
MCCM and Duneglider Books presents:



a fan fiction by Mark A. J. Cristobal

 Prologue: Compounded Threat

 In the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War and the Battle of Hogwarts, the Order of the Phoenix had their hands full on making restoration spells for the damaged millennia old castle and the Ministry for Magic’s attention caught by aiding the victims of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters while the Aurors of Azkaban were out hunting down what was left of the followers of the fallen Lord Voldemort. This left Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and their friends to privately mourn for the losses of friends and family. With Remus Lupin and Sirius Black also gone, Harry was at a loss on whom to turn to. It was the half giant Rubeus Hagrid that came to his side one night at the porch of the Weasley residence.

Hagrid informed him that Professor Minerva McGonagall has been inaugurated as the new Headmistress of Hogwarts. Harry was glad of the news but his grief still fresh left him nothing to cheer about except for the end of the war and their survival.

The two were staring at the starry night sky in silence when Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnegan apparated at the lawn some ten meters before them. Ron, Hermione and Ginny were out running outside by the time the two visitors reach the porch and shook hands with Harry and Hagrid.

The stricken pale look on their faces was enough to convey the gravity of their news if not its nature. Ron led them all inside where his parents Arthur and Molly awaits with George, Bill, Charlie and Percy.

Hermione’s parents were poisoned by enchanted liquor slipped in their wine glass last night by one of the Death Eaters who escaped from the hunt of the Aurors. Hermione froze in shock and terror. Ron and Harry were quickly at her side helping her sit while Ginny gave her a glass of water. Arthur asked the two if the Death Eater was identified and the two exchanged glances before Seamus gave the answer. It was Walden Macnair.

It was Professor Horace Slughorn who provided them the list of ingredients required to create the cure for the poison and it was Professor Sybil Trelawney who traced the whereabouts of the guilty Death Eater. Harry and his friends convened what to do since they just learned that the only ingredient left out of their hands was the blood of a rare Silver Dragon. Professor Flitwick and Firenze quickly headed for the Restricted Section of the Library and returned with a thick old dusty book. The centaur flips the pages carefully until his eyes rested on his quarry.

It was called Mount Myōboku, the final resting place of the Shirubādoragon or the Silver Dragon. Unfortunately, like the Wizarding World, it exists on a different Earthen Plane. The group went out searching first who could help them get to that plane. After a week of searching, it was Aberforth Dumbledore who finally provided them the means to travel to that region. Bearing a copy of the map; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville and Seamus accompanied by Madame Hooch they passed through the portal conjured by Aberforth.

 Chapter 1: The Seven Ward

Tsunade shook her head in exasperation. Naruto and Sasuke were on their usual heated argument again about something the Fifth Hokage no longer cares to recall. Sakura, still in her Fourth Shinobi War suit sat patiently besides the blushing Kakashi.

“Uzumaki! Uchiha! Stop it or I swear to all my predecessors that I shall exile you both in the Taboo-ichi Realm forever!” Tsunade shouted angrily.

Naruto and Sasuke subsided albeit reluctantly and sat afar from each other, the former sitting at the left side of Kakashi while the latter taking his position at the right side of Sakura.

“Good. Ah, the others have arrived at last.” Tsunade nodded for the newcomers to enter and take their seats at the floor along with Kakashi.

Neji Hyūga, Hinata Hyūga and Shikamaru Nara gave a silent nod of greeting to the first four before focusing their attention to their Hokage.

“Oracle had a terrible vision that the last living Shirubādoragons are in great peril. Witches and Wizards from another world are out for their blood. It must not be. I have spoken with much deliberation with our allies and they could not at the moment spare their people to protect the Silver Dragons.” Kakashi raised his hand hesitantly and Tsunade gave him a curt nod to speak up.

“Shirubādoragons are unpredictable nasty beasts of fire and rage. They have, in long almost forgotten past, been our most dreaded enemies. Why then must we risk the lives of our best shinobis just to protect these monsters?” Kakashi said.

“That is a sound concern Kakashi for that too has been one of the causes of much debate among our allied leaders the other day. But the Oracles perceive that the extinction of the Shirubādoragons will upset the planes and might unleash even more terrible and unstoppable beasts from other dimensions. Creatures even our great ancestors tremble in fear.” Tsunade explains.

“You said there were seven of them…” Naruto blurted out and started counting heads in the room. “You can’t be serious about sending each of us to protect each of THOSE!?”

Kakashi hits Naruto on the back of his head and rolled his eyes, “Ah at least you still remember how to count.”

Naruto scowled but said nothing, at least not audible enough for his mentor to hear. Sakura shook her head; Hinata merely gave an imperceptible glance at Naruto while Neji, Shikamaru and Sasuke exchange worried glances.

“Something is troubling you three. Speak up while your mission is not yet sealed.” Tsunade acknowledges the three shinobi.

It was Shikamaru who spoke first, “The Akatsuki, they are still out there. They can still strike us in our most vulnerable moment…”

“With us each posted on isolated regions alone, what if those intruders you mention attack us in numbers?” Neji added.

“We have not completely recuperated from the recent war. We might be overwhelmed. And as Neji also points out, we would be alone and days from possible aid.” Sasuke stated grimly.

“Leave those scums to our hands. Focus on your mission.” Tsunade shrugs off their concerns.

Kakashi bowed in obeisance as did Sakura and Hinata. Naruto threw a questioning look at the other three and after meeting each other’s eyes the rest of them bowed as well.

“Very well,” Tsunade let out a sigh of relief, “take these scrolls, each of you. These are the maps of the location of the Shirubādoragons. Be vigilant, these new enemies may arrive any time. Should extreme need arises, use the flares attached in the maps. There will be watchers to make haste to your aid.”

Kakashi expressed Naruto’s mutterings aloud, “Who are the watchers?”

Tsunade gave a feral grin; she was expecting such inquiry from no less than Naruto, “Rock Lee, Kiba Inuzuka, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Deidara, Kurenai Yuhi and Haku. Seven Watchers each for the Seven Protectors.” She gave a slight pause then raised an eyebrow at Naruto’s squirming look, “Anything else?”

Kakashi scratched his head and pinches Naruto’s left ear as he drags him out of the Hokage’s office, “Uh no, nothing, we shall take our leave now.” Naruto kept struggling until Sasuke slides her door shut and the grumbling of Naruto was muffled.

Kakashi dumped Naruto on the ground near Sasuke and Hinata and proceeded on distributing the maps and flares and began studying his own map. Neji sat beside Shikamaru and the two began discussing contingencies, occasionally pointing at certain sections in their maps.

Sakura showed hers to Sasuke and the two also fell into a serious discussion. Kakashi was lost in his own thoughts leaving Naruto mumbling to himself and Hinata standing beside him watching in silence.

“I supposed you wanted to study your map too?” Naruto said finally taking notice of Hinata.

“I think you’re hungry. Let’s go to Tenten’s, she has prepared meals for all seven of us.”

Naruto shots up like a bullet and started pulling Hinata towards the hut of Tenten, “Hurry, we’re wasting time!”

Sakura motioned for the rest to follow.

“Oh how I wish I was included at least among the Watchers.” Tenten was saying to no one in particular as the Seven Wards of the Shirubādoragons devour everything that she has served.

Hinata smiled at her friend and gave a reassuring pat, if not patronizing, “Be that as it may, Tenten, this mission may be boring compare to the recent war.”

“Wizards and witches? Bleh! Nothing a true shinobi can handle.” Naruto exclaimed between bites and sips.

“Don’t be so sure Naruto.” Kakashi intoned, “These unknown enemies are said to have come from a different plane, I just hope that they are not immune to our chakras.”

“I wonder what they would be like.” Sakura mused.

“Most like as ugly as Naruto.” Sasuke chuckled.

Naruto practically puffed fire through his nose at Sasuke’s direction but said nothing and kept his attention to his meal.

“It will be a three days journey by running and leaping.” Kakashi interrupts, eyeing each and every one of them seriously.

“Nothing new there.” Naruto snorts dismissively.

“Through Akatsuki controlled territory.” Kakashi finished.

“They are simply scattered licking their wounds, what was left of them at least.” Neji said.

“Hai! They may be most likely too spent to notice seven ninja traveling at top speed.” Shikamaru cracks his knuckles.

“Never underestimate your enemies. I thought you have all learned that by now the hard way. There are reports that despite the defeat of Obito, Tobi and Zetsu and the others there a number of unknown shinobi wondering about the battleground and as far and deep as Mount Myōboku.” Kakashi informs them.

“Unknown shinobi?” Neji, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Naruto, Sakura and Hinata all gasps in unison.

“Three at least has been seen but not recognized. None of the Kage has seen them before.” Kakashi said in deep thought.

“Are they after the Tailed Beasts?” Sasuke clenches his hands into fists. Sakura instinctively reached out to touch his arm.

“We don’t know. But know this, none of the scouts we’ve sent to approached them has returned or answered to our recall.” Kakashi warned.

“Killed!” Naruto blurts out worriedly.

“As I’ve said, we don’t know for sure but that is a high yet grave possibility. We must be cautious in our journey tomorrow morning.” Kakashi stood up and stretches his arms and back while letting out a long infectious yawn.

“Tomorrow morning!” Naruto frowned.

“By all means Naruto take your time. I’m sure you can catch up.” Sasuke grins.

“You bet I could!” Naruto growled.

“Save it Naruto. Let’s all go to sleep.” Shikamaru laughed at slaps him at the back.

Neji passed by Naruto with a curt nod with Hinata trailing along who looked back at Naruto and smiled before they disappeared into the woods.

“But… but it’s still too early!” Naruto complained.

“Good. You take the first watch.” Kakashi winked and leaped up into a sturdy beam in a tree.

Sakura and Sasuke were the only ones left beside Naruto and the latter appraised the two suspiciously, “If you two are planning to pin me into a sleep hold, forget it…”

“We’re not sleepy too.” Sakura said.

“If the reports are true about the three unknown shinobi then traveling through that region in a group will be fatal for all of us. We must clear the way for the others.” Sasuke hissed.

“Am I thinking what I think you’re thinking?” Naruto eyed his friend closely.

“Naruto if you actually do that then you’ve finally managed to develop a brain.” Sakura muttered.

“Har har har.” Naruto mumbled.

“We’ll go ahead. We have the map. Let’s clear the path for our team, three against three.” Sasuke announced in finality.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Naruto leaped excitedly but Sasuke and Sakura caught him in mid-jump and covered his mouth with their hands.

“Shut up Naruto! You’ll wake Kakashi and the others.” Sakura grits her teeth.

“They must not learn of our plan. Not at least we’ve gone far enough to be stopped or followed.” Sasuke explains. Naruto nodded, suddenly growing serious.

“We must go now while we can.” Sakura urges the two.

“Alright, let’s go then.” Sasuke nodded and leaps up into the trees ahead. Naruto and Sakura came after closely behind him.

“The encampment of the Alliance is by the edge of the river just below the ridge.” Sasuke was saying through the loud nocturnal sounds of the forest.

“Across the hill lies barren wasteland where the Tailed Beasts have marched.” Sakura added.

“And after that the forest where the three unknown shinobi are spotted,” Naruto finished.

“Correct. We must split upon reaching the river. I’ll take the western slopes.” Sasuke stated.

“I’ll go east then.” Sakura nodded.

“I’ll go straight ahead. Draw their attention at least.” Naruto smiled.

“Hook…” Sasuke grinned.

“Line…” Sakura chuckled.

“…and Sinker!” Naruto cheered.

As the trio darts passed the borders of their village two shadows drops down from a tree far behind the fading shinobis.

“They are either brave or foolish,” the large male said.

“That’s why we’re here. To ensure the former and prevent the former,” the lithe female snorts.

September 19, 2017 - Posted by | Stories

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