi-Wan pressed the open button and as the doors slid aside a cloaked figure emerged from the lift.

“Going somewhere false Jedi?” the pale skinned hairless tattooed woman narrowed her eyes into slits and snarled at them, from her hands appeared a pair of curved lightsaber that she has already ignited.

“Lovely, I thought you were dead.” Obi-Wan ignited his weapon and moved back as the swift Dathomiri attacked them like a wounded nexu.

“I will gladly die once the Jedi are no more.” Asajj Ventress growled as she spun a low swing at Obi-Wan at the same time giving a powerful high jab at Anakin. Kenobi easily skipped the swinging blade while Anakin barely avoided the quick jab causing some of his left-side hair get burnt.

Anakin made a series of alternating slashes so fast his lightsaber seems to form a blue butterfly dancing on Asajj’s red blade. That same moment Kenobi made a similar but unpredictable mix of slash, slice, pierce and swirls of his own weapon but to both Jedi’s disbelief she continue to manage preventing both wild attacks from giving her any serious injuries.

Another powerful slash almost decapitated Anakin and this infuriates the younger Jedi. The ship suddenly rocked at the impact of a series of massive explosions somewhere. Obi-Wan dropped and rolled under them and emerged behind Ventress and stab her from behind, but another lurching of the ship caused his blade to miss and only got to pierce the side. This caused Asajj Ventress to stagger back in pain.

“You’re an easy kill Slave Boy! You think those Tuskens took your mother by happenstance? A little mind trick and a promise of Krayt pearls and I convinced them to take that slave poodoo of your mother and have her tortured!” Ventress laughed.

Rage vehemently sparks and broke his countenance, his coolness and efficiency switched onto uncontrollable wild anger, wasting no time Anakin raised his arm and closed his fist.

“No Anakin, she’s lying!” Obi-Wan shouted. Anakin ignored his former master.

Asajj felt her larynx constricted, dark spots danced at the edge of her vision and she began to choke, her aching lungs struggling for air. The pain was so intense that she dropped her lightsabers. Obi-Wan stopped and called out at his former padawan.

“Anakin!” he snapped seeing a dark shadow coming down on Anakin’s hateful face.

Asajj’s eyes rolled up and at the last spasms she finally fell lifeless.

“Anakin, Anakin are you all right? Anakin, snap out of it!” Obi-Wan shook the shocked Jedi who stood still staring at the now unmoving body of one of their longest nemesis.

“I… I choked her to death!” Anakin’s dried lips finally whimpered.

“You have dangerously come closer to the dark side.” Obi-Wan started.

“Let’s talk about this later. We already wasted an hour as it is.” Anakin said grimly.

Obi-Wan dragged Asajj’s body to a nearby storage chamber before rejoining Anakin inside the turbolift. Artoo rolled and paused in front of them.

“Stay with the ship Artoo.” Anakin said to his loyal droid.

“Here, take this.” Obi-Wan threw a comlink on Artoo and the droid deftly caught it with his pincer.

The turbolift ride took a few minutes before it reached the topmost spire of the Invisible Hand. As the shaft opened two dozen Commando droids instantly opened fire at them.

Anakin and Obi-Wan strained to deflect and redirect the bolts in the cramped space of the turbolift as more Commando droid joined the first two dozen.

“Hold them, I have an idea.” Anakin hissed and stepped back behind Obi-Wan and use the Force to open the top hatch of the lift tube, then he Force-leaped and left Obi-Wan alone to face the swarming droids.

“I hate it when he does that.” Obi-Wan muttered.

Sparks suddenly flew from the ceiling above the hallway where the Commando droids are, it started at the left edge in front of the turbolift entrance and began tracing itself at the corners moving at the expanse of the ceiling until a rectangular molten orange line had formed above.

“Uh oh!” one of the Commando droids looked up and saw the entire ceiling buckling and then gave way and fall down on them.

Anakin stood at the center of the fallen ceiling and gave Obi-Wan a smug look.

“Well, what are you standing there for? We have a Chancellor to save.” Anakin grinned.

“Show off.” Obi-Wan countered and they both ran towards the main entrance of the so called Wizard’s Tower.

The blastdoor slid open, and before them a vast view of the Battle of Coruscant can be seen in a majestic panoramic vantage. The two were on an upper deck and ahead on each side were curving stairs that leads down on a wider expanse that dominated the entire chamber. Four Communications consoles were equally spaced at the sides and at the center on the opposite facing them was a single throne-like chair. There sat the Galactic Republic’s Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, friend and mentor of Anakin.

Anakin and Obi-Wan cautiously walked down the stairs, each using each of the stairs.

Then they finally reached the Chancellor.

“Are you harmed?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Count Dooku.” Palpatine cocked his head on the direction where they came in.

Anakin and Obi-Wan turn to see Count Dooku entering the chamber escorted by a pair of IG-100 Magna-droids. Then another surprise came to stand beside the former Jedi Master. The hooded man was smaller but his presence rivals that of Dooku’s. He took off his hood to show his unmistakable tattooed and horned face.

Obi-Wan gasped. He knew he had killed him thirteen years ago.

“Anakin, you take the Zabrak, I take Dooku.” Obi-Wan said to Anakin.

“I was just about to say that.” Anakin glowered at Darth Maul.

“Be careful, Dooku is a Sith Lord.” Palpatine warned them.

“Chancellor, Sith Lords is our specialty.” Obi-Wan said.

“Your lightsabers please, we don’t want to make a mess in front of the Chancellor.” Dooku said as the Magna-droids move to engage the two Jedi.

The pair easily destroyed the droids and as Anakin dash to engage Lord Maul. The nimble Sith leaped and landed a few meters near the Chancellor.

“He does that.” Obi-Wan said to him.

Anakin rolled his eyes and started to leap after him.

“Hello Dooku.” Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber.

“Master Kenobi, you should have joined me when you had the chance.” Dooku shook his head as he ignited his own weapon.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m already fully booked.” Obi-Wan lunged and the other easily parried, they continued like that for a few more strokes, one measuring the other, building up momentum for a more savage and brutal confrontation.

Anakin and Darth Maul circled each other, their eyes never leaving the other’s. Anakin have heard Obi-Wan’s recount of his first and last encounter with the Zabrak back in Naboo more than a decade ago. He tried to recall the Sith’s technique, and how he killed Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, the only man that opened the galaxy for him. He owed his life today to him, he would never have seen Padme again if not for him paving way for his freedom, his passage off-world and his becoming a Jedi.

This Sith Lord killed him. Qui-Gon must be avenged. He owes him that much.

Darth Maul snarled at him and lunged, his dual-bladed lightsaber spinning left and right forcing him to move back. Anakin took a deep breath and clashed with the other. He drew the Force around him, meeting Maul’s attacks speed for speed and strength for strength.

The chamber was filled with the thrumming power of lightsabers and a stale palpable thickening presence of the Force.

Calm focus dominated Obi-Wan’s mind while Dooku emanated strain and excitement. Lord Maul radiates energy and vitality and rage while Anakin counter balanced it with determination and controlled anger.

Palpatine inhaled sharply, taking in on the thrumming echoes of the Force, it revitalizes him, refreshed him, such tension, such anger.

Anakin began to feel the strain as Lord Maul seems not to break a sweat at all. He must do something to even the fight. An idea came to mind and he smiled crookedly. Maul sensed something in his opponent and he eyed him with mild curiosity.

Anakin leaped back to give him more space then stretched out his hand and began to summon Darth Maul’s lightsaber to him. Maul tightened his grip and was momentarily, just a fraction of a second, confused. That small opening was all Anakin needed.

He Force-pushed Maul sending the Sith crashing on one of the comm-consoles and as the Sith tries to regain his footing Anakin closed his hand in a fist and one of Maul’s lightsaber exploded.

“Now we’re even.” Anakin snarled and ran head on to the stunned Sith Lord.

Dooku unleashed a Force-lightning which Obi-Wan easily blocked with his blade but the other didn’t stop, he intensified his lightning to the point that Obi-Wan’s lightsaber begins to buckle in the relentless surge of power.

Suddenly Obi-Wan felt something strongly painful within his body, it is as if a million unseen insects were moving inside his flesh, his organs and his blood. The pain was so great he dropped his lightsaber and the Force-lightning hit him like a solid blow throwing him down the stairs as he writhes in pain.

Dooku continued electrocuting him and at the same time doing something else.

“What are you doing?” Obi-Wan screamed in agony.

“A new trick I learned, still not well at it though. I am attempting to extract your midi-Chlorians.” Dooku’s deep voice seemed distant as the excruciating pain dulls Obi-Wan’s senses.

Anakin threw Maul again on another comm-console and turn around as he heard the scream of his former master.

“Obi-Wan!” Anakin growled and leaped to engage Dooku.

Dooku was forced to stop torturing Obi-Wan as Anakin, the younger and angrier Jedi pounded him with one powerful blow after another.

Obi-Wan lost consciousness as the pain become numbness and his agony turned into exhaustion.

Darth Maul stood up and picked up his remaining lightsaber he strode casually towards Kenobi and as he passed Palpatine he slightly turn his peripherals on the captive.

He saw Palpatine shook his head once. Maul stopped advancing and just stood there watching Anakin battle Dooku.

“Lord Maul.” Palpatine’s voice echoed in the Zabrak’s mind.

“Yes my master.” He answered. His voice so low no one could have heard him.

“No matter what happened, do not kill Skywalker.” Palpatine emphasized on the name.

“Yes my master, as you wish.” Maul nodded without leaving his eyes on the ensuing duel.

Dooku felt the disadvantage of his age and the edge of Anakin’s rage taking over the fight. The Count began losing strength and Anakin seemed to know it and smiled like a devil at him. Each of his attacks become stronger than the first until Dooku finally gave ground, lost his footing on the stairs and fell stumbling down.

Anakin leaped and landed below as Dooku’s fall ended.

The older man slowly got up on his knees and made one weak slash at Anakin.

Anakin swept his blade and whirled it. Dooku’s lightsaber flew off along with it his right hand. Anakin caught the weapon and formed a scissor hold by Dooku’s neck.

Anakin turn to look at Darth Maul but he was no longer in sight. He searched for his presence in the Force but he couldn’t find him. He was about to contemplate on this mysterious disappearance when his thoughts was interrupted by a voice. He realized that the Chancellor was calling out to him, telling him something.

Anakin look at Palpatine.

“Kill him. Kill him now.” He was saying to him. Dooku gave a shocked look at the Chancellor and when their eyes met the older man finally understood.

It wasn’t him at all. All those years, he was never intended to be the one to see this all through. He was just a tool. He should have realized it a long time ago. He will not live to see the Sith Empire rise and prosper over the ashes of the Republic and the Jedi Order. Dooku closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

“I shouldn’t. It is not the Jedi way. He must be sent to trial.” Anakin struggle the urge to kill Dooku.

“He’s too dangerous to be kept alive.” Palpatine insisted.

“He’s unarmed…” Anakin hesitated.

“It’s not the first time Anakin; remember what you told me about the sandpeople.”

Anakin looked at Dooku in the eye.

“Even now you are still weak.” Dooku snarled, goading him.

A shadow passed over Anakin’s face and extreme hatred filled his eyes. Anakin Skywalker severed Dooku’s head and sagged back in mixed disbelief, shock and relief.

“See, it wasn’t so hard.” Palpatine smiled affectionately at him.

Anakin slowly went to him and released his shackles then went to check on Obi-Wan.

“Leave him.” Palpatine said.

“He seems to be alive.” Anakin explained, starting to carry Obi-Wan.

“Leave him, we don’t have time.” The Chancellor insisted.

“His fate will be the same as ours.” Anakin countered.

They were interrupted when a small ship began to move dangerously close to them by the viewport.

Anakin’s eyes widened as he recognized the G9 Rigger freighter, it was the Twilight.

Obi-Wan’s comlink beeped and Anakin took it.

“Hello Master. Artoo here says you could use a ride home.” the voice of Ahsoka Tano, his Togruta friend and apprentice, crackled in the speaker. Artoo beep excitedly in the background.

Anakin smiled with a wash of relief. “You’re late Snips.” He said.

Ahsoka slowly touched the ship’s docking tube on the transparisteel window.

“This is highly dangerous.” Palpatine commented watching the ship maneuver.

“Don’t worry Chancellor, we’ve done this before. Hold my arm. This might get a little rough.” Anakin said then the Invisible Hand shook again and the thrumming of engines changed in cadence.

“What’s that?” Palpatine frowned.

“Master, hurry, the Invisible Hand is about to jump into hyperspace!” Ahsoka’s voice warned them.

Anakin threw his lightsaber and controlled it using the Force to slice the thick transparisteel where the docking tube had touched. As that part of the viewport shattered, vacuum madly sucked them with sheer ferocity.

“Hold tight!” Anakin shouted and Force-leaped into the open docking tube. Once inside Ahsoka quickly closed the hatch and move the ship away.

“Dooku is dead, so is Asajj. But General Grievous and Darth Maul are still there, and they’re escaping.” Anakin said to Ahsoka as he took a seat on the pilot’s chair.

“We’ll get them next time. How’s Master Kenobi?” she asked.

“He’ll live.” Anakin assured her.

“Looks like I’ve missed the fun this time.” Ahsoka crossed her arms.

“Relax snip. Who knows, maybe it would be you who would kill Maul.” Anakin grinned.

“Knowing you, I’d be lucky enough to even see him.” She countered.

“Look, the entire Separatist fleet is retreating.” Palpatine pointed as one by one the enemy ships disengage battle and ease out to make the jump. The Republic fleet took advantage and started firing full power on the retreating vulnerable targets.

“All in a day’s work.” Anakin said and they flew down to the atmosphere of Coruscant.

Chapter 1: The Child of Skywalker

 Anakin Skywalker landed the Twilight at the Senate Building Docking Bay. As the ramp hissed open, Anakin saw several Senators, aides, Clone Troopers, medical droids and some of the Jedi Council waiting for them outside.

Ahsoka Tano went to help the medical droids get Obi-Wan Kenobi on a medical capsule.

“Will you be alright Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked his friend and mentor.

“I’ll be up in no time to make my report to the Council. You go meet the, uhrm, politicians.” Obi-Wan grinned.

“Wait a minute, this whole operation was your idea. You planned it. You led the rescue. It’s your turn to take the bows.”

“You won’t get out of it that easily my young friend. Without you, I wouldn’t even have made it to the flagship. Besides, today you are the hero. You killed Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku single handed, and rescued the Chancellor carrying me unconscious in your back.”

“Only because of your training.” Anakin blushed.

“Let’s be fair Anakin, you saved my life, now enjoy your glorious day with the politicians.” Kenobi smiled as the droids lifted him off the ship.

“Come on Master, you owe me. And not just for saving you for the tenth time…” Anakin protested.

Ninth time. That thing in Cato Neimoidia doesn’t count; it was your fault in the first place.” Obi-Wan waved him off. “See you at the Outer Rim briefing in the morning.”

“See you later Master.” Ahsoka said as she went to accompany the medical droids and Obi-Wan to the Med Shuttle.

“See you.” Anakin nodded and escorted Chancellor Palpatine to meet the awaiting party.

Jedi Master Mace Windu and Senator Bail Organa were the first to greet them both.

“Chancellor, welcome back.” Mace Windu said flatly and eyed Anakin expectantly.

“Thank you Master Windu. I have great news for us. Anakin here had just killed Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku.” Palpatine proudly announced for everyone nearby to hear.

Mace Windu was momentarily stunned and returns his gaze at Anakin. He had at least expected Kenobi to have done that part.

A realization dawned into the Korun master. “With Dooku dead, the Confederacy of Independent Systems will be leaderless!” he exclaimed.

“It means we can now stop this war and begin re-opening negotiations with the Separatists.” Senator Organa beamed at the idea.

“As much as I wanted that to happen I regret that we must be realistic Senator Organa. General Grievous is still alive and so is Darth Maul. With the two of them still out there to spearhead the Separatists, I believe such negotiations are impossible.” Palpatine shook his head.

Mace Windu frowned, “We’ll make finding Grievous and Darth Maul our priority then.” He finally said.

“Good. I trust the Jedi will do their job well in this. Especially with someone as great as young Skywalker here.” He tapped the shoulder of the Korun Master.

“The Council will decide on that.” He said nonchalantly.

“Well then do what you must Master Windu.” Palpatine smiled back then went to speak with the rest of the crowd and they all began making their way inside the Senate building.

Anakin slowly fell behind and Senator Organa walked with him.

“Congratulations Anakin. Two Sith in one mission, now that’s something right?” he smiled at him.

“Thank you but Asajj Ventress is hardly a Sith at all.” He said.

“Either way, you still did a great job.” the Prince of Alderaan shrugged.

Anakin sensed an even more familiar presence nearby, “Excuse me.” He said.

“But of course. See you around then.” Bail bowed and went to catch up with the others ahead.

Anakin turn around and Senator Padme Amidala came and embraced him tightly and kissed him. They held each other for a few heartbeats, not saying anything until Padme slowly disengaged and looked at him in the eyes.

“I was so scared. I thought I’d lose you. And Obi-Wan, I hope he’s alright.” She cried.

“Hey, easy there. We did great. We got out in time and survived. As for Obi-Wan, he’ll be fine. What is it?” Anakin could feel something was different. Something had quite changed in her since he last saw her.

“Anakin, I’m pregnant.” Padme revealed.

“What? Wha… That’s… that is wonderful then!” Anakin took her in his arms and felt so happy.

“We have to keep the baby safe Anakin. I can’t stay here anymore. I have to go back to Naboo.” She said to him.

“Naboo has no army to protect you. This is the capital. We are all here.” Anakin disagreed.

“They can’t know about this. I can survive it but you; you can’t jeopardize your life as a Jedi for this.” Padme placed her hands on his cheeks.

“The Jedi will accept the truth. Ki-Adi-Mundi has many wives and children. As do other Jedi Masters I know of. They will not expel me from the Order. I promise you that.” Anakin soothed her.

“Are you certain?” Padme frowned.

“Yes.” Anakin smiled and kissed her.

“Come, let’s talk in the villa.” Padme nodded and took his hand and led him to her speeder where See Threepio was waiting for them.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano walked in together on the Outer Rim briefing. Masters Quinlan Vos and his former apprentice Aayla Secura were already there.

“Master Kenobi, good to see you well now.” Vos nodded at him.

“Thank you. Where’s Anakin?” he looked around.

“He just called. He’s on his way now.” Aayla said.

“Let’s wait for him then.” Obi-Wan said and scrolled down the datapad to review the reports from Commander Cody and Rex.

“Master, we were wondering about something.” Ahsoka said hesitantly and looked at Aayla and Vos for support.

Kenobi saw it and looked at them all in mild confusion. “Yes? What is it?”

“In your report you mentioned Dooku tried to extract your midi-Chlorians?” Ahsoka asked.

“Yes he did try. He said he learned a new trick and that he is not yet good at it. I guess that worked in my advantage.” Obi-Wan chuckled.

“Seriously, that is a dangerous knowledge to posses. I have infiltrated his circle before but he never showed that ability nor hinted about it.” Vos stated.

“That Darth Sidious could have taught him that.” Ahsoka suggested.

“Possible. But why now, they could have used that trick before when they needed it most.” Vos frowned in deep thought.

“And Lord Maul, he lived.” Aayla added.

“That too.” Obi-Wan nodded.

“Sorry I’m late.” Anakin said as he ran down the stairs to them.

“We’re just about to start.” Obi-Wan said at him and pointed at the holographic display of the Outer Rim.

“Commander Cody spotted the Invisible Hand here, near the Mayogil Sector a few hours after they retreated yesterday.” Obi-Wan began. “But, Commander Rex also saw the Invisible Hand halfway across the galaxy from where Cody claimed to have spotted it. Here, on the Queli Sector near Dathomir.” He added.

“Grievous is using a decoy ship to confuse our Intelligence and hide his true whereabouts.” Anakin surmised, the others nodded at him in agreement.

“I suspect Darth Maul is on the decoy ship.” Vos implied.

“Perhaps, but which one is the decoy, and which is the real one?” Aayla voiced out.

“There’s only one way to find out.” Ahsoka winked at them.

“Snips, you’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting right?” Anakin’s eyes widened.

“We send two teams to follow each lead, one of them is bound to be the real one.” She said to him.

“Or both could be a false trail.” Obi-Wan countered.

“I will go to Mayogil.” Quinlan said before anyone could react.

“You won’t be going alone Master Vos.” Aayla said softly.

“Then that leaves Queli Sector for me then.” Obi-Wan grunted.

“No way, Master!” Anakin shook his head and crossed his arms facing his former mentor.

“And why is that so?” Obi-Wan placed a hand on his waist while the other hand stroked his goatee.

“For obvious reasons of course, you still need to rest and recover. You almost died there Master. I cannot allow it! Besides, I do not think that in your state you’ll be ready to face either Grievous or Maul himself.” Anakin protested.

“There was no permanent damage on me from that encounter. I’m feeling great now in fact.” Obi-Wan handed Anakin his medical findings.

“Then I have to pull what you owe me yesterday.” Anakin grinned.

“You devil…” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

“I’m coming with you Master.” Ahsoka said sternly.

“Alright fine, get Artoo and prepare the Twilight.” Anakin said to her and the Togruta hurried off.

“Fine, you win this time. I guess I’ll have to stay here and defend Coruscant all by myself.” Obi-Wan skulked.

“Then the Capital will indeed be safe in our absence.” Quinlan Vos chuckled.

“Shut up and go.” Obi-Wan playfully shoved Vos out of the chamber.

“Whoever gets the real Grievous will pull tabs at the Red Rancor!” Vos called out before leaving.

“Oh no, the one who fails to catch him should pay.” Anakin countered.

“Then better ready your credits Skywalker, Aayla and I will drink it dry!” Vos laughed and left with Aayla.

“Don’t worry Master. I will get Grievous this time.” Anakin promised.

“Oh there’s no doubt about that, if you’re tracking the right ship.” Kenobi muttered.

“I have a feeling you’d say that. See you later Obi-Wan.” Anakin started to leave.

“Be careful, and don’t get caught.” Obi-Wan nodded.

Anakin hesitated for a moment.

“Master, if I don’t…”

“You will Anakin, now stop it before you cry like a baby again. Now go!” Obi-Wan smiled.

“You really know how to ruin a moment don’t you?” Anakin inhaled, bowed and left.

About half an hour later Obi-Wan’s comlink beeped, “Kenobi here.”

“Obi-Wan! Is Anakin there? I can’t reach him.” came out the worried voice of Senator Amidala.

“He just left, he must have left his comlink inside his ship, is there a problem?” Obi-Wan inquired.

“My villa has been attacked, I’m alright, and one of my handmaidens was shot and three of my guards. Captain Typho went to chase the assassin…” Padme said.

“I’ll be there.” Kenobi dashed out of the chamber and up into the Temple Hangar Bays and took the nearest airspeeder.

Kenobi maneuvered his speeder and went on opposing lanes to take a short cut, various ships of types and sizes dangerously sped past him and mostly almost colliding at his speeder. Moment later he landed the ship by the villa’s veranda and was met by two handmaidens and See Threepio.

“Master Jedi, she took her just now!” Motee, the Senator’s handmaiden cried at him.

“Who? Which direction?” Kenobi asked.

“A tall pale woman, shaven head with a topknot! She wields a lightsaber, there’s nothing we could do, she moved so fast and snatch the senator before I could even fire my blaster. I failed her!” Motee sobbed.

“No you didn’t. Now which way did she take Padme?” Obi-Wan asked calmly.

“That way.” Motee pointed eastward. “Master Jedi, her condition is delicate…”

Kenobi closed his eyes, another of his suspicion were confirmed. When he opened it, he felt calmer, “I know. Please, do not tell Anakin about this. I’ll be the one to inform him.” He said. Motee nodded.

“Call Senate Security, have this place secured!” Kenobi shouted as he jumped on his speeder and flew off.

Obi-Wan took his comlink and contacted Master Windu. “Master Windu, Senator Amidala has been abducted, witness description matches that of bounty hunter Aurra Sing, I’m in pursuit eastward from the villa, I suspect she’s being taken to the Terpholl District.”

“Terpholl? Master Fisto is there for a meeting with Senator Garm Bel Iblis, I’ll inform him. Kenobi, get the abductor alive, we need to know who’s behind this.” Mace Windu ordered.

“Yes Master.” Kenobi reached the first line of buildings of the Terpholl District. The Terpholl Group of Companies built their vast foundries and compounds here hundreds of years ago, they have been since one of the biggest suppliers of mechanical components for ship building and a prime contractor for Seinar, Kuat and Sluis Van shipyards. The Terpholls were Corellians and a family friend of the Corellian Senator. Kenobi and Anakin had been there once during one of their mission together when Anakin was still in his early teens.

Obi-Wan’s senses suddenly snapped and he quickly let the Force guide him to jump off of his speeding ship, the moment his fall began a missile appeared from one of the towers and detonated upon impact on his speeder. Kenobi threw a line on one of the protruding beams and swung himself towards one of the complex’ rooftop. He tucked and rolled and before he could even gain his footing blaster bolts began exploding around him.

Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and ran for cover. Two fires originating from opposite direction and as he took shelter on the exit shaft he calculated the distance and position of his unknown attackers.

He spotted one on the spire some two hundred meters to his left, he took in the surroundings and made a mental assessment as to how to get to him and avoid getting shot at when a cold touch of a metal nozzle was pressed on his temple.

“Drop your lightsaber Jedi.”  A familiar voice said.

Two more bounty hunters appeared and flanked him, their powerful heavy rifles aimed at his head. Kenobi obeyed and slowly placed his weapon on the pavement.

“Cad Bane, I should have known.” Kenobi hissed as Bane kicked off his lightsaber. One of the other bounty hunter took it and clipped it on his utility belt.

“Stand up, hands on your head.” Bane said and prodded him with his rifle to more.

“You know Aurra Sing will betray you anyways.” Kenobi said causally as he take in on the situation, three around him, two snipers from both sides and who knows how many else is out there.

“I doubt that. She doesn’t even ask for a cut, she just said she wanted a Jedi as a price for her participation.” Cad Bane ranted.

“What do you want with the Senator?” Kenobi asked as they walked to a ship on the other building rooftop.

“We don’t want anything from her. We’re just here to do our job.” One of the bounty hunters answered.

“I thought the Trade Federation had gone bankrupt, how will they pay you? With meal tickets?” Kenobi fished.

“Bane, I thought Viceroy Gunray assured us…” one of them exclaimed.

“Shut up!” Bane snarled and back handed the other.

Obi-Wan smiled, I knew it. Viceroy Nute Gunray is behind this.

“Obi-Wan!” Padme’s voice screamed.

Kenobi looked at the ship and saw Padme held by Aurra Sing. Beside them was the unmistakable armor of Jango Fett. At the pavement lies the unconscious, or dead, figure of Captain Typho.

“The Jedi is mine. Leave us. I’ll deal with this one.” Aurra Sing ordered. “Boba, take her to the Slave I.” she said to the man wearing Jango Fett’s armor.

“As you wish.” His filtered voice answered and dragged Padme away. Cad Bane and the others went to the other ship. She took Kenobi’s blade from the other bounty hunter and as the pair started to fly, Aurra Sing threw his lightsaber to him and ignited hers.

“It’s a perfect day to kill a Jedi.” She hissed.

Chapter 2: The Mayogil Incident

 Jedi Master Quinlan Vos had not felt this relaxed for quite some time now. Since his mission in Tatooine more than a decade ago, to his struggle to regain his memory and find his apprentice, to his sojourn on Dathomir and to the recent extremely dangerous mission to infiltrate the circle of Count Dooku and on his various engagements in this three year odyssey of galaxy-wide war against the Separatists.

Now at least for this few hours of uneventful lull in hyperspace, he could just let go of himself and be at peace. Sharing it with his former apprentice, the Jedi Master Aayla Secura made it even more relaxing.

Aayla had improved much in wisdom and in skills since her days as his padawan. She had proven herself time and again as a very effective and efficient Jedi General throughout the course of the Clone Wars.

Vos himself had undergone a dramatic and chaotic phase as a Jedi and as a person. His recent brush in the dark side of the Force had almost undone him. But he survived it, stronger and wiser than ever.

He had passed under the eyes of Darth Tyranus, fought his Dark Jedi followers from Tol Skorr, Kadrian Sey to Asajj Ventress. Vos had also faced Darth Maul a year ago but was not convinced that he was the real one since Kenobi, his long time friend from his days as a padawan, had told him how Maul died on Naboo. How Maul survived that baffled him.

He had encountered Savage Opress briefly and had also fought Dooku himself.

Now as he and Aayla was about to arrive at the Mayogil Sector, he braced himself for another encounter. If the trail is true, they are about to face Grievous, if not, it’s either Maul or just another Separatist decoy.

Deep inside him, he hoped it’ll be Darth Maul.

He could feel some unexplainable urge within him that he should be the one to slay the elusive Sith Lord.

“Master.” He suddenly heard a voice from somewhere. It was feminine, soothing, familiar and somewhat urgent. He opened his eyes and saw Aayla standing by the exit of the chamber.

“Have we arrived?” he asked.

“Yes and no. Master, you should see this.” Aayla cocked her head indicating he follow her to the command bridge of the Venator-class Republic Star Destroyer Emergence.

Captain Kendal Ozzel stood on the bridge along with Commander CC-2224 of the 7th Sky Corps who is popularly known among them as Cody, he and his team were the ones who reported to have spotted the Invisible Hand here in the Mayogil Sector.

“General Vos, we have a situation.” Captain Ozzel informed him the moment he entered the bridge.

At a nod from Quinlan, Ozzel laid down to him their current predicament.

“We are still short of half a minute’s worth of hyperspace distance to our designated drop coordinates. The thing is we have been forced to revert to real space because of those.” The man pointed outside their viewport.

Vos and Aayla strode forward and squinted behind the glare of the sun of Clak’Dor VII. They spotted the two Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleships and two other large unknown type of ships. Pouring out from the pair of enemy battleships were swarms of Advanced Droid Starfighters heading their way.

“It’s an Interdictor Ship!” Aayla mused.

“Impossible! The interdictor technology is still under conceptualization by KDY.” Ozzel shook his head in protest.

“Shields to full and man your fighters, Captain Ozzel, isolate those battleships, we’re going in.” Vos ordered and hurriedly left the bridge with Aayla.

Vos and Aayla’s Jedi Starfighters led five squads to meet the advancing hostiles.

The two Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors took the lead and split the trailing five squadrons of ARC-170 Starfighters, the fifth squadron split their flight teams. Aayla banked to form the left plank on their formation as Vos went for the right.

R4-D9, the astromech droid in Quinlan Vos’ ship beeped and informed him that the incoming ADS numbers to a full hundred.

“Pull power on the forward shields, execute Chad fishnet!” Vos ordered.

Commander Cody grinned sheepishly, Chad fishnet was a technique invented by Commander Callista Ming during the Battle of Chad. Cody had been itching to do that maneuver for months.

“Copy that Dread Lead!” Cody acknowledged gladly.

Dread and Fright team met the brunt of the ADS swarm, they buckled and shook but their shields held. Once they reach halfway deep within the ADS swarm the Jedi Generals ordered the deployment of the specialized EMP nets.

Both flight teams have distributed their ships as equally apart from each other within the ADS swarm so when the deployment was ordered, Commander Cody and his men punched the EMP net release and at the same time shut down the power of their Starfighters. Their respective astromech droids had also powered down simultaneously with their ships.

Each of the ARC-170s and the two Delta-7Bs released a powerful burst of electromagnetic pulse that had a kill radius of five clicks each, the EMP fishnet device installed can only do that once because the power recharging takes at least a full day to complete.

All at once the swarm of Advanced Droid Starfighters absorbed the EMP and lost power, the momentum of their flight caused them to propel aimlessly onward, floating dead in space.

Dread and Fright team powered on with their astromech droids and went onward to the massive Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleships.

“Lock S-foils on attack positions, destroy those Interdictor ships first!” General Vos commanded.

“I can’t believe they actually beat KDY in the Interdiction tech.” one of the clone pilot muttered.

“Cut the chatter.” General Secura snapped as she swung her Starfighter to the nearest Interdictor ship, without the ADS to protect them, the bulky ship poses no threat despite being equipped with tractor beams, ion cannons and a pair of turbolasers. The real problems are the giant Lucrehulk-class battleships on each side of the two Interdictors.

“Engage from between those ships so the Lucrehulk-class battleships can’t fire at us without risking hitting their precious Interdictors.” General Vos ordered.

At the first pass both teams destroyed the ion cannons and turbolasers of the two Interdictors and as they made the swing to make the kill, they were momentarily became exposed and the two Lucrehulk-class battleships took that window to decimate them. Deadly massive beams of turbolasers crisscrossed at them reducing their entire teams almost to half.

“Fire all proton torpedoes on the engines!” General Secura exclaimed.

The remaining ARC-170s along with the two Jedi Starfighters fired all of their proton torpedoes. The first batch knocked down the shields as the rest of them punched through and ripped the two Interdictor ships apart.

“Regroup!” General Vos ordered and the voice of Captain Ozzel buzzed in the comm.

“General Vos, we can now make the jump, shall we leave these two battleships or we destroy them before we leave?” Ozzel asked.

“Destroy them of course. We can’t spare them, this is a war.” Vos smiled.

“I knew you’d say that.” Ozzel nodded expectantly.

Commander Cody checked on their flight team, they were now down to one and a half worth of squadron.

Emergence, engage the enemy ship at your left plank, we’ll take care of the other one.” General Vos informed Ozzel.

“Very well.” The Venator-class Republic Star Destroyer Emergence started to move within firing range of the Trade Federation battleship ahead as the small band of Starfighters led by the two Jedi Generals began their attack on the other.

The Lucrehulk-class battleships are augmented with gun batteries and powerful shielding. It sported batteries of long guns and heavy guns with a full complement of quad turbolaser batteries since the Clone Wars erupted. It is said that a whole flotilla of Republic Star Destroyers are needed to bring one down, a statistic that General Quinlan Vos do not have. But to him that was just numbers. He is a Jedi and he has the Force, and there are two of them here. He also have with them Commander Cody, one of the best tactician he’d ever met whose list of victories rivals that of any Jedi Commanders and Generals. Not too long ago a little boy destroyed this kind of battleship single handed. They can do this.

Captain Ozzel had no illusions that engaging the Lucrehulk-class battleship with just one Star Destroyer is suicide and madness but he trusted the judgment of General Quinlan Vos. The Jedi Master is right. They can leave these two and go for their mission but doing that means leaving two more enemy ships with enough power to bring more innocent lives in danger. It has to be done, it is their duty. It is the right thing to do.

“We are now in firing range Captain.” an Ensign reported.

“Forward shields to full power. Give everything we got and make each shot counts. Concentrate on the neck of the central sphere, that’s where their power generators are.” Ozzel exclaimed.

The Emergence started to shook as the enemy ship began firing at them. More Advanced Droid Starfighters spewed out from the hangar bays of the two Lucrehulk-class battleships.

“Enemy Starfighters is joining the fray!” Commander Cody announced.

“Commander, take over. Destroy the power generators, Fright Lead and I will stall these ADS.” Quinlan said calmly.

“Copy that Dread Lead.” Cody clicked his comm and addressed the rest of their squadron. “Everyone, we’re going inside, Anakin-style.”

The rest of the squadron cheered at the prospect of striking a killing blow from the inside.

Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura turned their ships around to meet the incoming swarm. Arfive counted five hundred Advanced Droid Starfighters heading their way.

“Arfive, I am not Corellian but please, never tell me the odds.” Vos quipped.

“Master!” Aayla’s voice demanded attention.

“Let’s do it.” Vos nodded and the two began their Force battle-meld. Their ships darted on separate directions and began an erratic almost out of control spiraling, rolling and evasion maneuvers firing single shots with precision hitting targets dead on. Vos and Secura had completely given themselves to the Force. The two became a blur, straining their engines to overload, their respective astromech droids were hard pressed to keep the ships from breaking apart, making sure the shields held and the laser batteries charged.

Commander Cody knew what the Generals were about to do, he had seen it done a hundred times by his Jedi friends Commander Anakin Skywalker and General Obi-Wan Kenobi. The left hangar mouth of the enemy battleship loomed before them, the pair of quad guns on each side swung and fired.

Cody evaded a near hit and felt his shield strain at the impact. His ship careened spinning for a few dangerous seconds of vulnerability before Arfive finally managed to stabilize the ARC-170. His wingman reported they just lost two more pilots.

Cody winced. They were now down to seventeen.

“Flight Two and Three destroy those guns, Flight Four and Five, disable the hangar shield! Fright Seven regroup with us, we’re absorbing you now.” Cody called Fright Seven, the survivor of Flight Six.

Flight Seven acknowledged and eased his ship alongside Flight One.

“Fire concussion missiles, let’s crack that shield down!” Cody ordered his Flight One wing mates.

The impact caused the shield to hissed and crackled but held but after a few more bombardment it finally gave out as Flight Four and Five succeeded. The quad guns have also been destroyed by Flight Two and Three and they all flew into the gaping maw of the trade Federation battleship.

“Power generators are straight ahead, don’t lower your guard, this army might wake up any minute.” Cody warned them.

They flew past astonished and surprised battle droids. Throughout their flight they saw thousands of ADS hanging in the ceiling docks, transports and tanks and massive carriers as they go deeper, shots from ground troops began and several ADS started to stir.

“Commander, they’re waking up!” warned Dread Nine.

“Shields up, target is dead ahead, fire pulse torpedoes whenever you’re ready and get out fast, these thing will blow once hit.” Cody ordered.

All seventeen Starfighters fired they pulse torpedoes and impacted on the line of power generators. Cody and his team didn’t bother to look after firing. They were already heading out as the first series of explosions began.

“Enemy ships ahead.” announced Fright Three.

“Don’t bother to engage, just keep flying and direct power to your shields!” Cody exclaimed, the noise of the explosion is chasing them vehemently.

An entire section of the ceiling ahead of them exploded revealing the black space outside. Cody yanked his stick and made a sixty degree rise and shot outside the crumbling battleship, the others followed behind them closely.

“We’re not out of this yet, full speed!” Cody shouted.

The Trade Federation ship exploded, some of his squad was thrown off by the initial shockwave. Cody’s shield gave out and he heard some of his pilots screaming in the comm.

Cody slowed down and turns his ship to look at their handiwork. The enemy battleship was now in several large and small pieces, floating dead in space.

“Dread and Fright report in!” Cody ordered. His Flight One acknowledged.

“Flight Two here.”

“Flight Four here, we lost one Wing and the entire Flight Three.”

“Check your ships and armaments, if your systems and ammos are out then head back to the Emergence. Those who are still combat effective come with me. We have one more ship to blow.” Cody headed to the next battleship.

“Belay that Commander. Head back to the Emergence.” said the voice of Quinlan Vos.

“Yes sir.” Cody obeyed and relayed the command to his remaining squadron.

The pair of Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors flew straight into the last Trade Federation battleship.

Vos and Secura were within firing range of the battleship when Captain Ozzel’s voice shouted at the open comm channel.

“A warship had just arrived! It’s the Invisible Hand!” Ozzel cried out.

Chapter 3: A Grievous Mistake

 Commander CT-7567 or simply Rex of the Torrent Company from the 501st Legion ran his left palm over his blue-dyed, stripe-cut haircut that was based from his favorite bolo-ball Sullustan team, the Bylluran Athletic. He was at the top of the G9-Rigger freighter Twilight with Artoo Detoo watching General Skywalker and Commander Tano display their amazing and dazzling skills in lightsaber combat. His men gathered around the two Jedi in a very wide loose circle with their helmets off. Several Republic Officers and crew also began to gather in the crowd as the inhumanly fast realistic duel becomes more and more complex and dangerous.

They were aboard the heavily modified Acclamator-class assault ship Leveler under the command of Captain Gilad Pellaeon. Anakin actually ordered the entire Torrent Company to relax and loosely enjoy their flight. Earlier the two Generals split the Company into two teams and they played bolo-ball, Rex joined General Skywalker’s team. Naturally, they won.

One of the Clone Trooper boldly requested to see the two Jedi in lightsaber combat. Skywalker in his good nature and festive mood quickly obliged. The mock duel started two minutes earlier, but now the two were starting to make more dangerous executions and almost made fatal contact with each other, even Rex were sometimes forced to reflexively tightened his grip on his helmet or wince on every lethal near-miss swings of the two. Anakin and Ahsoka were laughing like kids as they perform for the clones.

“Sometimes I wonder if we have two Padawan learners aboard…” Captain Pellaeon muttered from below the longer wing of the Twilight.

Rex bolted upright and saluted. “Captain, Sir!”

“At ease, soldier. I’m just here to look.” Gilad gave a small shrug.

 * * *

 Anakin made a nearly impossible alternating ten-combo faint and attacks as Ahsoka effortlessly counter each and every strike with hair-raising grace and aggression.

Skywalker then Force-shoved Ahsoka but the Togruta were quick, instantly countered him with her own Force-shoving. The invisible yielding strength collided and started a contest of sheer will, with their freehand, their lightsabers clashed vehemently at each other.

“You can’t outlast me Snips.” Anakin grinned.

“I’m younger.” Ahsoka grunted.

Suddenly Anakin saw a large metal crate behind her began to fly towards him. Anakin shifted his Force-shove and pivoted left while his other hand continue to parry her attacks then tried to deflect the incoming crate with his other hand but the crate was no longer there. Before Anakin could realize what happened Ahsoka redoubled her Force-shoved and sent Anakin flying off almost twenty meters back. The gathered clones parted as their Jedi General sailed past them and slammed into the metal wall.

Ahsoka was already in the air leaping at him, her lightsaber swirling.

“Force illusion. Nice trick Snips. You got me there.” Anakin groaned as he regains his feet and met her slash head on.

Anakin and Ahsoka now fell into a dance, their rhythm and speed was almost a blur as their thrumming blades weaved in every direction, each swing, slash, slice and jabs were met by the other in a flurry of sparks. The hangar was filled with a strange thrumming music of their lightsabers and the gathered clones and other staff and crew were entranced at the strangely beautiful sight before them.

Even Rex and Captain Pellaeon are frozen in place, absorbed in the scene of two Jedi displaying their mastery on their craft.

Artoo Detoo silently recorded the entire fight.

Anakin and Ahsoka were equally enjoying the battle display when out of nowhere they felt a massive disturbance in the Force and they both lost their focus. Ahsoka dropped her blade and staggered backwards, her head spinning in unexplained nausea. Anakin fell on his knees and dropped his weapon as well, he felt as if his head is about to split in two.

The crowd went from shock to confusion to action. The clones rushed to the two’s aid and tried to steady them, Rex jumped off the Twilight and darted with Captain Pellaeon at them.

Artoo continued recording and at the same time popped out his sensor dish and started scanning. They were still in hyperspace and still have at least twenty more minutes to reversion to real space. His sensors found nothing unusual.

“General, what happened?” Rex asked in concern as he put Anakin’s arm over his shoulder and started guiding him back to the Twilight. Another trooper half carried Ahsoka and followed Rex.

“There was a disturbance in the Force. It was terrible. It was as if I just felt the death of an entire planet.” Anakin struggled to speak. His muscles from head to foot were still shaking from phantom pains.

Captain Pellaeon quickly clicked his comlink and called the command bridge.

“Major, make a wide sweep of the sector, I want you to inform me at once when you found something out of place.” Gilad hissed then touched Anakin’s arm.

“General Skywalker, I’ll be on the command bridge if you need me.” He said and left.

“Is it possible for the Separatists to gain such weapon powerful enough to destroy a planet?” Rex inquired as he help Anakin take a seat on the ramp of the Twilight.

“You saw the Malevolence before right? If they can make an Ion Cannon into that size, they can also do it for a Turbolaser.” Anakin surmised.

“If that were so, then it has to be destroyed.” Rex muttered almost to himself.

“That goes without saying.” Anakin sighed. His body was finally relaxing, he use the Force to steady himself and tried to calm his mind and body. Ahsoka was silent as the other trooper awkwardly tried to administer an ointment on her forehead to ease the headache. Anakin could feel her presence in the Force, doing what he does, calming her inner self.

“Rex, I want you to inform Captain Pellaeon to be in full alert. I don’t want us to be caught in any surprises once we arrive there.” Anakin’s voice was now steady and he felt refreshed but the echo of the disturbance lingered at the back of his head.

“Yes sir!” Rex saluted and went to the turbolift.

“Artoo, prep the Twilight. Trooper, what’s your name?” Anakin turned his attention on the clone tending to Ahsoka.

“CF-18710 Sir!” the clone replied crisply.

“Do you have a nickname?” Ahsoka asked.

“Like Snips for example.” Anakin quipped. Ahsoka looked at him as if he just turned into a ronto and rolled her eyes.

“Big Bang Sir!” the clone supplied.

“Big Bang?” Anakin and Ahsoka frowned in unison.

“I’m a demolitions expert General. I can make and defuse any kind of bomb listed in the galaxy.” He beamed with pride.

“Great, I’m reassigning you with us here in the Twilight. You might be handy where we’re going.” Anakin stood up and went up the ramp. Ahsoka and Big Bang followed inside.

 * * *

Captain Gilad Pellaeon stood on the command bridge watching the endless hypnotic streak of hyperspace streaming on the transparisteel viewport of the Leveler. The so called disturbance in the Force also disturbs him.

Though he is not one of those people that fully believe in the Force, he is that naïve to dismiss it either. He could not deny the existence of the Force. He had seen it too many times in his experience working with the Jedi and as a boy growing up in a galaxy where the Jedi are more famous than any holo actors and actresses.

Whatever caused such an effect to two Jedi is definitely something really serious. As a Captain in the Republic Navy, any indication of danger, however slight or seemingly unlikely always snaps him into full alertness.

“Ensign, any results?” he asked.

“We’re detecting a great amount of static in the holowaves on the Queli Sector. We’re trying to hail our outpost at Aarnoch VI but no one is answering.” the ensign stated.

Commander Rex entered the bridge and Captain Pellaeon acknowledged him with a nod. Rex strode to him and whispered General Skywalker’s orders. The Captain nodded once and issued a full red alert status.

“Set full power on the forward shields! Prepare for evasive maneuver, we’re going in blind, take action at the first sign of threat. Do not take any chances. Repeat, do not take any chances!” Pellaeon commanded. They are about to drop out of hyperspace to the edge of the Aarnoch System within the Queli Sector, just a micro-jump from Dathomir.

Rex crossed his arms and anticipation as the chronometer ticked down to their hyperspace exit vector.

The streaks became stars and with it came hurling thousands of varying sizes of meteorites. The Leveler quickly evaded but the multitude of space rocks hit them nonetheless. The impact was jarring and the entire ship shook and shuddered. Captain Pellaeon and Commander Rex were thrown off their feet. Alarms blared but their forward shields held. It took them a few seconds before finally getting clear off the asteroid field.

“Ensign, are we on the right coordinates?” Pellaeon barked.

“Yes sir!” came the reply.

“There’s no asteroid field in Aarnoch!” Rex coughed as he helps the captain up.

“Sir, there’s no Aarnoch, look!” the ensign pointed on the viewport.

“Minions of Xendor!” Pellaeon gasped.

“Sithspawn!” Rex grunted in disbelief.

Before them was the blackness of space and a few very distant stars. Directly ahead of them were a dozen Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleships, six Providence-class carrier/destroyers, several smaller warships and frigates and the unmistakable massive form of the Malevolence.

“Did they just use the Malevolence to destroy an entire planet?” Pellaeon groaned.

“That’s impossible, the Malevolence have been destroyed!” Rex shook his head but what he saw contradicts what he knows, it is definitely that dreadful ion super cannon weapon.

“Captain, we’ve I.D. the big ship, it’s the Malevolence II!” one of the crew reported.

“Enemy ships coming in!” shouted another crew.

“Deploy the first wave of starfighters! Gunners, move within range, let’s pick-out those smaller ships first.” Pellaeon ordered.

“Sir, we need to call for reinforcements.” Rex whispered.

“You do that Commander, I’m busy. Contact Ithor, Junction and Toprawa.” He said.

“Yes sir!” Rex saluted and went to a comm console and began hailing the three nearest Republic outposts.

“Captain Pellaeon, we’re going in on the Malevolence II. Commander Rex, catch up with us.” General Skywalker’s voice hissed in the public comm speakers.

Pellaeon nodded at Rex. “Go ahead Commander, we’ll take it from here.”

Rex nodded and hurried off the turbolift to his ARC-170 Starfighter.

 * * *

“Strange, the Invisible Hand isn’t here, but Artoo says he heard General Grievous in the comm traffic, issuing orders.” Anakin said as he flew the Twilight toward the gargantuan warship Malevolence II.

“Maybe the Invisible Hand is on Mayogil. Master, we’re supposed to get the General and we ended up facing this.” Ahsoka cocked her head on the superweapon ship.

“They just destroyed a planet. That is their gravest mistake.” Anakin growled in anger, thinking of all those innocent lives lost. “Whoever is in charge here will pay for what he did.”

“So naturally the great Anakin Skywalker will be the one to save the day, equipped only with his padawan, a small squadron and one warship against that. We should call for back-up!” Ahsoka sighed.

“Pretty much. I’ll leave the calling for back-up to the capable hands of the great Snips.” Anakin grinned.

“Master, honestly, I think we’re making a grievous mistake.” Ahsoka slumped.

Anakin slowly turn to face her then burst in laughter.

“What?” Ahsoka frowned.

“Of all the Grievous related jokes in the galaxy, all you can come up is a grievous mistake, that’s pathetic.” Anakin chuckled all the way as they charge head on at the swarm of droid starfighters and crisscrossing turbolasers.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. “And I’m supposed to be the Padawan here.”

Chapter 4: Fatal Encounters

 “Oh I don’t think so!” Obi-Wan Kenobi smirked and crouched in a battle stance with his lightsaber poised above his head pointing at Aurra Sing and his other hand stretched forward beckoning her to him.

Aurra snarled and charged, swinging her crimson lightsaber in a wide sweeping arc. Obi-Wan simply took a measured step backward and then pivoted so fast his argent blade struck hers midway. The jarring impact of Kenobi’s strike forced her arm to swing back and as the Jedi twisted around his weapon on hers her wrist almost bended on an awkward position. Aurra was alert enough to withdraw her hand in time but in the process she was left no choice but to drop her weapon.

“Your passion is admirable but your skills are terrible!” Obi-Wan grunted as he received a solid kick in the chest, Aurra had thrown her body sideways to deliver that vicious kick and at the same time picked up her lightsaber, ignited it and swung low with every intention of severing Obi-Wan’s legs.

Kenobi leaped and easily avoided it but a follow up kick landed hard on his shin putting him on his knees. At that microsecond of vulnerability a decisive killer blow from the former Jedi descended to chop him in two.

Unable to bear his own blade in time to block her, Kenobi Force-shoved her for a couple of meters so he could regain his footing and charge forward to turn the tables on her.

Aurra draw her blaster and began firing at Obi-Wan as he charges like a stampeding reek. His blade was swirling like a tornado causing the laser bolts to ricochet back. The bounty hunter tried to deflect the bolts but Kenobi’s approach and ferocity reached her and engaged her. Aurra gave everything she knows in lightsaber battles but her every move were easily countered by the Jedi.

“Forgive me.” Obi-Wan suddenly said as he leaped away from her.

“What are you…” Aurra gasped as her lightsaber broke free of her hand flew straight into Obi-Wan’s.

“Where are they taking the senator?” Obi-Wan demanded.

Aurra Sing clenched her fist and screamed in frustration. Gritting her teeth she hissed at her opponent. “Byss.”

“I sense no deception in you Aurra Sing. I will spare your life because we do not kill in cold blood. But I will have to take you in.” Obi-Wan said and threw a pair of binders on her. “Put those on.” He added.

Aurra Sing stared at the binders as if it were a poisonous creature then threw Kenobi a look of pure hatred. “You can never take me alive!” and with that she sprinted off and jumped on the next building and continue running.

Obi-Wan casually clipped the two lightsabers on his belt and picked up the binders and return it on his pouched, shook his head and sigh.

“Very well.” Obi-Wan dashed after her, leaped higher and gave chase. He could see her back some fifty meters ahead, and since the area was a straight clear pavement Obi-Wan used Force-speed to catch up with her.

Aurra Sing was startled to see Obi-Wan running at her side. She took her blaster and started to fire but the Jedi only snatched it off from her. Aurra slammed herself into a door and descended on the stairs. Kenobi just leaped on the center of the spiraling stairs and landed blocking her way.

“The more you waste your time chasing me the farther your senator will be from your reach.” Aurra growled at him.

Obi-Wan lashed out his hand and gave a chop on her windpipe. Aurra Sing staggered down the stairs rolling and she slammed on the ferocrete wall unconscious.

Kenobi snapped the binders on her wrists and carried her over him and called the GAR Outpost. He waited back on top of the building and after a few minutes a Command Gunship arrived and several Clone Troopers approached him.

“General Kenobi.” the lead clone greeted.

“This Aurra Sing, former Jedi, now a bounty hunter. Take her in. Put her under heavy security commander, she’s a very dangerous prisoner.” Kenobi informed him.

“We know just what to do with her.” the clone commander nodded and ordered his men to take the unconscious bounty hunter.

Suddenly Aurra Sing grabbed her lightsaber from Kenobi’s belt and ignited it. Obi-Wan quickly move back to avoid the blade severing his leg. Aurra Sing had swung the blade through the bodies of her captors and then made a quick slash severing the head of the commander. The other clones aboard the gunship opened fire on her as Kenobi stood up and ignited his lightsaber.

“Aurra Sing will not be your prisoner!” she shouted in rage.

Obi-Wan charged and she met him head on. Their lightsabers clashed once more in a shower of sparks. The clones on the gunship stopped firing but continue aiming their rifles at her.

“What’s the point Aurra? Is what they’re paying you worth all this?” Kenobi grimaced as she continued to slash at him furiously.

“Stupid Jedi, you still don’t get it do you?” she snarled. “I will never suffer myself under the mercy of your kind!” she took out a detonator in with her other hand as she went slashing at him.

“What’s that for?” Kenobi asked.

“A little insurance, I press this and the ship carrying your senator will explode.” She grinned deviously.

“What makes you think that signal will reach hyperspace?” Kenobi fished as they exchange a series of strikes and parries.

“They are still waiting for me somewhere. Only I know where we are going.”

Obi-Wan had an idea, it was a dangerous trick he saw Qui-Gin did before against Darth Maul during their encounter in Tatooine. The Jedi gave a grand sweeping arc to strike on her detonator. Aurra Sing raised her lightsaber to block his but with a Force-assisted speed Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber as his weapon continue in its striking motion and ignited it once passed the blade of Aurra Sing. Obi-Wan’s argent beam neatly cut through her fingers and the detonator and went on through her neck.

Aurra Sing’s head rolled on the pavement with her eyes wide in shock and fear.

Obi-Wan Kenobi stood at her corpse shaking his head. “You wasted your life Aurra Sing and I pity you for that.”

“General.” One of the clones from the gunship approached him.

“Take the bodies back to the compound.” Kenobi ordered.

“Yes sir.”

 * * *

 Two ships cruised below radar range across the vast industrial compounds of Coruscant, the Slave I and The Sleight of Hand.

“She’s dead.” Boba Fett’s voice hissed on the comm.

“How do you know?” Cad Bane asked from his ship as he followed Slave I.

“I left a probe droid out there to monitor her.” Fett explained.

“Then we proceed straight to Byss now.” Cad Bane stated.

“I am awaiting further instructions.” Fett countered.

“The Viceroy is incommunicado at the moment, how can you receive…” the Duros frowned at the other bounty hunter.

“The viceroy is not our employer, he is just a middleman.” Fett explained flatly.

“Then who is?”

“None of your busine-” Fett’s transmission was garbled as The Sleight of Hand shook violently. The other bounty hunters fell on the pavement as Cad Bane fought to steady his ship to no avail. The heavily modified Telgorn dropship began to plummet down on the trenches of the industrial compound.

“Everybody hold tight!” Cad Bane shouted.

The ship leveled and made a bumpy crash below. Slave I turned around and engaged their attacker.

The ship that shot down The Sleight of Hand is a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor. Boba Fett recognized it at once, he had encountered if before in Anzat. It belongs to Jedi Master Kit Fisto.

Boba Fett fired at the elusive starfighter and after a few minutes of dodging, he finally clipped its left wing and destroyed its mounted astromech droid.

The starfighter crashed.

Boba Fett checked on his cargo thru the monitors and saw Senator Amidala just sitting there, smiling at the lenses straight at him.

Then his own ship strained, Fett fought with confusion, there is no tractor beam in this area nor does the Delta-7B is equipped of such device. Jedi Sorcery!

Kit Fisto stood above his crashed starfighter, both hands stretched out, his big black abyssal eyes straining in the effort. He was forcing the Slave I to land. The resistance of its powerful engines made controlling it even more difficult.

Finally Kit Fisto heard the all-too-familiar whine of its engines and saw part of it exploded. After that, controlling the ship to go down was easier.

Boba Fett flew out firing at him. Kit Fisto ignited his lightsaber and Force-speed his way to the fallen Slave I while deflecting Fett’s lasers.

Fett saw the intention of the Jedi and flew forward to stop him, he raised his poison dart attached on his left arm and aimed. Kit Fisto sensed the danger raised his hand and Force-shoved him, the jolt knocked the wind off of Fett but he regained control, this time though the Jedi went to use the Force to crush his jetpack.

Fett quickly detached himself from his jetpack and as he started to fall his jetpack exploded. The blast knocked him off unconscious even before he fell ten meters down on the big pipes.

Kit Fisto knew the Slave I was infested with traps so he searched for the power conduit and worked on shutting down its power. Once finished he went to check on the senator.

“Master Fisto, thank for coming for me.” Padme said in genuine relief.

“Have you been harmed?” he asked her as he uses his blade to melt down the bars of her cage.

“No, nothing damaging I think.” Padme replied.

When they got out Boba Fett was standing with Cad Bane and several other bounty hunters, all of their weapons were trained on them.

“I believe this little skirmish of yours Master Fisto, is over.” Cad Bane snarled.

Kit Fisto placed the senator behind him and raised his lightsaber defensively. Then his large eyes brightened and a feral grin formed in his mouth.

“Yes it is.” He smiled.

Behind the bounty hunters a Republic command dropship hovered and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi leaped off and landed on the pavement, the clone troopers rappelled down after him.

“Drop your weapons!” Kenobi ordered.

Boba Fett was about to open fire when four more gunships arrived in the scene. Fett, Bane and the other threw down their weapons and raised their hands over their heads.

Chapter 5: More Fatal Encounters

 General Vos led the rest of their starfighters towards the approaching Invisible Hand. Captain Ozzel turned the Emergence to face the new threat as the rest of Commander Cody’s pilots regrouped with General Secura who were already heading after her former master.

“Captain, allied fleet from Eriadu and Sullust has answered our request for reinforcements, ETA one hour.” the comm officer informed him.

“We’re outgunned and outnumbered. I do hope we’re still here when they arrive. Very well then, dispatch the rest of our reserved starfighters. I want no flies buzzing around us once we started pounding that giant.” Ozzel commanded.

The last Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship trained their massive long-range quad-turbolaser cannons on the fleeing Emergence. Alarms blared as the Republic ship’s sensors detected a target lock on them.

“Divert all power to the stern’s shield! Brace for impact!” Ozzel shouted above the cacophony of alarms.

Four powerful beams of destructive lasers impacted on the shields, the entire Venator-class Republic Star Destroyer shuddered at the detonation and the shields failed at the second barrage.

“Secure Decks 16, 17 and 19!” Ozzel ordered looking at the console’s damage report.

“Sir, we can’t take another shot like that!” one of the crew cried out.

“I know! Full power on the thrusters, let’s move out of range!” Ozzel growled.

“They’re firing again!” another crew panicked.

“Doesn’t matter, we’re out of range!” Ozzel sighed with relief.

The men in the command bridge cheered.

“Not so fast, we’re not out of this yet. Patch me General Vos!” Captain Ozzel shook his head as he eyed the looming form of the Invisible Hand before them with dread.

“Captain.” the voice of General Vos crackled.

“General Vos, what’s your plan?” Ozzel inquired.

“Wait for the explosion, then get-” static replaced the comm channel. The officer tried all frequencies to no avail.

“They’re jamming us!” Ozzel’s eyes widened with trepidation.

Alongside the massive modified Providence-class carrier/destroyer Invisible Hand, a fleet of Separatist warships emerged from hyperspace.

“Sithspawn!” Ozzel gasped.

General Vos made a sharp turn as another turbolaser lanced out at them from the Invisible Hand. Vos slammed his fist at the useless comm console. He turned his ship parallel to General Secura and uses the Force to relay his instructions at her. Then the two Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors split and rallied their ARC-170 Starfighters out of range of the converging fleet of the Confederacy.

Maneuvering his ship as close to Commander Cody’s cockpit, Vos began making hand signals at the clone pilot.

Cody saluted in acknowledgement and eased his starfighter on his wingman. The process was repeated by Secura on the other pilots and soon enough everyone now has been instructed as much as they can.

General Vos trusted that the clones would follow the instructions to the dot despite their lack of communications, time to make their suicide run.

Master, General Grievous is aboard! Aayla Secura’s thoughts touched the Kiffex Jedi.

More enemy ships joined the already crowded barricade of the Separatist fleet before them. Vos cursed, their strategy will be useless now. This is too much firepower for them, even for two Jedi.

Aayla, order the clones and Captain Ozzel for a full retreat! Vos informed her. His message was more in form of images and feelings rather than actual words but he and Aayla have done this a hundred times during the course of the Clone Wars and their previous missions as master and apprentice.

Despite the female Twi’lek’s misgivings, she turned her ship around and went to find Commander Cody’s starfighter.

The barrage of a multitude of turbolasers began as every single Separatist warship started firing at them. From behind, the Trade Federation battleship was also moving to box them in for the kill. Vos knew they will not stand a chance on such attack, making one last desperate action, the general moved his ship out of range and away from the immediate battle to give himself room to concentrate for this one risky idea to save their men.

Jedi Master Quinlan Vos shutdown his engines and let minimal life support functional. He told his astromech to go on a stand-by power-down mode as he closed his eyes and reached out to the presence of their clone allies and those aboard the Emergence.

Vos waited for every pilot to return inside the Emergence, once the last of the Arc-170 starfighter landed on the hangar bay, Vos’ control surged in an all-encompassing Force grip on the entire Star Destroyer. The effort alone forced all of his energy to its limits. He felt his entire being of existence screaming at the grand gesture of mastery of the Force. Vos felt the dark side dangerously crawling in his veins, taking advantage of him. Vos used his anger to turn the tables until it was him who was taking advantage of the dark side.

Master Tholme would have shook his head at him at this point but all Vos care about right now is the safety of his men.

Vos felt his control slipping off, stubborn not to draw energy from his own people he reached out at the enemy fleet and seek each of the individual life forms aboard in there. He felt Neimodians, Trandoshans, Devaronians, Zabraks, Humans, Quarrens and others. He touched them and arduously drew their energy into his until he felt the slightest response of the Force on his intent.

Converging all of the energies he was draining, Vos shove the entire Venator-class Star Destroyer out of the Mayogil Sector. The ship vanished in the space where it was a few seconds ago, Vos finally let go of his grip and instantly lapsed into a comatose.

Aayla was the only one left and she felt and saw what her former master did. Crying out in alarm and fear for her master’s condition, she flew her ship searching for his presence. Her sensors cold not spot his starfighter and her senses couldn’t reach him in the Force.

Then she felt her ship strained into an involuntary halt and her sensors reported a tractor beam lock. A bolt of ion blast hit her ship eliminating any options of resisting. A few kilometers from her left she spotted the starfighter of her master also being slowly towed by the Invisible Hand’s tractor beam. She could see Quinlan Vos unconscious form inside the cockpit. Reaching out to the Force she felt his fading presence.

 * * *

“Master, the Malevolence II is starting to move away!” Ahsoka cried out in alarm. Anakin had taken his ship out of the Twilight with Artoo leaving her with Big Bang.

Anakin’s starfighter zipped past the stern of the gargantuan superweapon battleship, Artoo beeped frantically informing him that at this range the multitude tractor beams of the Malevolence II will eventually catch them.

“That’s the idea Artoo. We need to be inside this blasted warship.” Anakin grunted as his ship was jolted by a glancing blow from the Droid Starfighter chasing them from behind.

“Master they got us!” Ahsoka called out.

“Good, see you later then.” Anakin grinned.

“Master!” Ahsoka growled.

“Don’t worry Snips, Big Bang will take care of you. I’ll join you in a second I just need to see who’s in command of this giant toolbox.” Anakin made a ninety degree turn and flew his starfighter above the Malevolence II and straight to its command bridge.

“Master you’re crazy!” Ahsoka gasped.

“I’ve been called worse.” Anakin quipped.

“Milord, a single starfighter is on a suicide run! He’s going to hit his ship on us!” cried out one of the droid crew.

Darth Maul ignored the droid and stared unflinchingly at the approaching Jedi starfighter. The ship minutely slowed as it passes the transparisteel viewport of the command bridge and was gone.

“Get that ship.” Lord Maul hissed and left the command bridge and into his private chambers. The Zabrak Sith kneel down on the circular holoplatform and bowed as a huge projection of a hooded face half hidden in shadows loomed before him.

“My master.” Maul acknowledged.

“Leave them. I need you to rejoin General Grievous in the Mayogil Sector. I need you to break one Jedi there.” Darth Sidious hissed.

“I thought Skywalker…” Maul started to say but stopped himself.

“Yes Lord Maul, Skywalker is my prime candidate. But the Jedi I’m referring to is Master Vos.” Sidious gave an imperceptible nod.

“The Kiffex.” Maul nodded in understanding. “And if he resists?”

“Then we will have no use of him. Kill him and his former apprentice and preserve their corpse. But if he succumbs to you, have him kill the Twi’lek Jedi as his initiation.” Sidious’ image faded at once.

“Yes my master.” Darth Maul hissed and return to the command bridge to relay the will of his master.

“Ahsoka, its Lord Maul!” Anakin informed her. Ahsoka didn’t answer him. Anakin assumed she was already out of the Twilight with Big Bang fighting their way to the command bridge.

“Artoo, let’s rejoin our friends shall we? Power down, let the tractor beam take us.” Anakin ordered. Artoo hooted in compliance and soon enough they were slowly being dragged into the nearest open hangar bay of the massive Malevolence II.

No sooner than Anakin’s ship was safely set down on the heavily guarded hangar bay, the entire battleship jumped into hyperspace, leaving the Acclamator-class assault ship Leveler, Captain Gilad Pellaeon and the squadrons led by Commander Rex to lick their wounds.

Anakin and Artoo stepped out of the starfighter and a phalanx of Commando and Super Droids and droidekas surrounded them at gunpoint. The highest ranking droid soldier stepped forward and beckoned them to follow him.

“This way Jedi scum.” The droid growled in contempt.

“Artoo, remind me to slice him first okay?” Anakin gritted his teeth.

Artoo beeped an affirmative and an accompanying jest and insult to the droid.

“You two shut up.” the droid commander snapped.

Ahsoka halted and Big Bang crouched beside her on their small cover as a group of battle droids marched past the next hallway.

“Maybe we should set the charges first before meeting Master Skywalker on the bridge?” Ahsoka suggested.

“My thoughts exactly Commander.” Big Bang nodded enthusiastically.

“Very well, if my memory serves me right, the main power generators are… this way.” Ahsoka turned to the other corridor and the clone demolitions expert followed her.

“You’re the boss.” He smiled.

Fifty destroyed battle droids later, Ahsoka and Big Bang were busily rigging their explosives on key points within the power generators, the pair mad sure that the bombs were perfectly hidden and that the remote signal receiver was in perfect working condition before leaving the chamber.

Five levels after, Ahsoka and Big Bang entered a vast empty chamber.

“What is this place?” Ahsoka frowned. The entire chamber could house twenty Corellian YT-1300s, the walls were smooth up to the ceiling and the floor matches that of the walls as well. If anything else, Ahsoka was reminded of an interior of an egg.

Straight ahead on the other side was another door and standing before it was a lone figure. The blastdoor behind them closed and Big Bang quickly worked to re-open it as Ahsoka ignited her emerald lightsaber.

“Well what do you know, you’re still alive. Having a teary eyed reunion with your smug brother?” Ahsoka taunted.

Savage Opress snarled and ignited his double-bladed weapon.

“After our return to Dathomir, we decided to retain our services to Lord Sidious. I must admit that we are both thankful for your Master for ridding us of Dooku and Ventress. As payment, I vowed to give his apprentice a clean honorable death. As is my brother is about to do with your beloved Master Skywalker.” Opress hissed.

“You should have stayed on Dathomir with your pretty little brother. At least there you were at home among your beastly kind.” Ahsoka slowly paced to her left, carefully measuring her opponent. They were too far apart but the confines of the vast room allowed their voices to reverberate clearly across the distance. Ahsoka felt lightheaded and she halted to steady herself.

“Notice it already?” Savage gave her a feral grin.

“Another one of your tricks?” Ahsoka frowned.

“No tricks Togruta. These alloys serve as a vacuum that prevents midi-Chlorians from interacting, an ingenious invention of our friends in high places. This is the only alloy there is in the galaxy. Here, the true test of swordsmanship lies.” Opress explained.

“Oh in that case, you’re in for a lesson.” Ahsoka shook her nausea off.

“I admire your false bravado young padawan, it will greatly amuse me to kill you.” the Zabrak menacingly moved towards her.

“Enough chit-chat let our blades do the talking then!” Ahsoka inhaled deeply and ran to meet her adversary.

“Die Jedi!” Savage Opress howled in glee as their lightsabers clashed in a shower of sparks.

Chapter 6: Eleven Blades

 “Skywalker.” Darth Maul hissed as the Jedi was shoved before him on the command bridge.

“Maul, I should have killed you when I had the chance.” Anakin growled.

“In due time.” Maul turned his back on him and activated a holo.

Anakin’s muscles tightened at what he saw. Ahsoka was in a fierce lightsaber duel with Savage Opress.

“Is this supposed to scare me?” Anakin sniggered at the Sith Lord in an attempt to cover his fear for Ahsoka.

“That chamber is made from a prototype alloy that generates a certain energy field that renders the basic functions of midi-Chlorians.” Maul purred like a predator, his back still turned.

“And now you’re trying to impress me?” Anakin mocked.

“Boy, if you utter another word you will not live to see how my brother will slay your pathetic excuse of a padawan.” Maul growled like an angry vornsk.

“Are you threatening m-” Anakin’s words were choked off of his lungs as Lord Maul turned around with his right hand clenched in a fist. The Jedi was violently thrown back hitting loudly on the closed blastdoor.

Anakin paled, he felt the oxygen leaving his head, his muscles straining from the pain and he couldn’t even concentrate enough to use the Force. He could feel his larynx constricting, he tried to resist but it only intensified the agony he was feeling.

He looked into the eyes of the Sith and saw in his orbs the soul of a savage brutal monster devoid of mercy.

“I have strict orders not to kill you Skywalker.” Maul hissed malevolently and released his grip on him. Anakin fell hard and coughed as air fought its way back into his lungs.

Maul menacingly strode towards him and looked down at the Jedi.

“But even my own master knows how much I relish disobedience. This is your final warning, shut up.” Maul gave a vicious kick on Anakin’s face. The Jedi tasted blood as some of his teeth were knocked off, his jaws ached and his nose broke.

“Get him up.” Maul ordered. Two Magna droids took him and unceremoniously lifted him up. Anakin was too dazed to react but he did bit back his retort and waited for the Sith to speak again.

Maul paused and turns to regard him. “Good boy. Now, I am ordered to relay a message, you are to be presented to General Grievous on Mayogil. I am to present to you a preview of what you must realize. As insurance to your attentiveness I have placed your padawan under the care of my brother. Since I am not one to talk too much, here is the recording of our late friend Lord Tyranus.” the Sith punched a command on a console and the holorecording of Count Dooku appeared beside the projected real-time holo of Ahsoka and Savage still locked in a deadly lightsaber battle.

“Anakin Skywalker, I would prefer to speak to you in person but my obligations to the Confederacy of Independent Systems have somewhat prevented me from engaging you in a civil conversation. If you are listening to this it means that you are on your way to meet our Master.”

Anakin felt sick, the nausea plus the implied message that he was about to meet Darth Sidious made him lightheaded.

“The Clone Wars is at an end. We have secured a series of events that would precipitate the destruction of your precious Republic and the ruination of your Order. Nothing would please me more than to have you on our side but your narrow principles in the ways of the Force compels me to chose only a few of you. The Clone production in Kamino has been compromised by now and that our Droid Army would be at its peak of production. Our forces have grown beyond yours and with three active Sith Lords and a number of Acolytes your downfall would only be a matter of scheduling.” Dooku ranted on.

“Back in Geonosis I have told your former Master Obi-Wan Kenobi that the Senate is being controlled by the Sith. The fact that none from the Order manages to discover the Sith proves just how much your so called Jedi’s power have been reduced to mere puppets of a warmonger Chancellor. Have I not publicly made my contempt heard when my former apprentice Qui-Gon was killed by a Sith? Have I not since then been vocal about the deteriorating stability of your doomed Republic?” Dooku continued. Maul gave a cold glare at Anakin at the mention of Qui-Gon.

“Knowing you Skywalker, by now all you wanted to say to an old man like me is to get to the point.” Dooku grinned.

Anakin spat blood at the holo.

“The Jedi has betrayed the Republic, not us. What is wrong in wanting a corrupt-free government? Look at your precious Chancellor, how long has he been in power? You saw what happened in Geonosis, out of two hundred Jedi only a handful made it out alive. Look at what this war have caused to the innocent, how many lives will be continued to be sacrificed just to keep our Chancellor in his seat of power? We are offering you a third door to this conflict Skywalker. If you value my wisdom as a former Jedi, I strongly suggest you take this door.” Count Dooku finished.

Anakin rubbed his jaw and looked at Maul before speaking, the Sith nodded.

“Nice speech but it remains empty. Nothing has been justified. I am quite sure Dooku doesn’t even know he’ll be dead by the time I see this recording.” Anakin used the Force to slowly heal his broken nose.

“Doesn’t matter. Lord Sidious will personally put some sense in your big head.” Maul shrugged and nodded at the Magna droids, “Have him cleaned and tell my brother to take her in the bridge, we are arriving in a few minutes.”

“Roger, roger.”

* * *

Ahsoka’s reflexes remained sharp but without the assistance of the Force her moves were awkward and almost fatally slower. Savage on the other hand was somehow more attuned and despite his aggressive and blunt fighting style, he has easily dominated the entire battle from the beginning. Ahsoka surmised that the Zabrak was trained for such situation.

Savage Opress moved surprisingly faster and his physical prowess was constantly complemented with powerful bone-jarring killer blows that Ahsoka is finding very difficult to defend against as their fighting progresses.

Ahsoka could only guess the moves of her opponent, and against such unpredictable swordsman, the task seems next to impossible but somehow the Torguta manages to block, parry or avoid near fatal strikes from the other.

She could now feel her muscles tiring from the relentless ferocity of the Zabrak, her multiple wounds further diminishing her strength and mobility. Savage just kept throwing and spinning and striking and doesn’t even show the slightest hint of exhaustion or strain.

Ahsoka soon realized the other was not there to kill her at all but to toy her. She wished Anakin was here to end this battle quickly.

Suddenly a blue light started blinking from the center of the ceiling, a faint beep played repeatedly and Savage Opress leaped back, closed his lightsaber and just stood there looking at her.

Ahsoka hesitantly shut her own weapon and clipped it on her belt. The door where Savage Opress has entered opened and a dozen Commando Droids marched in.

The Zabrak took something from the leading droid, approached her and snapped an electric binder on her wrists and took her lightsaber.

“My brother calls. Let’s join your master on the bridge.” Opress snarled.

 * * *

 “General Vos. General Secura.” General Grievous acknowledged them hoarsely in his mechanical voice.

“Qymaen jai Sheelal.” Vos narrowed his eyes.

“Sheelal is dead, Kiffex, and so shall you.” Grievous coughed angrily at the mention of his flesh name.

“I suggest you get on with killing us. We’re running on a tight schedule.” Vos said nonchalantly.

“Nothing would please me more, Quinlan Vos, than to have you and her lightsabers on my collection.” Grievous growled looming over the unflinching Kiffex.

“Ah I see but you can’t afford our weapons, I don’t think the Separatists are paying you enough for that. I’m sorry.” Vos smiled.

“Enough with your nonsense Jedi soon you will be joined by our guests.” the cyborg general dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

“General, the Malevolence II has arrived.” announced a droid crew.

“Prepare the shuttle, take the prisoners.” Grievous snapped.

 * * *

Jedi Masters Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura stood with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and padawan Ahsoka Tano at the so called Wizard’s Tower, the former chamber of Count Dooku. They were unbound but their lightsabers has been confiscated.

They gathered near the empty chair where just a few days ago sat Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin winced at the memory, seeing the eyes of Count Dooku staring at him accusingly before he cut his head off. Anakin felt as if it just happened just now. The Force-echo of the deceased Sith faintly lingers still in his old chamber.

Above the stairs by the entrance the group came in unescorted by their usual retinue of Magna droids. Darth Maul, General Grievous and Savage Opress.

Anakin was about to give a sharp rebuke when a holographic image appeared before the three above, it was a life-size projection of a cloaked figure.

“Darth Sidious.” Vos growled in recognition. Among the Jedi that gathered with him, he was the only one who encountered the Sith Lord before. Oddly, the Kiffex could not recall the face of the Dark Lord of the Sith.

“I am making this offer only once. Let us end this war, surrender to us and swear your allegiance and together we will heal the galaxy from the deadly wounds of this conflict. Aid us in establishing a stronger governing body and dismantle the restrictive Jedi Order. Join us and restore true peace.” Sidious said gravely.

“And if we don’t?” Anakin crossed his arms.

“Then more innocent lives will be swept by this war and this time the blame falls on your shoulders, you who has given the chance to end this and has declined out of pride and warmonger.” Darth Sidious answered.

“Why put the blame on us when it was you who will make the killing?” Ahsoka retorted.

“If we stop then your rotten Republic and your tyrannical Order will continue with their ineptitude and disregard to check and order. The corrupt will flourish and sooner or later you will go down on this sinking path.” Sidious explained.

“That will only happen when the Sith is in power.” Aayla shook her head.

“Master Vos, you wouldn’t let Khaleen Hentz to raise your son alone under a decaying Republic would you?” Sidious retorted.

“You touch her and I’ll kill you!” Vos shouted in rage. Aayla held him back.

“Master, this is what he wants, to lure you down to darkness.” Aayla warned him.

Vos forced to calm himself.

“The same goes with you Skywalker, this war is already taking its toll on your wife and in her delicate situation such stress will be very unhealthy for her and your unborn child.” Sidious turn his hooded face on the Anakin.

“How did you even know that?” Anakin growled in anger.

Ahsoka gasped.

Quinlan and Aayla only closed their eyes.

“There is no secret a mere Jedi can hide from a Dark Lord of the Sith.” Darth Sidious snarled.

“Vos, Skywalker, you know what the Order will do to you once they learned of Khaleen and Padme. The Order is a blasphemous cult of the Force basking in the pretense of nobility. How could they deny their greatest Jedi of such inherit right and yet allow others like your Cerean Jedi who has many wives. Is this what you call balance? The Sith does not restrict you with such innate passion. The Sith are free of the shackles of pretentious codes of false honor.” Sidious explained.

“Utter her name once more and I shall shove your lies in your dying mouth.” Quinlan Vos exclaimed.

“I doubt that, you can’t even sense me if I stand beside you uncloaked.” Sidious burst into a demonic cackling.

Anakin raised his hands towards Grievous and their four lightsabers comes flying off of the cyborg’s belt and into the hands of the Jedi.

The image of Darth Sidious faded with his evil laugh.

Darth Maul ignited his twin crimson lightsaber.

Savage Opress lit his own.

General Grievous removed his cloak, split his arms in four and took the remaining lightsabers and ignited it as well, one in mechanical arms.

“This time you will die, and I will make you suffer!” Grievous leaped along with the Zabrak brothers.

Anakin clashed with Darth Maul as Grievous engaged Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura.

“It’s payback time.” Ahsoka grinned and collided with Savage Opress.

Chapter 7: Plots and Pleads

 Senator Padme Amidala was walking back and forth at her platform waiting for her turn to address the senate. Standing by the platform’s entrance was her head of security Captain Gregar Typho. Seated were her handmaidens Motee and Sabe, across them was Representative Jar-jar Binks and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who has consulted and allowed by the council to protect the senator for the time being.

Jedi Master Mace Windu personally handled the interrogation of the captured bounty hunters. Kenobi was restless as Padme but for a different reason. There was this nagging sense in the Force that he could not name since the abduction of the senator took place. Somehow Kenobi strongly believed that the abduction itself was just a ruse and something worse is yet to unfold. Master Yoda agreed that he too felt something in the Force and has discreetly sent another Jedi to guard her and whoever that was Kenobi has no idea because the second Jedi bodyguard was given strict order to stay invisible even to Obi-Wan.

Padme and Kenobi both looked up as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine demanded silence and spoke loudly.

“And now for the next agenda, Senator Amidala of Naboo will now speak before us.” Palpatine nodded at her. Typho steered their platform off the rack and towards the central spire. Probe droids hovered around them like flies recording and retransmitting her image to HoloNet Live and amplifying her voice for the entire senate’s benefit.

“I have grave news Your Excellency. Earlier a bounty hunter named Aurra Sing got passed the supposed to be heavy security of 500 Republica and single handedly killed my guards and abducted me. Master Kenobi here gave chase and encountered more than one bounty hunter in ambush. The one called Aurra Sing has been slain and the rest captured. Your Excellency, Honorable members of the Senate, I believe there is a traitor among our midst.” Padme announced firmly.

“As much as I am disturbed by this incident and relieved that you are safe, I must say that what you are implying is a very serious accusation. I suggest you remain objective of this until a full report from Coruscant Police is filed.” Palpatine gave Padme a sad slightly disappointing look.

Kenobi looked around as several delegates move their platforms to engage Padme into elaborating her accusations and give names to her suspicions.

“I agree with Senator Amidala, this matter should be look into closely, the one hundred mega block radius around Senate District is supposed to be a no fly zone for non-senate employees and employers, the intruder should have been intercepted in the borders!” Senator Fang Zar shouted over the increasing noise of arguing senators.

“Senator Amidala, would you like for the senate to delegate an oversight committee to review this flaw on the part of Coruscant Police?” Palpatine asked her as Mas Amedda shouted silence at the others.

“For formalities sake I should ask for such but as you can see this matter will not stop and wait for this long bureaucratic process to begin at all. I prefer that the Jedi Council should handle this issue.” Padme shook her head.

“The idea has merit senator, but considering that we are at war, I am not sure if the Jedi could even spare a padawan for such matter.” Palpatine said but Padme gave him a sharp reprimanding look, “But then again, I see Master Kenobi with you, perhaps he can have a say in this?” he regarded the Stewjon Jedi.

Oh no, not me. Obi-Wan winced but there was no backing now. He stood up as Senator Amidala stands aside to let him take the floor.

This is the first time that Obi-Wan will address the senate as a whole, despite his Jedi training and battle hardened experience he felt like a padawan once again facing the Jedi Council.

“The bounty hunters involved were known associates of the Confederacy, most of who have had direct dealings with the late Count Dooku himself. The council has task me to protect the senator until this matter is settled or I am required to be offworld once more. I’m afraid I could not leave the senator in my sight therefore I could not undertake such investigation.” Kenobi said.

“As a member of the Council, do you think you could look into the senator’s request?” Palpatine eyed Kenobi.

“I am to meet Masters Yoda and Windu after this session, yes I can.” Kenobi nodded.

“Very well, does this settle it then?” the chancellor regarded Padme with a silent plead.

“Yes, as much as can be expected. I will return the moment we have a solid lead.” Padme sighed.

“Good, good.” Palpatine folded his arm under his robe and smiled wanly at her.

Typho flew their platform back to their slot.

“Messa no like this. Messa bombad feelin about this.” Jar-jar moaned.

“Master Jedi, do you think the council can spare another to investigate this?” Padme asked earnestly.

“I should believe so senator. What happened earlier was not a simple abduction and I can feel that something larger is behind this failed plot.” Kenobi explained.

“It could be just a diversion, or a fulcrum.” Typho mused.

“A very good notion indeed captain. We know the Viceroy is involved in this and the Sith could very well be, remember there’s still two out there. With Anakin and Master Vos out to hunt General Grievous and that Maul, who knows where they could be right this very moment.” Kenobi said.

“If the Sith is here in the capital, shouldn’t the Jedi be detecting his presence or something?” Padme frowned.

“With the war raging across the galaxy, the presence of the dark side had spread virally everywhere resulting in clouding our senses. Even here I could feel the dark side lurking like an elusive wasp, felt but unseen.” Obi-Wan sighed.

“Master Kenobi, will you be requiring us to accompany you on your meeting with Masters Yoda and Windu?” Padme inquired.

“Yes senator, Master Windu may have news about his interrogation on the captives. They’ll be landing on the senate hangar anytime now so we might as well start to get moving.” Kenobi glanced at his chronometer.

“Let us go then.” Padme and Kenobi stood up. Typho took the lead followed by Jar-jar. Motee and Sabe flanked her on each side as Obi-Wan took the rear.

As they were about to enter the nearest turbolift a cloaked figure darted into the next lift. Obi-Wan saw her and recognized her but said nothing to anyone.

Deep inside, he was shocked to the core. He saw her died on Azure.

Stang! This will definitely complicate things.

Obi-Wan thought as he felt the buried pain starting to resurface again. He took a deep breath and call onto the Force to relax himself. He must remain sharp because danger still lurks nearby concerning Senator Amidala.

Meanwhile as they left the senate chamber, Senator Voon-Ze-Karr of Alinam XIII presented the chancellor a datachip that the senator claims to contain an unveiled plot that would shock the Galactic Senate and the Republic itself.

“You must be mistaken.” Palpatine frowned as he reads the data given by Voon-Ze-Karr.

“That data is incontrovertible. The late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas placed the order of the clone army ten years before the Clone Wars began.” The senator said.

“Master Sifo-Dyas was one of the most respected in the Council during his time.” Senator Mon Mothma expressed.

“Some Jedi are known to see visions of the future, perhaps he saw a war coming and decided to act in preparation…” Fang Zar commented.

“Isn’t it obvious enough, the details are there, the action of Master Sifo-Dyas was sanctioned by Masters Yoda and Dooku. Sifo-Dyas mysteriously died, Dooku left the Order and founded the Separatists, and the rest of the Council has announced the return of the Sith which was supposed to be extinct for a millennia? Read between the lines Chancellor, the Jedi plotted all of this!” Voon-Ze-Karr growled.

“The Sith has returned, the Jed has confirmed it.” Palpatine countered.

“Choose your words carefully Senator. Master Yoda is a very noble Jedi.” Garm Bel Iblis hissed.

“But has any non-Jedi can confirm that the Sith is back? No. We only have the word of Master Kenobi and the boy Skywalker who is now also a Jedi about the Sith involvement on Naboo more than a decade ago. We only have the word of Master Yoda and once again, Master Kenobi and the Jedi Skywalker about Dooku being a Sith during the Battle of Geonosis. Those are not Sith, they were Jedi, Dark Jedi, another term for their rogues.” Voon-Ze-Karr retorted.

“If you are so sure about this accusation then answer me, why are the Jedi fighting this war, losing their men in battles, sacrificing their lives, if they are the real instigator of this?” Bail Organa asked.

“Destabilization and chaos, it’s that simple. The Republic’s stability and resources are weakening day by day because of this war. They cannot rule us by direct force, the Chancellor can still resist them and he has the favor of our people. The Jedi will not risk such direct rebellion. They are working against us in secret, how many of you witnessed the funeral of those supposed to be Jedi heroes of this war? Only the Jedi and the Clones have seen their so called ‘deaths’ in the battlefield. I’m telling you, there were no dead Jedi. They are all alive, biding their time for a full revolt. These Clones are their pawns.” Voon-Ze-Karr insisted.

“This is nonsense. I will not have any more of this.” Garm Bel Iblis shook his head.

“Senator Voon-Ze-Karr, your claim is very dangerous, it will sow dissent among us, we are burdened enough in this war as it is. I suggest you prepare a full report on this allegation and then meet me in private at my office tonight. Senator Bel Iblis, establish a committee for this and join us tonight for discussion. I cannot allow this kind of talk here unless we have reviewed and confirmed everything.” Palpatine declared then turn to Mas Amedda.

“Cut the live feed and contact HoloNet, I don’t want this to further destabilize our government.” he said.

As the senators, aides and security officers leave the chamber Garm Bel Iblis and Fang Zar joined Bail Organa and Mon Mothma and headed for Senator Amidala’s office.

“I want a thorough background report on Senator Voon-Ze-Karr and all of his known associates.” Bel Iblis whispered to his aide.

“Yes sir.” the aide left as the group was received by Padme’s guard into her office.

At the senate landing bay, Senator Amidala, Master Kenobi, Captain Typho, Representative Binks, Motee and Sabe stood at the open ground as two ships landed before them. One was a Naboo Velvet Cruiser and the other was a Command Gunship.

From the cruiser a retinue of Naboo Security Officers marched down followed by Queen Apailana, her handmaidens and Captain Panaka while Jedi Master Windu and Master Yoda came out from the gunship flanked by their Clone trooper escorts.

Senator Amidala went to greet the Queen as they were joined by the two Jedi masters.

“Your Highness this is an unexpected visit. Welcome to the Capital.” Padme bowed.

“I needed to speak with the Chancellor in person, and also, I have someone here who ‘hitched’ a ride and wanted to see you.” The beautiful queen stood aside as one of the handmaiden steps forward and pulled down her hood.

“Aluva!” Padme cried in surprised and embraced her former bodyguard.

“Senator, it’s been more than a decade now!” she returned the embrace.

“Senator, I will leave you here for now.” Apailana said and went inside the Senate building with Panaka and the others.

“Senator Amidala.” Mace Windu bowed.

“Did they talk?” she asked.

“Resisted they have, but discovered something we did.” Yoda answered.

“I will make this quick, Master Yoda has to leave for Kashyyyk and we got a call from Captain Ozzel, heavy Separatist fleet massing up on Mayogil.” Mace Windu said.

“Any word from Anakin?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Nothing yet.” Windu shook his head, “The Fett kid aren’t talking but I got Cad Bane slip. Separatist leaders are about to meet with Grievous on Stewjon.”

Kenobi gasped.

“To Stewjon you must go.” Yoda said.

“What of the senator?” Kenobi looked at Padme.

“It won’t take place till next week.” Mace assured him.

“Obi-Wan,” Mace placed an arm around Kenobi and walked him away from Padme’s earshot. “The Chancellor has left word to send Skywalker to his office the moment he returns. The council is disturbed with the chancellor’s behavior since this war started, especially this relationship he’s building around your former apprentice. I sense a shatterpoint between them. We need to have eyes and ears on Palpatine’s activities. Skywalker is the only one we got on him.”

“Master…” Kenobi saw the seriousness in the Korun’s eyes.

“The council wants you to tell Skywalker to keep a watchful eye on the chancellor.” Windu said.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes and thought of Anakin, he took a deep breath and looked back at Padme who was speaking with Master Yoda. He met Mace Windu’s unblinking glare.

“Yes Master.” Kenobi nodded, deep inside he felt he just betrayed his friend.

Masters Yoda and Windu left, Padme and the rest started their way back to her office.

“So Aluva, what made you come back?” Padme asked.

“Senator, Emberlene is being ravaged by General Grievous’ forces. The Republic is hard pressed to defend our sector. Most of us have already fled, bringing the war away from our world as much as possible. I was supposed to sabotage CIS operations in the Corporate Sector but I decided I can do more on Chommell where I am more familiar.” Aluva explained.

“When you almost died protecting me from Gantu, I thought you won’t make it.” Padme said remembering the incident prior to the invasion of Naboo years ago.

“It was my job Senator and you are my friend.” Aluva smiled.

“Senator, the Delegation is waiting for you.” the officer said to Padme as he opens the door’s office for her.

“Thank you Hain.” Padme entered and was greeted by Mon Mothma and the rest of her senator friends.

Obi-Wan was the last and about to go inside when suddenly he was grabbed from behind and was pulled on the side corridor.

“Siri!” Kenobi gasped but his words were drowned out as he felt his warm breath and soft lips on his. Kenobi momentarily loosened and allowed his buried longing for her take over his senses but it was for only a few seconds and he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away.

“What in blazes do you think you’re doing?” Obi-Wan snapped at her.

“I almost died Obi-Wan. In fact, I did die for a few precious minutes but I was revived, I don’t know how, I don’t know why… I don’t even care. Back there you were the last person in my mind, my thoughts floated on the what-could-have-been, us together, away from all of this. I left and let everyone believe I’m gone. I went as far as I could from my old life, from the Republic, from the Order, from you.” Siri was crying.

“But you’re here.” was all Obi-Wan manage to say, he was still shocked to see her alive in front of him, he was still stunned at the lingering touch of her kiss.

“I returned because I could not bear it anymore, I could not imagine living this second life I have without you. I returned to Order only to see you, and get you out of here.” Siri cried.

“I… I can’t…” Kenobi stammered.

“I know. That’s why I wanted this war to end more than ever, to have a chance to be with you even if I can’t be with you. I can’t breathe without your presence. I love you.” Siri Tachi exclaimed.

“I love you too Siri, but what you’re asking will only be our undoing.” Obi-Wan said.

“In time Ben, you will see things my way. I will be patient.” Siri relaxed and wiped her tears with her sleeves.

Obi-Wan mildly chuckled.

“What?” Siri crossed her arms.

“You’re the only one in the galaxy who calls me Ben. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in long time, a long time.” Obi-Wan smiled and took Siri in a warm embrace.

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  1. Make your thoughts on this heard! Positive and negative feedback are welcome! (Just don’t use offensive words, there are kids here)

    Comment by markajcristobal | January 21, 2012 | Reply

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